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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. ooooooh yeah, just picked up some bangin' choons bro BBQ later, I n I be spinnin' on the 1's n 2's ya get me?
  2. aye It ain't happening, now we just have to work out how to keep everyone happy with that fact.
  3. that's pretty bloody close actually look at the conk on that! as I believe I overheard someone say recently
  4. I don't think there's a strict dress code for lapsed crypto methodists, but you could be on to something.
  5. actually, on the subject of schools my eldest is in 6th form and they've just decided to have a whole change of uniform, a rebranding gone are the comp ethics of wearing black hoodies and sweaters with school logos, we are having a real change to shirts / ties / blazers and a change of colour to blue with gold piping I've just received a letter basically saying the uniform change is 'mandatory', orders should be placed over the summer, new kit will be available 'from November'. Now, by November my nipper will have 7 months left in school and this uniform change is going to cost us around £150. I can feel a full and frank exchange of views being required.
  6. It's at times like pointless graduation ceremonies or PTA cake sales that I'm actually glad I'm not allowed within 200 metres of any school.
  7. You make an interesting point there, should Labour choose the path of electoral oblivion that may give the Lib Dems a route back to relevance with the moderate left. because we all know we can trust the Liberals...
  8. I currently have a bit of an obsession with this particular track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY1RYTbpCqo Mungo's HiFi though, very lovely, picked up a couple of 7" singles but they are next on my album hit list.
  9. Yeah and I've just got a new CD of Trojan Dub that's sounding good so far. Once my bestest mate and life partner has left for book club I shall nip out and retrieve it from the car and name check it!
  10. roadies can be fun too! I struck up a very good relationship with a roadie back in the day when I worked night shift at a hotel. Simply supplying copious amounts of biscuits and sandwiches got me a £50* tip, a pile of tee shirts AND the cassette out of their ghetto blaster. *That's £50 back in about 1982!!! Pulled a donkey choker out of his pocket and peeled off tenner after tenner. I really don't think I'd ever seen so much money.
  11. something akin to SNP and Plaid but without the nuisance nationalist bits I get a choice at least. A choice between a faux Labour Party or Plaid that have some good ideas spoiled by flag waving and chippy shoulders.
  12. On the plus side, this just could be heading for a draw? Bit early to call that I know.
  13. I suspect the Labour party must be close to another SDP style schism. There are a good many torylites in the Labour party that wouldn't be able to stomach any sort of socialist tainting of their brand. Equally, I personally can't imagine voting Labour ever again whilst it's run as a moderate arm of the tory party. Which means I'm more inclined towards Corbyn (without actually having studied what he's about). But Corbyn won't be winning them an election in 5 years time, I doubt he'd even manage to keep the party together with his crazy dangerous ideas on equality and fairness. They appear to me to be utterly lost at sea, knowing they shouldn't really swim after the tory yacht but having lost sight of their labour lifeboat.
  14. How can he be sacked or even reprimanded about commenting about Rachel Riley on a train. Unless he works in the same company as Rachel, or works for a train company. I believe Mr Steps is some sort of shunter.
  15. I am also a fire warden, do you know the secret handshake yet?
  16. hmmm, early days, early days. ah! here we go....
  17. chrisp65


    I'm not sure that's a fair assessment. OK we don't contribute as much as others or loan out so much money to others. But then, we've said all along it's a bad project with potentially bad consequences. Germany, on the other hand, have been a driving force in getting this club going, pretending not to notice that some people joining the club had blatantly lied on the application form. The drive for membership of their club was more important than the quality of the applicants. If I was setting up a private members drinking club, in the short term allowing known piss heads to join and run up a tab might look clever. But there has to be a reckoning day. Do you blame the drunk when a few years in to 'cheap' booze on the slate they mention they can't pay? Now, a club we didn't want to join as it looked like trouble, is in serious trouble. I think we've been remarkably restrained on the smug front.
  18. in the old Siralex days I would have believed that United were only showing interest to make sure Liverpool had to spend all the money and not somehow get a compromise price... dark arts
  19. Didn't it get mentioned when he came here that he loves black arm bands, commemorative silences, 1 minute applause for anniversaries of anything and sporadic singing when winning? It's not all about winning stuff.
  20. this slow process and lack of a final resolution here isn't helping Stefan though I suspect poor Stef will be turned away again today, as the 'new desk' still hasn't been cleared
  21. I've done Lent before just to see if I could. It was tough. Serious? But is Lent like ramadan and a maternity ward where you just have to wait until its dark?
  22. sometimes, my entire commute
  23. I've had a dabble, but I think dAVe80 is your man for some fairly obscure reggae...
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