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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I suspected he was a made up blond dutch lego fiddler but then in one thread he mentioned he had a father.....
  2. I've even been and bought a Che Guevara type hat, a kind of big satchel thing and a tee shirt with Vintage Hi Fi written on it, just so people know exactly what they're dealing with.... I might get flip flops tomorrow.
  3. this... on this... sounds much better than I expected! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLhP7kpnZR0
  4. I'm going to ring your office now and say you never showed for our appointment and spark a mass police hunt for you can you ask them to leave the T20 cricket tickets for this evening in the usual hiding place - in case I'm found alive Glamorgan vs Gloucester with complimentary fish n chips!
  5. I'm in the lucky position where on a dull day in the office I can simply pick up my phone and shout into it: "what's that? you need a survey done and you need it now? well that's darned inconvenient ..... ok ok, I'll do it, I'm leaving now" ha ha ha, of course, ha ha ha, there's nobody on the other end! I'm home now.
  6. Is Darlington the right town though? It's quite cold up there.
  7. There are people working in my office that are significantly closer to celery than monkeys, never mind actual fully functioning human beans.
  8. it'll need a walk on cameo role for....Stephen Porking I say walk on...
  9. from what I heard, he said he was injured, got stretchered off then jumped up and said he was ok jogged back on, said he was staying, then jumped back on the stretcher, tossing the v's at the St John's Ambulance guys all this time he was laughing and shaking small denomination banknotes out of his shorts
  10. Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2, New Horizons and 93 years of BBC Broadcasting etc., suggests any attempt to stay quiet and hide from space monsters may not have been fully co-ordinated.
  11. As the voters in question will be Labour Party and Trade Union members, that seems a bit harsh. Although the Daily Telegraph is urging its readership to take up the offer of a £3 association fee to get a vote in the Labour leadership - and vote Corbyn in.
  12. I rather hastily opened my Greggs low fat greek style yoghurt. Obviously, this caused a considerable amount of yoghurt spatter to fling itself up my arm. Of course, everyone else walks back in the room as I'm licking yoghurt of my wrist. Hilarious bunch of ****
  13. I thought Margaret Beckett's comments yesterday were typically appalling and comical. In order to give some breadth of debate and appease any actual socialists lurking in the Labour Party she signed up for Corbyn's nomination. She felt it would be good to stimulate an inclusive and broad debate. However, at no point had she considered he might actually look like a credible alternative or shine a light into the empty vessels standing along side him. She now regrets having nominated him and wants to make it clear that whilst she nominated him, she doesn't endorse him and won't be voting for him. Moron
  14. I was attempting to be 'measured'. I've seen it from both sides here in this office. People have been sacked on some fairly spurious reasons and not had the gumption to challenge it, but equally, we've had a larger number that were sacked because they were genuinely incompetent or nuts and they've put in claims so we've taken the view, chuck them an extra grand rather than pay legal fees and get tied up in non fee earning hours.
  15. it might be worth remembering at this point that to take a company 'to court' you should first go through ACAS, if the greivance still stands then an individual can go to employment tribunal recently changes by government mean there is now a fee for this, in order to stop vexatious claims to lodge an official complaint and start the process now costs £250 to take the claim to a hearing costs a further £950 so, any serious claim and attempt to gain compensation, requires the individual to take a £1,200 punt on the outcome
  16. yeah, for some reason my first thought was 'Hawkwind' you could properly scare yourself at that gig
  17. As everyone keeps warning the Labour Party, you can stick to your principles, or you can seek to be in power. Which side are you on? Yvette Cooper was on Radio 4 earlier having a light mauling from John Humphrys. Well, either that, or they were just having a script read through for the Thick Of It. 'You have to have a direction, people need to know where you want to take them' 'Exactly John, that is why its so important we get this right' 'So which direction, left, or right?' 'I want us to grow' 'That's not an answer, where do you want to take the party?' 'I want to take the people with us, this is very important' Well, you get the picture. We are all being warned not to go with Corbyn. The alternative appears to be people that want to be Blairlite but are too small time to actually say anything. I'm not suggesting Corbyn is the answer. I'm suggesting he's totally flushed out the other 3 no marks as clearly not being the answer to anything. The other 3 don't even understand what the question might be and wouldn't dare answer it until after some secret polling and reading the papers for a few days and waiting for the tory answer so they could pinch 75% of the words but then throw in something bland about poverty.
  18. ha! We didn't have clocking in cards, we had Christine who is / was a one woman HR / payroll / enforcer / admin department. Sackings were always a thing of routine, the Directors wouldn't have the balls for it so it would always follow the same pattern. The afternoon would come and you'd notice there were no Directors. Then 'x's phone would ring and Christine would ask him to pop upstairs. Upstairs was a walk of a few short minutes. One minute after the first call, Christine would call down again to a neighbouring desk and ask if 'x' had a coat or personal items on their desk. If the answer was yes, she'd ask for them to be popped down to reception and put in a box that was already out on the end of the desk closest the door....
  19. Blatter is at that age where he is savvy enough to be one or two steps removed from anything easily proven. Yet magically, if he gets anywhere near a court appearance he'll suddenly be in his 80's too ill to travel and he'll have doctors willing to say his memory has gone. That picture should be the only one that's ever used of the guy from now on.
  20. Gwdihw is good, saw a band or three there last year during the erm, music festival thing... Swn? Don't know Daquiris, so I'll have to investigate that. Womanby Street is the best! I used to work on Womanby Street with my window open to listen to the constant smashing of glass during the daily bottle recycling runs by the council. Had a constant battle with the traffic wardens that were confused by me reversing up a one way street every morning to get to our car park. Confused the hell out of them, they kept telling me it was one way, I kept asking if its illegal to reverse on a one way street. City Arms on the corner is one of the best pints in town, plus from my office we could send a runner across to order beer and then jog across once it was poured. Finish 'lunch' at 1:59pm and be back in the office at 2. Happy days.
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