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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. There's your problem right there. beaten to it because I had breakfast before checking in... The amount of negative stuff that people on facebook say about being on facebook makes being on facebook sound so unappealing.
  2. I think if you guys could get your lips around my special plums you'd have a different perspective. Seriously, I do like a bit of fruit, it ain't a meal but it's a nice treat or snack. My plums really are nice, we even grew a single fig last year. Apples off our apple tree went into a few pies and tarts and blackberry season (about 2 weeks away by the look of things) is amazing.
  3. Hired a beach hut today as a base for the nippers birthday and it was great. Took along a kettle and a newspaper and sat there for hours looking out over the beach, making tea every hour, reading the paper and chatting to passers by. Chips for lunch. Paddle in the sea. Loved it. I am relaxed.
  4. just imagine how long it'll take him to get in the stadium, then out again then in again it'll be like watching somebody do the okey cokey whilst they shit themselves you put your left snake in, your left snake out in out in out slither all about
  5. With the classic opening line - "Tonight there's going to be a jail break, somewhere in this town..." It's probably going to be at The Jail, isn't it, Phil? I'm sure Rob made this joke once and I laughed for about ten minutes after I read it. It could be someone subconsciously breaking out from a self imposed psychological jail-cell, such as breaking free from drug abuse or even a damaging and violent relationship I suppose or am I just spoiling things again if the song was written now you'd be bang on the money in the 1970's a jailbreak meant breaking out of jail, 'another brick in the wall' was about building materials and 'Come on Eileen' was an encouragement to dance.
  6. nobody knows how many veggies there are when asked to raise their hand if they are a veggie, many don't have the strength or the cognitive ability and get miscounted as meat eaters
  7. the methane is an interesting one, I think veggies probably fart in proportion to cows, so not feeding cows fart food but simply eating fart food ourselves will help with slowing the land grab, not convinced entirely it will help the ozone nothing more potent than a veggie chilli
  8. meat is meat if your family is hungry, there would be no hierarchy for me if, following armageddon or a Villa FA Cup victory the only food left was a unicorn, that unicorn is going in the pot if, following a third holiday this year, an american dentist kills a rare animal, I think that's disgusting as for arguments on whether veggies have any sort of superior outlook over meat eaters, I've got 20 years of vegetarianism under my belt, you know, if we're going down that road... please see the comment earlier about killing off jaguars and panthers etc to clear land to grow burgers, I am vaguely aware of our problem with meat production
  9. sausage dog should be alright, shouldn't it? avoid shih tzu though
  10. Warnock mate, I got my degree nearly 30 years after leaving school. I got into my current career in my mid 20's, having not had a clue what I wanted to do before I was about 25. From the age of 30, with a house and a partner I took a bit of a leap and have never looked back. Believe it or not, you are young and you really do have time on your side. The one thing I'd say, you'll likely find it easier to get something else even something totally unrelated, if you are in work rather than out of work. So stick with it whilst job hunting. Also, you've got September looming up, consider a class in something (pretty much anything) with a certificate or recognised qualification at the end of it. Employers love people that study - it just doesn't need to be a degree by the time your 21. Good luck!
  11. Euphemism? ahh, if only. She was very easy on the eye. It was the same woman that the evening before had upgraded my room. Clearly she was mad for me, which is understandable. I'd been driving a few hours so I was warm and creased. She might also have caught the faint whiff of somebody smuggling a takeaway biryani in their shoulder bag.
  12. How rare are pigs and cows? A hundred years ago it's estimated that there were around 200,000 to 250,000 lions in Africa. Today, the estimate is 35,000. It's been suggested that the trend means they'll be extinct in our lifetime. It's predominantly down to our need for land, from Jaguars, Leopards, Lions, Rhinos and Tigers they are all suffering due to our desire to grow cattle for burgers. If you're ok with that, then no problem. Cows, pigs and chickens are not in danger of extinction.
  13. The one time I didn't organise a fast check out payment for the hotel there's a coach load of pensioners milling around reception trying to decide if they are checking out or not and whether Mabel is dead and have we all had breakfast and where are my tablets and...... Hotel reception lady just 'fast tracked' me. Felt good.
  14. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    well that's captain slow replaced, now for the other two
  15. I'm fascinated that with media reporting thousands and thousands of people storming the tunnel night after night, we only ever get pictures of a few dozen. They just did it now on the local South East news, lots of stuff about local business suffering, talk of 'up to' 3,000 immigrants storming the tunnel. All said over pictures of what I'd estimate to be between 20 to 30 people running across a field. Where are the other 2,970? I'm sure it's not totally fabricated, but we can get pictures out of Syria, pictures came off Everest within an hour of the avalanche. Calais, no pictures of the reported story of something that's been happening night after night. As for why they all want to come here. Taking the high number of 3,000 that is actually less than 2% of approx 160,000 that have entered europe so far this year. 2% is not a lot by any stretch. Still very serious, but we are not at the middle of this story. Every story has to be a sensational panic.
  16. By pull their finger out their arse, do you mean tell the UK we have to have our border controls in the UK, not France? All France has to do to make this go away is tell the UK to do their passport checks in Dover. That's why you won't hear May, Osbourne or Cameron give the French a full on bollocking. That's also why that rabble rouser UKIP bloke is happy to mouth off without thinking.
  17. Tony I wasn't joining any bandwagon, I'm not aware of anyone but us two wittering on about Mcgrath, as for Selous, not a clue who that is. Students? Lost me now, I'll park this up, it all feels a bit tetchy and I'm not sure why it got like that?
  18. the trip was in 2008 ..guess news travels slowly when he got called out in 2105 my mistake, that's more than long enough to no longer be considered a douche for shooting wildlife for your personal entertainment
  19. go on, reinvent yourself I used to be JulieB
  20. £10.56 up there in the shop tab
  21. yeah, google images glenn mcgrath safari he did a good job controlling zillions of other animals too, hyena, deer, water buffalo, wild boar..... but it's ok, once the public saw the pics and called him out as a bit of a word removed he issued an apology, apparently he later thought it was 'inappropriate'
  22. whilst we are at it, here's a picture of cricketer Glenn McGrath
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