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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. AS results here in P65 Towers. I won't go in to the grades, it'll only put pressure on TonyH to get his nippers to perform. But we are still on track for plan A and we've been for a pub lunch! Much use of the royal 'we' there, vicarious achievement.
  2. excellent spot, but I raise you another gorilla top of plume is gorilla head and torso, middle of plume, gorilla face but excellent spotting
  3. Jupitus? well, whoever it is, I wonder if the people that nominated them really meant it, or did it for some perverse laugh to look like they would consider a socialist
  4. A level and AS level results today. Best wishes anyone and everyone involved in that, from kids to parents to people on the phones in clearing!
  5. I know tattoos are an easy target, but all the same...
  6. yeah we've had a couple of wipe outs when we've tried it before but tonight I think we got lucky satellites bats moths aircraft but some really good shooting stars too, everybody got to see a few I guess that whilst I'm in a town, it's not a big town, plus about half of our sky is out over the water so less light pollution. Hadn't thought of it that much before.
  7. Anybody else watching the meteor shower? Clear dark sky, not a cloud for miles and a good lot of lights flashing across the sky. Been out there an hour or so, seen about a dozen, one or two really impressive ones.
  8. I bought a PJ Proby CD on the off chance one of those 25 tracks would be a gem. I'm down £3.99 on that particular bet.
  9. well I've been lured into a **** trap here haven't I...
  10. what is the star thing about? if only there was someone in charge here to guide us
  11. haaaaaaaaaaang on a minute...... for the record, you have one of these: and you've signed up for chemistry
  12. science is mostly made up shit nobody has got around to disproving yet it's like religion, but for people on the autism spectrum
  13. a rare day at actually sat in the office - no headphones
  14. Yep, and agreeing to have e-mail promotions sent to me hasn't helped either. I like that you get the digital download code too. That one above is a bit of a different listen, still great, but not just mind bending dub repetition, a lot more varied.
  15. In a woman, it means there will be emotional ups and downs, with a regular need for personalised praise (not generic 'you look nice'). It means there will be a financial commitment that will always have the limits tested and questioned. There will be a need to wine and dine and show off your partner at places that she likes to be seen. It means always being prepared to say sorry when she finishes the fight she started. In a man, it means you're a dickhead.
  16. you won't win anything with kids
  17. Yeah, I've got that one where the robot octopus penetrates all the nurses on a spaceship made of sweets. Some of the facial expressions in that are just weird.
  18. I may have shifted off American politics slightly. That Obama chap, super cool icon, but appears to have been mostly ineffective by any practical measure.
  19. Yep, and I know it's a cliche, but my experience working in hotels in a former life suggests the same. Any number of conversations where I would try to explain firstly that there was a difference between Britain and England, and secondly what that difference might be. So it was even people that travelled and had some disposable income that were arriving in a place they'd elected to visit, but even then not understanding where they were. If I had 50p for every time I had to explain that the land on the horizon was not France but England and no you really really are not in England at present, I'd have well over £4.50 Had what turned into quite an agitated argument with one coach party of americans that were insisting that whilst, yes, they understood Ireland was a separate country, it was still part of England. Eventually I had to back down and admit I may have been mistaken. You could indeed be an Irish citizen, call yourself Irish and live in Ireland, England. I just don't think the buses of Chinese people that now get shipped in to take photos or Cardiff Castle have any more informed an idea where they are either. But then, if I paid my £7,000 for a tour around South America, could I honestly put my hand on my heart and say I understood every nuance of whether I was in Argentina, or Patagonia or half way up Makka Pakka.
  20. I suspect that americans are no more or less dumb, selfish and insular than anyone else. We have a choice of a world 'lead' or given basic direction by the USA, or China, or Russia, or other random grouping. You can't tell me that an american voter has less desire to do good in the world than a Chinese guy that doesn't understand how stock markets work or a Russian guy that thinks 'being strong' in the worlds campest stripey blue and white vest whilst riding a bear is the mark of a real man. They are all equally naive, scared, ignorant, boastful, etc etc etc.. As would be the general mass population of any other country that gets a go at being top of the pack. Some might even suggest that the British Empire wasn't entirely all about cream teas and an understanding of how flushing toilets work.
  21. I think maybe there's more than one set up with any Ford? Which makes comparisons a bit tricky. I had a short period of time where I was being left Ford Focuseses as hire cars. Whilst they were almost always blue, the driving experience in all of them was always very different. Some were underpowered, some were fine, some had soggy clutches or shitty gear changes, some were really neat. To me, they all looked like metallic blue Ford Focusi. None of them were any sort of 'special' with a big S on the badge or go faster roof and bonnet stripes. Some had hard seats with protrusions right at the point of your kidneys that presumed you went in at the middle and didn't have a little bit of timber about you. I didn't like those.
  22. Are you the cool guy behind the unshaven weirdo waving one arm around? Looks like fun.
  23. A very long time ago I had a girl that was basically shagging me as some perverse revenge on her local sport star boyfriend she'd split up with. I was being used by her, to show him.....I dunno, something or other. It was a torrid few weeks, and as mind blowing as it was to not only feel boob but actually get to do sex on her, it was something of a relief (!!!) when I was finally dumped and they got back together. The effort I was having to make to look presentable and perform a half decent shag was becoming more trouble than it was worth. Sheeran just needs to enjoy it whilst he can.
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