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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Dorothy For anyone at a loss for what to get their GF for Christmas, this little beaut has just popped up on the Dorothy site. I have no connection with the shop, other than I've bought a couple of things there and the quality is bang on. The map is not geographically accurate, it's just a silly nice thing.
  2. chrisp65


    I don't think I can eat another courgette or bother to look for another way of cooking a courgette. I'm done with courgettes. In other news, this year's garlic is an absolute wipe out, all disappeared. This year's french beans are looking a bit pathetic. Blackberries appear to be heading for a glut year. We're two or three weeks in and they are gigantic, black n juicey. Just like I like my men.
  3. did it lead to your demise, or just a square footage? who ?......................... lead singer in Radioplay
  4. I just listened to LK on her question and answer session on the radio for World at One. Sounded competent and reasonable. Sounded like a middle of the road politician. Said some stuff about wanting things generally to be better for people. I would defy anyone that only saw a written transcript with the name removed to identify what party she was from, or whether she was left, right, top, bottom or middle.
  5. Sounds familiar. What I notice is that if I buy some 'treat' food and put it in a cupboard or fridge and forget about it, part of my unconscious knows there is a reward in there but not what it is, and I suddenly get the impulse to go look see, to find out exactly what it is. I believe this is also known as early onset alzheimers.
  6. I did the same thing last Thursday, you're in for a long day. Are you in a position to 'nip out'. The nearest garage shop will have over priced ear bud headphones, that's how I fixed it. Personally, I'm working from home, if you like I can put some music on and describe it to you...
  7. I've worked on and off in Malta for periods of time. Easy enough, the majority speak english and I learnt enough Maltese to get by. I usually left the family home and basically commuted for the working week so I was home Friday evening for most weekends. It was a strange double life, a flat in Sliema with a maid I rarely saw that made sure everything was clean and tidy and the bin was emptied on a Friday and the fridge was full on a Monday. Then a family at home that were waiting for that 48 hour window I was around to fit shelves, sort out the car, wire a plug.... If the family came over, I'd get a hotel rather than stay in the flat and we'd live like kings for a few days. I did so much flying I had the private number of Brian, the man that upgrades people for Air Malta. Flew first class every single time for about 2 years. Not sure how that worked, but I knew better than to question it. Weird lifestyle, glad to have had the opportunity and the experience, but I don't miss it.
  8. Listening to some phlat beats were you? It's no laughing matter, you've creased a line there, brother.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFFer1kGsh4
  10. **** perfection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3GqFGYuMbg
  11. I would take that as him not knowing any other names. Or to put it another way, day 1, hit him with all the King Tubby, Toots, Desmond Dekker and Upsetters you can find. If you get a second gig, it's all gravy.
  12. nobody expected the Port Talbot fans to turn up at a friendly with quite so much toilet roll
  13. Was quite good, if you accept that the first few 'acts' on the stage are at the bottom of the bill for a reason. A couple of sort of modern choirs doing pop stuff were surprisingly good. I have decided 'Firework' is a good fail safe pop song. I left at one point to go to the football and they didn't want to let me back in without buying a new ticket. Had a bit of a debate on the gate and was told by a supervisor that I'd had to decided if I was in or out and couldn't change my mind and return. I said that was ironically narrow minded considering the event. She laughed, did a sort of furtive look to both sides, and let me back in.
  14. Agreed. The sooner we can get insect resistant GMO foods the better. No reason why all food we eat can't be organic. WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! ..and occasionally have to wipe or wash a little bug off something we are going to eat or reject a carrot with a worm in it? Are you crazy? Far far better to dick around with genetics in a worldwide punt that science is bang on perfectly right. Far better to bomb the fields with diluted agent orange to stop the little bugs and therefore stop the big bugs and therefore stop the birds and therefore stop natural pollination. No, no, no, I won't be happy until all food is genetically spliced with fish and controlled by Monsanto.
  15. Negative defeatist rubbish hasn't worked twenty times and Villa desperately desperately need some points. I know, I'll try the same shit again.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6uVXJ3x2Sk
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U89-qr-l2Bc
  18. tell your dad his mate touched you, 'down there' game over Or that he tried to sign for a four instead of a five. steady on mate, we're not trying to get him banned, just be a bit more discreet
  19. the world is a pain in the arse mate I'd advise my nipper to do pretty much what you've done. She's got herself a little job for spending cash. uni next year hopefully, plans for a year out in the USA. I really want her to get some travel and experience. For a company that has to juggle resource to make money in a tough world or lay people off that have worked there for years, you people are a nightmare! Plenty of time, 23 is no age. I had a major career change at 25 and basically started again.
  20. tell your dad his mate touched you, 'down there' game over
  21. where I work they'll spend a few months deciding exactly what's needed, where the new recruit will work, who will mentor, what section of the business they'll work in and as a consequence what opportunity there is for others to shuffle around there's a fee to the agency there's in house training then there's a candidate that's had 3 jobs in 3 years... For the individual my advice is travel the world, get experience, live your life. But for a private company needing to make every investment count, not so attractive.
  22. Bad results would have meant I got refunded the £110 ticket for a convention I bought on my credit card, whereas good results meant me paying for an A1 license and CBT course. They mattered plenty.
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