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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QbmRgKuWa8
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-to8GLl1Olg sweet, pretty, mother **** country, acid house music
  3. Alabama 3 doing three gigs in the area in November. Neath, Cardiff, Bristol. Get in.
  4. ooooh, I was sold 10 seconds in, good call.
  5. King Tubby meets Roots Radics - Dangerous Dub
  6. ahhh, which suggests the show hasn't changed since the last time I listened to it, which would have been in black n white hence the universal dislike!
  7. Another one lucky enough to have the age, experience and reputation to be able to say 'no thanks' to compulsory social events. I think it was the third event in a row where I couldn't go because me uncle Fernando died that they began to work it out.
  8. Bloody hell! so is that Steve Wright!!! I didn't even know he was still around. Who's the chap in the blue sweater - presuming it isn't old Thommy Yorke.
  9. The other elephant - if we have learnt anything at all recently - could be 20,000,000 people walking south.
  10. Sharknado 3 I only caught the last 15 minutes on some distant cable channel last night. But it looked really good. I won't spoil it for those of you that are still on 1 or 2, but the way they get back home and the 'special event' that happens on the way back home is very moving.
  11. chrisp65

    Ice rink

    De Zeen oh it's real, but also quite deliberate check out their bar in the shape of a human rectum!
  12. I put Mandela in for you! I believe the phrase is freedom fighter if you were the winner. As for Blair and Gadaffi, well, yeah. Obvs innit. I'd go Blair and Bush as well, a particularly blood thirsty pair of religious extremists. But the specific names used weren't really the main point.
  13. ahhh, we can all be hung by who we've hung out with. The evil force herself was friends with Pinochet but thought Mandella was just a terrorist. Prince Charles will happily dress up as Lawrence of Arabia to fit in with the Saudi royals and just about everyone has now had a photo op with Gerry Adams. It's good to talk, unless you are talking to baddies we aren't talking to yet. I listened to that Corbyn interview now being referred to. There were 2 or 3 'random' phone callers in a row that clearly had a strong point they wanted to get over. Which is fair enough, he's clearly the one candidate that has laid out his own sitting ducks to be shot at. One question come statement was about this guy that is the anti jewish racist speaker, since banned from the UK. Corbyn said he didn't know the name, hadn't heard of him. He was offered the chance to 'distance himself' and he said again he didn't know the name. I'm not convinced that was a lie. I guess it can be a high risk strategy to be a busy busy campaigning lefty and get on platforms every night of the week and then SIX years later be asked live on air a question about one such day. I'd have thought a single day for a researcher / intern would throw up another dozen or so similar horrid characters. At some point, somebody started talking to the IRA. How did that turn out?
  14. In 1939 Elvis walked in to a recording studio, paid over 45 cents and recorded his own song, cut to vinyl as a present for his mum. Mrs Elvis didn't have a record player, so it wasn't until after the american civil war that Marconi invented one for her. On playing the record, it was discovered Elvis was a star, albeit without the legitimacy of a weekend tv show telephone vote. Now you too can be Elvish. Or at least put some of your fave MP3's on vinyl for that authentic crackly clicky sound. Vinylify
  15. I could listen to that story again and again.
  16. Yep, agree with both posts above. I have a couple of days work in Berlin in a 'german' office environment coming up in October and I've been specifically told I don't need to speak German as most of their business is already conducted in english anyway, whether I'm there or not. As it happens, I've got the absolute basics, I can count to a hundred, order a sausage and ask for duct tape and plastic sheeting so I've got that in reserve if needed.
  17. Yeah, tough times for you and your family Eames, there's not much to say about that sort of news, other than to give the obvious sympathy for you. It's always good to raise this sort of issue and get it out in the open. It's amazing how many other people will be on a similar path and think they are on their own. So any mention of anything like this, is always good and positive for others to see. As with many comments above, it's easy to see how some medications can grab you really quickly. My very limited experience was to be given valium before a minor op and then be given enough valium for a couple more days after the op. As above, it was obvious really quickly what the appeal was and I didn't take any more after the first day. I could see how easy it would be to take a shine to them.
  18. I think you're likely to find there's quite a large overlap between apathetic non-voters and potential Corbyn supporters. There are two reasons for this - firstly, there has been a clear shift to the right in Labour's politics in the 27 years from 1983-2010, which has barely been moved back the other way, and this has had a clear impact on turnout at elections, with generally left-leaning voters increasingly staying away from the polls. Secondly, there is a widespread anti-politics and anti-politicians sentiment in the country, which Corbyn can tap into to a certain extent, at least in the short term, by talking about how much he defied the whips, how unpopular he was with his own party leadership etc. These groups - (predominantly young) frustrated lefties and anti-politics cynics are those who haven't been voting, and they're likely to find something they like in Corbyn. Unfortunately, they are also the least reliable voters, so it may not do him that much good in the long run, but we'll see. I was at an event on the weekend and whilst this is wholly unscientific and loaded with all my own personal bias, there was something striking about the whole thing. There were representatives of every little niche offshoot group going, the full gay miners in support of nicaraguan vegetarians squad. They all rubbed along together, Plaid Cymru chatting to the Greens, the RMT talking to Food Not Bombs, LBGT South Wales Police exchanging contact details with a Choir Co-operative. You get the picture. Anyway, Labour were also there, but didn't mix with the others and contented themselves with handing out stickers that said 'I've never kissed a tory'. That was their message for the day, 'Labour, we're not the tories'. Hell of a slogan.
  19. The majority don't have to share that opinion though. Just 38 / 40% of the population in the right geographical areas. Perhaps a bit of proportional representation would stop any one third of the population having undue influence and offer a platform for the 'others' to actually be heard. Be it the hippies, liberals, kippers or whoever. After all, I'm sure you'd accept, the majority of people did not vote conservative, yet that's what they got.
  20. I know at least one thing where I specifically disagree with Corbyn. I don't believe we should have an early exit from NATO. On another point, I'm utterly flumoxed by nuclear weapons and what we should do about Trident. As for the other candidates, I don't know a single point where I would disagree with them on anything. But that's more down to them not actually having said anything. Other than Andy Burnham would like some sort of yeah, you know, not opposed in principle, in the long term if it looked popular, we could look at something or other to do with trains.
  21. chrisp65


    Hhmmm, a distinctly mediocre year for us. Our patch is nearly twice the size of a standard allotment and it's proved a bit much getting the time to work it. We also had some biblical rains through the winter and they appear to have washed any decent soil and goodness away. A lot of work to do in the autumn. Get some good shit back in the ground ready for next year. We go again.
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