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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. My understanding on only the briefest look at the subject is that for some reason, in a UK of lowering crime rates, assault on the train network is rising. This coupled with the slightly improved situation for women reporting assault has lead to a rise in the figures. Who would police women only carriages? If they have the staff to stop me sitting in the female only carriage then they have the staff to stop an attack anywhere on the train. Or would they have a guard posted to that one carriage and have me take my chances with the drunks in the non-guarded coach? Would a woman sitting in a mixed carriage be 'up for it'? Do I now tell my daughters not to sit in the proximity of men? Get some proper bloody staffing levels and the problem vastly reduces, without some mediaeval segregation.
  2. is it that bloke that's going to be jumping off Big Ben?
  3. to be fair that should be "anyone that wears a hat" and if you wear one indoors then you get shot up against the wall twice for good measure let's not be hasty here... There was a light rain again this morning and the pavement here isn't wide enough for my brolly.
  4. I'm beginning to lose track of who's trolling who.
  5. There was an interesting (!) article on the radio recently about the plight of petrol station owners. They end up tied to a single product, but many make absolutely no money from the petrol. The petrol is sold on at the same price it comes in for, it simply acts as the attraction to go in the shop and buy a twix. It's the profit on the twix that is the sole income of many petrol station owners. To the point where they've been sold £2,000 worth of petrol and that's how much the petrol company get, £2,0000. If he choses to let you off your penny, he pays that penny to the petrol supplier himself. What's more, if he gets a drive off and loses £50 of fuel, that's his business, the petrol company still want their £2,000 for the £2,000 of petrol. Problem is, may police forces are now reluctant to do anything about thefts of under £50, even if you have video and plates etc.. They interviewed a couple that were in the process of signing away their petrol station as the average of £150 of drive offs a week was wiping out their family income. They estimated that last year they had a joint income, after losses on petrol, of under £10k and it was killing them. 'Better off on benefits' and all that was quoted.
  6. Personally, I'd steer well clear of mum and dad stuff. You don't know what back story there might be. Everyone is different and you'll have to do what you believe is right. But snooping through parents stuff for evidence and confronting people when you live in the same house sounds like a bad idea to me. If your sister can find stuff in the house, what makes you think your dad couldn't find it if he wanted to? Unless you are prepared to hear and see some real grown up life spin out from that confrontation, have a little pause. Way way back in the day, I left home because of mum and dad stuff. Thirty years later I now know I clearly had the wrong end of the wrong stick.
  7. awesome sauce, be a nice day out to a big club for them
  8. I don't own a watch or an umbrella , does that excuse me having an Audi or do I need to hit eBay for a Swedish Penis enlarger ?
  9. Could you help create the Jermain Defoe fragrance whilst shopping for the pets? It could be a whole roller coaster of fun with a book deal at the end of it. Maybe even a film. Who would play me, in the film about me as JD's PA? Almost definitely Ray Winstone. news link thing
  10. Men, almost always men, that feel the need to use vast golfing umbrellas walking down the pavement of a busy street. Well done, you scored a free brolly at the 2012 HSBC golf event. However, it's now 2015 and you are on your way to work in the drizzle. Put the toys away. Or is this just a cunning stunt to show off your bizarrely over sized watch? What makes me think that if I traced this guy back to his car it would have been an Audi? Need a coffee...
  11. Financial markets are mostly people buying and selling stuff that doesn't exist for a price that doesn't equal real value, it's the perceived value of imaginary money projected into an unknown future. As long as everyone keeps pretending the emperor has a nice set of clothes, everything is more or less ok. If someone decides to let slip it's all a load of jazz they all panic and sell their imaginary stuff for knock down prices. Your pension relies on everyone agreeing the emperor is dressed. Today we saw some bollocks.
  12. My nipper paid her first ever pension contribution earlier this month. £3.75 It's me that's got to go home tonight and tell her what's just happened. Not the Chinese, not some trader. Me.
  13. post on poster, would support him 100% if Stef reports you
  14. Would less than a hundred games in the Portugese second division 30 years ago be sufficient to be allowed an opinion on football? Gerrard Houllier and Carlos Parreira really want to know.
  15. Two day weekends are for the masses, not us.
  16. for those of you with an occasional folk bent, the R6 Cerys Matthews show this morning might be worth a listen on catch up, or even just a scan down the track listing on the website very Sunday, very good
  17. It would be nice to have 10 players good enough to carry good old Gabby through games. It would be nice to have 10 players good enough to support Guzan and cover the odd error. It would be nice to have 10 players good enough to ease Grealish in and protect him. It would be nice to have any players good enough to give the new guys time to bed in. It would be nice to have a player good enough to take charge on the field when Sherwood is in thinking mode.
  18. that's rough man, horrible news
  19. If you can't safely play 45 minutes in the UK then the Qatar World Cup could kill someone. I mean an actual player, obviously. I know it's already killed hundreds of construction workers.
  20. I repeatedly stabbed a director at my current company with a fork, to get him to stop biting me. Later the same evening he deliberately tripped me up as he walked behind me. The evening finished when I pushed him down a (short) flight of stairs.
  21. Erm, it's still 'praise you' stuff and nothing else? hey HEY no fighting in the music threads
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r4qBkozGqU
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