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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. The article was 1995, it was more about 'the story' than a need to trace down hard facts. I was just interested in the money split from a vinyl sale. There was some piece of tat re press of a fairly standard 80's record in HMV recently, Def Leppard or somesuch. They wanted £34.99 for it. Now if the band are getting £30 of that fair enough to them if someone is dull enough to pay it. I just suspect, as was the case for Hendrix back there, that a lawyer somewhere is getting £25, the vinyl presser is getting £5, the shop is getting £4 and the band get the 99p. Blondie being the very obvious example where their 'manager' got them to sign all the rights over to him.
  2. I have actually just learnt something. Fair play to NASA, some of those earth drawings are **** good. I can just about draw a house.
  3. I've never known which is which when people say 'the former or the later'. You get to a decent age and it's too late to ask.
  4. I've got a couple of original Hendrix albums I liberated from my dad when I moved out! I've also got the basics covered with a couple of 1980's re issues and the usual £2.99 bargain bin CD's. I do like a bit of Hendrix, I'll go down the Hendrix / Jack White guitar stuff route every now and again. In fact, time to stick a record on...
  5. His Dad? fascinating good to read a newspaper article that actually has the time and space to go into a subject better his dad than a stereotype dastardly lawyer
  6. There's a re release of a Jimi Hendrix live album today, Atlanta Pop Festival. It looks to be retailing at £20 Now I'm not interested in that particular album, this is just a good typical example of what I was thunking. In that Jimi is dead and the record was made 40 years ago. Who gets what proportion of the ridiculous £20?
  7. vs tough call noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
  8. I just felt that the tuna, whilst hard and quite big would be largely defensive whereas the cookie cutter might be on the front foot, a bit more aggressive. Why am I defending a preliminary fish fighting list? Fact is, if I can get Sky involved the various places are going to be down to viewing figures and marketing rights. If the ray is hard but there's no audience for it, and there's a lot of money coming in from the conger community, well, business is business.
  9. That's a soft southern dogfish, you lift a proper manly one out of the water and it goes into a sort of flipping spasm. Skin like sand paper when you catch it in the wrong direction. It should be a formality, beating a dogfish, but I'm not confident in Stefan's fish fighting ability. Too many desk jobs.
  10. level 1 = goldfish - yeah I can see you despatching that without too much bother level 2 = plaice - yeah, it'll need a bit more strategy but basically put it on a hard flat surface and give it a decent punch level 3 = pollock - getting harder, took the inbetweeners crew a while when they killed one level 4 = dogfish - best of luck, it's possible but you could be embarrassed level 5 = tuna - 50 / 50 on ths one I reckon level 6 = cookie cutter shark - hmmmm, again this could go either way level 7 = stingray - I've got the fish down as the winner here level 8 = great white - no weapons? no fire extinguisher / gas canister and rifle? no chance
  11. fluffer we haven't had any work stories from fluffers yet come on fluffers ....
  12. You shouldn't throw things at Batman, but if that's how you roll then that's how you roll. it's ok, batman is just a children's comic character leant kudos by twenty somethings afraid of growing up, he can take it
  13. I took down a spider last night. We were all sat in the main family gathering space within our home, all doing our own thing on various sizes of screen....when a spider ran across the carpet. The others all screamed and pulled their feet up on to the luxurious leather sofas. But I pounced. I dived down, grabbed it and marched it out of the room and threw it out into the cold dark knight. It must have been about 10 or 12 inches across, maybe more. I dominated it. Didn't kill it, firm but fair. I am a man. I guess I'd have done the same if it had been a cheetah.
  14. that's weird, it wasn't in bold when I typed it
  15. I inspect/appraise the engines but it's not a bad job especially if you're a bit of a aircraft nerd. You literally are my hero. I have stood infront of jet engines at cosford and said to my wife, I would love to be able to understand that. Seriously, if I had my life all over again that would be the route I would choose. ahhemmm, I worked on the GE90 test bed complex (the building in these photos is my baby) and a couple of other smaller spin off jobs. Not quite the same thing, but a thoroughly fascinating place to have free rein and a full access pass* to for two or three years. Big building was big. *except the management and admin floors!
  16. But we have a road, I used it this morning. Don't tell me there's going to be another one! We'll be like that bloody London.
  17. Aahh, I don't think the One Show is for deep and sensitive thinkers like us MV.
  18. That people buy newspapers that would print front pages like those out today, of people being shot 'LIVE'. How exciting!!! That newspapers would consider it ok to print a front page of somebody being killed, a murder that happened just yesterday, right next to other shit about free Aldi vouchers or simon cowell and all that other detritus. Have some respect for yourself and for others for pity sake.
  19. Fair play, probably drives a proper car, like a Mercedes. He said it was a guy not a gay guy Guy, gay, gay guy, what's the difference? A bottle of chardonnay?
  20. Fair play, probably drives a proper car, like a Mercedes.
  21. Yeah, I think that about sums it up, Eames. Corbyn for the fair minded dreamer. Cooper for gaining power and not being the tories. Burnham for more privatisation of health. Kendall if Cameron resigns and they need someone quick that isn't either Boris or off his tits on Special K.
  22. I've read through those previously. As mentioned previously, most of it is poltical guff. Except one candidate mentions two policies. Corbyn is anti austerity and wants to productively invest in public services. Other than that no actual policies from the other three, but lots of talk about being pro dynamic, enabled, together and fair. In fairness to Yvette Cooper, she's quite open about needing to find out what people will vote for and standing for that, in order to get in to power.
  23. Who pays cash for petrol? also, if it dispensed .95 of a litre and charged for a whole litre, would that be ok?
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