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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I'd go back to the Spring and suggest to the council landord that May / June / July would be the ideal time to lay a 3G pitch, as opposed to August / September / October. But then, when else am I going to experience the joy of 12 consecutive away games?
  2. You'd have to go back to the 90's to see me in attendance at one them festivals things (I'd have done GreenMan this year but a family ticket was more expensive than a house). Last one I went to there were free giant spliffs everywhere. People had light them and then just left them for everyone to use. You could just go from one to the other breathing it all in. It was heaven. I got totally wasted. Next morning when I came round, it turned out they were big 24 hour outdoor candles to light the way back to the tents. Apparently I'd had to be stopped from pulling them out the ground and sucking on the muddy end.
  3. so that's £25 each, stone paper scissors to see who gets what as original and who gets what burned on a tesco cd
  4. It is a rich man's play thing now, today. It's out of our reach, it's a worldwide franchised business. But you know what? Collectively stop going to matches and don't renew your sport tv subscription and it will die on it's arse around about August 2016.
  5. Surely if it was real that would both lack a bit of class and not be a great long term plan?
  6. Armstrongs Do you actually want a separate stiff collar and a collarless shirt?
  7. Something wrong with your oven? The '20 minute' ones take about 12 minutes in ours. Yep, fan oven, catches my missus out every time. My cooking style is to stand there and stare at stuff, poke it, stir it, add a pinch of something, add a pinch of something else. Wife's cooking style is to read the instructions, if it says 25 minutes she goes away for 25 minutes to do something else, returns after 25 minutes to be surprised by the fact it's all a bit 'well done'. I say surprised, we've had the oven 5 years.
  8. yeah I got that but i was commenting more on the reference that it was ad hoc and small time until we got involved well, hopefully I sort of answered it in my edit I'm at the outer edge of my blagging knowledge here.
  9. I was referencing her funding of Sir John Hawkins in the 16th Century. I tried to be clear I wasn't saying we started it or that everything is our fault or attempting to pin it on anyone. For clarity, clearly I wasn't clear enough. *a quick google to refresh my memory and yes, John Hawkins was a proper interesting character, architect of the Armada's defeat and all that. He organised the 'triangle trade', whereby he would get finance for a ship, sail it down towards africa, hijack other ships and steal their slaves, sail across to the americas, sell the stolen slaves and sail back to england with profit for his investors. This would lead to greater investment, bigger ships, more slaves, better sales, more profit.... I'm not being pious here, he got his slaves by nicking them off others. He'd nick portugese slaves and sell them to the spanish. Everyone was in on it. If you lived in Cornwall or Devon you ran the risk of someone else grabbing and enslaving you. We just turned out to be better at it due to our better ability to sniff out a good return and organise credit. No more or less moral than anyone else. Just better at logistics.
  10. Do you collect tesco club points? Do you like 80's stylee british heavy metal? this is for you! they'll probably put it next to the Ramones t-shirts
  11. Yes Elizabeth I is an interesting one. That was really the proper organisation of the slave trade. Up until then it looks like it was all a bit ad hoc and small time, but the interest and support of Liz really got it much more professional and started the industrialisation of the process, giving 'us' the advantage over the rest of europe with a ready source of cheap labour in the americas etc.. The rest, is history. I'm not saying 'britain caused the slave trade'. No no. I'm just saying if we hadn't got it organised first then someone else would have and then much more of the world would have a much more Spanish, Portugese or French feel to it.
  12. do you at least remember his name? he's not getting another one, I can tell you that much
  13. Can I please just give an honourable mention for Stuart Cable, who at least wanted to be a good guy and rock n roller. Ever present at any local charity thing that had beer and needed any minor celeb, he was sacked from the band for being interesting.
  14. Can't be earning that much if it's all in a wallet. Got myself a money barrow. Ye'sir.
  15. A street near me had some sort of collective mental episode and over the course of 18 months every single one of them converted their gardens into drives. I think they realised that every time a drive was put in, people wouldn't park across it, so the random mystery parkers were confined to fewer and fewer houses. Hence, over a short period they all reserved their parking outside their house by converting the front gardens. This was about 2 years ago. Last winter they were all flooded in a 'freak' rainstorm. Twice. Absolute mystery how that might have happened.
  16. what a bunch of nobodies bottom left looks like a proper no mark only one that made anything of himself in that picture was the guy extreme right of the middle row from The Magic Numbers
  17. I'd go back 3 hours to when I started sorting out my CD's. Wives are odd creatures, absolutely no idea of how to categorise and file stuff. 1.0 Super Furry Animals 2.0 Reggae / Dub compilations 3.0 Reggae Dub single artist / band / producer 4.0 60's general single artist 5.0 60's compilations 7.0 mod / northern soul compilations 8.0 Small Faces 9.0 The Jam 10.0 Worldy type music generally / asian / UK asian dub 11.0 Welsh but not SFA 12.0 everything else 13.0 Alabama 3 14.0 stuff specifically singled out that would otherwise be in 12.0 How is that so difficult to understand? Stopped for pizza, we go again tomorrow.
  18. We were only having this discussion in the car the other day. At the moment (and it changes all the time) I'd quite like to go back and spend some time in Ethiopia around the late 1960's very early 1970's. A real melting pot of ideas, ruled by an emperor many thought was a god, students trying to bring in something a bit more modern and democratic. Critically, a couple of years before it all turned really bad. I'd like to spend six months or a year, possibly all of 1970, just hanging around Addis Ababa hotel lounges with the slow ceiling fan pushing hot air. A cold drink in my hand, leaning against a wall listening to some half arsed hotel band play ethiopian pop whilst chatting up a tall slim Ethiopian beauty. Yeah, that's me. The missus said I was weird when I gave that as my answer.
  19. Another way of looking at it is that authority has repeatedly and regularly undermined our trust in authority. Police in the UK are massively responsible and safe and trustworthy and would never just execute a man. Then there are cases where people are shot in the street and it's not even clear after years of investigation if the 'suspect' had a gun. Or was even a suspect 5 minutes before he was killed. Be it a known villain, a petty local scrote, or an electrician late for work. The authorities can put up a version later proven to be a story. Or the police can investigate themselves for years and find no case to answer for Hillsborough. Or the government can tell us there is absolutely nothing to worry about with the thalidomide drug, or 1950's nuclear installations. Or asbestos. Or Iraq. Or how we treated some prisoners in Iraq. Or whether we had soldiers in Northern Ireland that were less than even handed. So we've learnt we can't trust 'them'. Consequently, any offensive bollocks will get some size of audience, some level of acceptance, because the alternative is to believe the official version which has previously been disproved a hundred times. The fact the official version was correct ten thousand other times gets lost.
  20. BBCitis - the need to give everyone airtime, even patent dickheads.
  21. All desperately looking for sex too. well that's just put a different spin on things I caught one the other evening and whilst delicately carrying it out of the house I could really feel it pushing against me. Strong for a little fellah. Turns out now he was bumming me in the thumb!
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