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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I can't say I'm overly upset by this. They had some friend of the relatives on the radio saying this was Britain killing Brits abroad and we will need an investigation. Yep, needs to be investigated, totally agree. Then in the afternoon after the investigation I'd like that investigation published.
  2. You say 'of that age' and this has reminded me, in the unlikely event that anyone on this board has just purchased a metallic red Jaguar XE from the dealership down Swindon way, I can reliably inform you that your car is perfectly capable of 120mph plus and multiple emergency breaking manoeuvres. Followed it up the M4 as best I could but chickened out when it all got a bit crazy. Still had delivery plates and plastic wrap. Never has drove it like he stole it been so apt.
  3. I'm sure the Greeks are mightily impressed with the recent show of German generosity.
  4. Going back to the media reporting and whether these people are 'dirt poor'. Some will be. Others will be teachers and middle ranking public service workers, finding it difficult to justify staying in whatever country when your house has been shot to bits and the buses you are supposed to service don't run because the depot was burnt out and the pay stopped arriving around about February - not that there is a bank anymore anyway. But yes, by some measures, they are the middle classes. Certainly, the ones our media concentrated yesterday had to have two attributes to get on the tv. They had to be able to speak comprehensible english and they had to be marching with a GPS enabled smart phone held out in front of them. The dirt poor villagers of Afghanistan don't tend to speak great english. The dirt poor of Pakistan would find it difficult to keep charging a smart phone for 3 months whilst walking. So yes, some of them, the ones that make good tv pictures, tend to be english speaking with a smart phone, or face down on the beach. No time to show you the others. We've only got 20 minutes to do the news and there's been a grand prix.
  5. looks to be retailing just under £200 - prime Christmas money these days as Xann has suggested there are already used ones on e-bay I suspect that whilst they've travelled through time and space to get here and are powered by a mix of jedi magic and apple software, they will be beaten by a decent carpet.
  6. I loves a bit of Jonathan Meades. The visual gags along with the wordage make his output something you have to actually devote some attention to, and not half watch over the top of a laptop.
  7. I think there are probably a very high proportion of people just wanting a better life. But don't let that trivial sounding excuse trip you up. We are talking about countries where poor doesn't mean having a Morrisons £20 dvd player. It potentially means not having access to clean drinking water, lack of sanitation, sleeping on an earth floor. It might not, some people will just be chancing their arm. But they usually arrive on aircraft visiting relatives, having a holiday, being a student and then disappearing into the kitchens of your local High Street takeaways. Somebody mentioned previously that migrants were coming from countries like Mali. Not in the news at the moment, but cast your mind back. The overspill from the adventures in Libya was that armed groups suddenly had access to those A Team pick up trucks with guns bolted into the back of them. Many piled into the north of Mali. Already a mix of dust bowl and shit hole, arming the local bullies can't have helped that country much. If I lived in Mali, no health care, no prospects, I'd give getting to Munich a punt. Not saying its right, not saying we have to welcome everyone. I'm saying that if the UK was like some Nigerian shit hole with the risk of my daughters being taken from the local school by nutter rebels and the government too corrupt to do anything about it - I'd like to think I'd be man enough to try and move my family to somewhere better.
  8. through the park.... and down to the beach
  9. more football in off topic: my local team have taken a player called Elvis on season long loan to beef him up a bit and get him playing he played 20 minutes last weekend, and scored, so we've started him today, twenty minutes in and he's just scored....this could be fun! * scored 2 more in the second half, 4 goals in one and a bit games
  10. What was the long term plan and strategy that Milliband blocked? Was it as complex and assertive and brilliant as the one we had for Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan? Having waded in to Iraq a couple of times without a strategy I'd be interested to know what the long term plan was for Syria that the coalition put forward and Labour rejected? ha ha, I'm sure it wasn't just let's throw money and gear at some armed groups that don't like Assad, I'm sure it was far more complex than that... we dabble, we spend a little bit, we dabble and spend and discuss a little bit more, time ticks on, then we see everything unravel and our politicians become just as surprised by unexpected events as the last time we did exactly the same thing doubtless eventually there will even be an enquiry to make sure we 'learn the lessons', this won't happen until Chilcot has some spare time, obviously I don't claim it's easy. But we need to really consider what our long term plan is. Hopefully, the plan isn't really 'have a bit of a low cost dabble and hope for the best'.
  11. Turn them around and march them back to Kobani. It's not a nice knee jerk twitter solution, but it might protect our house prices and pensions. Got to think with a long term strategy not just react to dead toddlers washed up on beaches.
  12. Most of that queue will be old folks with nothing else to do. They could go there mid morning on a work day, but no, best we queue. These will be the same pensioners that then go to Waitrose at 6:00pm for a nice long chat with the check out girl when I'm in a rush to buy a readymade curry.
  13. If Ismail realises his forward camera is always on.
  14. I think people dropped Rico in the music threads. Rico the perpetual backing band man that got the biggest cheer. Last time I saw him was up at Brecon Jazz festival about 6 or 7 years ago, in a marquee tent. He was doing his stint with Jools Holland and despite my misgivings about going to a jazz festival to see Mr Holland's big band it was phenomenal, with Rico an absolute highlight. I'd seen him about 20 years earlier and didn't really know who he was back then. Ooh, he was also the inspiration for The Barry Horns*, who themselves have gone on to be great and recently played backing to the mini Super Furries tour. * The Barry Horns are an eleven-piece brass band, made up of fans of the Welsh national football team. Formed in 2011, the band's name is a homage to retired Welsh footballer Barry Horne. Wikipedia*
  15. A question I have seen shared a lot here in Sweden is…when is it ok to upload photos of Carola and Emils dead bodies? Its the ones who got killed by an eritrean man when shopping at IKEA…think its a fair question... Yeah, **** 'em all, let them drown if they can't fight.
  16. Yes, I might be forced into buying a new* car over the next few days (hence the BMW rental), mine either needs a £300 repair or it's a new Mercedes auto gearbox and therefore time to walk away. Right now, having had a little look around, I'd probably do the most boring thing possible and buy the same thing again. *I say 'new' but in truth it could be new or used, certainly doesn't have to be new new.
  17. I was lucky enough to see Rico a couple of times. Brilliant.
  18. chrisp65

    Test II

    the way I was posting up youtube has to be changed... was doing... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROLO2f2jIlc but that's not working....so... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROLO2f2jIlc nope, how about... ahhh, there we go, no more [ /brackets ] just treat it like a photo
  19. yes, yes it was, well found (obviously an excellent description on my part) it was ok, I wouldn't turn it down if I won it as a prize, but I'm not sure why somebody would want such a hard ride on British roads, all that money and they left out the shock absorbers and made it look 4x4 but put low profile tyres on big alloys - all a bit confused, shirley?
  20. a matched pair of Monitor MA7's from the late 1970's Had a listen to them earlier today and they were just mesmerising, so rich. They've got one strangely slightly mis shaped cone but absolutely no influence on the sound, just perfect - but then again, they were being fed music via a £4,000 amp at the time! I'm sure my ancient Trio amp will be just as good. Anyway, not 100% perfect so massively discounted. Now they're mine mine mine, which completes the set of approximately dated 1968/69 turntable, 1977 amp, 1977 speakers, total cost about £160 all in including cables - and I've got a complete working spare turntable. About the price of an ipod. The game was to build a 70's system as cheap as possible. The only piece of new kit I bought was a pre amp from Richer sounds - which didn't work and had to be returned. Which was a godsend really, because it wasn't needed in the end and would have been a waste of money anyway! I must get my carpet cut.
  21. I've just had 3 days, 900 miles of driving a BMW, er, not sure what it was actually. It was like a bit 4x4 shaped but sort of rounded. Anyway, it was **** huge, too wide to park on the side of the road. It was a 2.0 litre diesel automatic M series big thing. It can go very fast. If you like sitting high up to look over the hedges and bully the car in front, but you also want to feel every painted line on the road bump up through the car and transfer to your arse - this is the car for you.
  22. In fairness to Rebekah Brooks she has been found totally innocent of knowingly allowing journalist scum to wreck the lives of everyday people, preying on the recently bereaved, mass invasions of privacy and being complicit in hiding evidence from the police. She was as much a victim in this as the parents of the missing that had phone voicemail tampered with. Best of luck to her. It's a proud and worthy career, journalism for Murdoch's newspapers.
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