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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. you could buy a fairly new car, from a main dealer, on a pcp Let somebody else take the first year depreciation hit, keep the comfort of a relatively new car from a 'reputable' garage with an approved used type scheme. - Have you considered a completely left field different approach? Get a brand new cheap car? You can buy a great big shiny new Dacia for £11k. It's new so it has the warranty, it's big and shiny. Absolute maximum loss at 100% depreciation is £11k over 4 years. So absolutely any value left in it in 4 years time is yours to spend on chips and beer.
  2. I had to experience the delights of an Arriva commuter train this morning. Getting on at one of the first stops, I made the mistake of pushing through the idiots standing in the entrance to avail myself of one of the many empty seats. On trying to sit down it very quickly became obvious why all the other blokes were standing. I didn't fit in the **** gap between their teeny tiny **** seats. Literally didn't fit, at six foot one and three quarters I was too freakishly tall for my legs to physically fit in the gap between their seats. Light years ahead of Jeremy Corbyn, Arriva have developed and rolled out the female only train seat. Trains - they don't start close to my house, they don't end close to my office, they cost three times more than the petrol would have and the seats are too close together to sit on. There were approximately 7,000 screaming refugees on board that later transpired to all be from the same local comprehensive school. I had to stand for the entire journey. Somebody had a cough. Somebody else let their toddler play with the novelty noises on their smart phone. Other than that, **** awesome.
  3. Laughing at the poor. Indeed, the plight of poor people is a source of constant merriment in my gaff. I **** knew it.
  4. Yes, if I do pick up a newspaper it'll be the Independent, although that's sadly becoming more difficult to find. Not a big deal for me, but their sports reporting is going down hill. They have a dick of a footy writer that keeps dropping into articles that Wales can now throw in the towel and merge with England, now they've (almost) qualified for something. He only does it to wind people up, but it wipes out a few other footy forums for 24 hours every time he does it.
  5. On a shellfish note, I don't see the current situation helping the lazy limp David Cameron cajole his euro leader chums in to giving the UK more special concessions around our membership and what rules apply to us. Germany has sensed an opportunity here, something that will be a grand gesture, that helps it's own economy, that gets a rule change on moral and christian values, that coincidentally does nothing to help its closest rivals partners. In its own twisted way, this could see the UK much more likely to leave the EU. By leave the EU, obviously I mean still trade with it, still have to meet all its rules, still have to organise our services to match their standards, just not have a say in anything. Leave deciding the rules entirely to Germany, France and the rotation of nodding dogs from Malta and Lithuania etc.. With this being the dominant issue and us being out of step, I just can't see the political mastermind and detailed thinker and strategist that is David Cameron and his 'advisors' (yah, sounds great Henry, you sign it, I'm on holiday), being able to negotiate a deal for us that will appease the newspapers' need for petty victory. I know it's a different topic really, but I think the last few weeks have seen us take a step towards leaving. The silent selfish majority have seen the future, they'll be scared.
  6. The UK has committed to 4,000 refugees per annum. As the last net migration figures were over 300,000 inward per annum, this doesn't look like a game changer to me.
  7. Did we get to the bottom of why the english can't wear caps in Treorchy?
  8. working my way through all my old Small Faces albums, mostly rehashed versions of 'best of' but due to labelling glitches and incompetence, the occassional rare gem dropped in there too Small Faces very much in my top three.
  9. Yeah, it's a hell of a proportion. It's the sort of number that could stop a state being viable, the equivalent of 16 million French turning up here. I know Tony for one would struggle with that sort of number. What's Syrian food like? Can we expect the local takeaway street to have any new smells and flavours in a couple of years time?
  10. I'm doubly confused now, firstly, who has told you you cannot wear a hat? Secondly, are you in England or Treorchy?
  11. Best you tell Lebanon your theory on muslim countries not taking refugees, they clearly didn't get the memo. There will undoubtedly be all manner of criminals and broken people in the mass of refugees, they are not 100% saints, they are people from a war zone. I believe even some non-muslim whities from northern europe can be criminals as well, though obviously I'd rather be raped by a whitey than a blacky. Smaller penis. If you believe a million Syrians can turn 500 million europeans into creamy coloured muslim drug addicts, well, you don't have a very high opinion of europe do you. Other than that mate, top post.
  12. I've got the Guardian and the Observer regularly for a few months now. It's free in Waitrose and it's the exact same size as the rabbit's litter tray. Rarely read it, haven't even flipped through the last few, just brought them home and put them in the newspaper pile, ready for pet clean out day. That might sound a bit div, but it is true. It's symptomatic of why the planet needs to kill us off.
  13. My own personal god loves all of you. Count yourselves lucky.
  14. Gulp A gorgeous side project from Guto (SFA). Stick this on and the summer will be 44 minutes longer, it's lovely.
  15. I think the Guardian is a little bit middle class, despite it's Manchester routes. Stereotypically, you'd find a Guardian on the coffee table in the school staff room, where it's easy to pontificate on all things left, but there is little desire to chance losing any actual status or pension rights and make this a workers' republic. So the Guardian tends to be 'anti-tory' rather than 'pro-socialist'. I think they quite liked the theory of new labour / labour lite. Maybe. Or they can just see he has some unpalatable and unworkabley expensive ideas in there amongst the brilliant populist stuff.
  16. it's my wedding anniversary today wife is popping home for lunch
  17. So you don't think Europe is a basket case then? A quick skim through the last 100 years: World War I Flu Pandemic Another Flu Pandemic (5% of the world population killed) Great Depression World War II The Cold War Oil Price Quadruples in a month The Winter of discontent - rubbish on the streets, bodies in the morgues, no electricity AIDS BBC celebrities The Financial Crisis The Middle East yet again I'm going to stick my neck out and say we'll get through this. Maybe not unchanged, but we'll get through it.
  18. Yeah I was thinking exactly the same .... I figure it's more for the rest of us'ssss benefit rather than to influence the Labour vote though .... Mrs H watched a bit of it last night and said bloody hell does he think he's a communist .... this was her impression after a few minutes having never even heard of him before My missus said basically the same thing. Then went on to add that she'd wished she'd paid the £3 for a vote. My missus was a dangerous commie insurgent way before twitter was a thing.
  19. I think the comment about Strictly was bang on the money. If all the newspapers and tv news decide this evening to lead with a story about guide dogs for the blind, then that'll be a 90% drop in concern about Syria. People will comment on what is put in front of them. Not everyone, just enough for a bandwagon. Then, as said elsewhere previously, once a cause has been built up, it's time to rip it down. How long before the Sun, Mail and Express have scum 'journalists' out there looking for their first Syrian rapist, benefits cheat or aggressive preacher? You gotta have a narrative arc.
  20. They were already theorising on Radio 4 this morning that the tories are holding off another vote in the commons regarding bombing in Syria. The theory went that they only have a majority of 12, some of them will not vote for bombing, but if/when Corbyn is leader he will want to vote against bombing. This would be an instant opportunity for 50% of the Labour MP's in the commons to vote against him, guarantee a tory vote win and trigger an instant no confidence in Corbyn. Giving the tories another unopposed 6 months and Labour a chance of getting their shit together with years to go before an election. It was like listening to Oliver Stone's JFK done in received pronunciation voice over. Conspiracies within conspiracies.
  21. Prius is the only electric I've driven. I've had one as a rental 3 or 4 times. WNB
  22. aye, not sure what happened with those other two quotes - and now I can't get rid of them it was more a comment on your prophecy of the end of europe oh, and nothing was 'fixed' in 2008, what was established was the current understanding of money and debt was even more abstract than we'd imagined. The banks had no money, but it didn't really matter, turned out they'd never really had any, so we pretended to get some more to help them out, now we have to pretend to pay that back - with new loans but again, it was really just a comment on excitable doomsday stuff
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