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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I think Ruge might have had a miniature, but yes, I had a Jura at Christmas and it's almost gone. But that might be the first time a bottle hasn't lasted from one Christmas to the next.
  2. Good to see Kendall ruling herself out of any sort of shadow cabinet role. 4% of the vote should tell her everything she needs to know about her vision for light blue labour.
  3. played a few times today, mostly Mars, obviously...
  4. September, 98% less tourists and day trippers.
  5. this evenings front to the Express website, they really do only have two or three stories don't they
  6. yep, my dad sold pools coupons door to door for a short while - that was always his insider tip for the punters Littlewoods and Vernons were the two big players from memory
  7. Is spot the ball still a thing? I salute you sir on your knowledge of spot the ball, proper authentic. Did you once buy the rubber multi cross stamper from the Littlewoods man? That was a little tiny trip down memory lane right there.
  8. Today we've had a seven person pedo ring busted and convicted, plus nazi nutjob Zak Davies convicted of attempted murder. haven't seen one white person apologise yet or explain what they are doing to stop it
  9. and next up on ITV2, Jihadi House Swap, with your host, Vernon Kay...
  10. death cult about to get about 50% of it's wish list dropped on it from a great height
  11. You need to re think your attitude and the language you use, mutual respect buddy, mutual respect.
  12. quote wars very important there's a winner
  13. I only had to wear a uniform for 5 out of 13 years at school(s). Result. Mine was a boys only school that way back then had only two purposes. One: provide 15 youth rugby players. Two: piss off Chris with petty rules. Truth was, they'd already achieved number two by having rule number one.
  14. absolutely hated school, I had a big problem with having to wear uniform most of my imagination and energy went into working out how to subvert uniform and appearance rules all these years later, and I'm most at home in a meeting wearing a pair of chinos a jacket and a plain light blue shirt - just like every other bloke in the room ah well
  15. Yeah, Malmo looks an interesting place, a population smaller than Cardiff with 40% of the population being foreign born or having some non-Swedish background, almost half the population is under 35 and unemployment in the under 30's is around about 25%. 8 or 10 gang related grenade attacks since Christmas. Sounds like a place with problems. Of all the 'incomers' amongst the top 10 foreign nationalities migrating into Malmo we have Danes, Serbs, Bosnians, Poles, Hungarians and Romanians. Though top (just ahead of the Danes by 1,000) is Iraqis. To flood a city with unemployed migrant youth of any religion sounds like a pretty stupid idea. London, as a contrast, has half a million Indians, 220,000 Pakistanis, 220,000 Bangladeshi, half a million 'other' asian, 1,000,000 'black', 1,000,000 white non-british etc etc but to my knowledge no marauding rape gangs and no grenade attacks. So I just don't see the defining problem being immigration or, specifically, muslims. Looks more like a really really bad bit of social planning followed up by really really bad policing. All types of people can be good or bad. But yes, Malmo looks like a pretty rough place to be.
  16. I just read Auris as Airbus and spat out a little bit of my tea on the keyboard.
  17. I think the problem might be, Ikantcpell, that much of what you post does skirt around the edges of having a racist undercurrent. Now it might be wrong on our part, but quite a few people have picked up on it. It might be, that if english isn't your first language then we are not picking up the nuance of what you want to get across, or you are not quite using the right words. But I don't know that, it's a guess. But at the moment, a great deal of what is being posted, to my sensibilities, looks like it has a subtext. So people will call you out on it.
  18. I have never bought tartan paint, a left handed screwdriver or gap insurance so far, I haven't missed any of them - the amount of pressure they will apply to get you to buy gap should give you some indication how much of it is commission
  19. Morning Star still very much in print. It's twitter feed is fantastic! You do sometimes have to take some of it with a slight squint of scepticism. Another good one, Communist Party of Great Britain - London branch. CPGB - L is now up to about 3 members, so it shouldn't be long before they have an ideological falling out and split into a minimum of 4 new twitter feeds, mostly concentrating on rubbishing the other 3. Brilliant.
  20. who said that? ha ha! look down there, it's like one of the Krankies! Hopefully public transport is a temporary inconvenience, how much should an automatic gearbox for a Mercedes cost? Doesn't sound like a very expensive item to me? Bloody thing has only done a quarter of a million miles.
  21. I sat NEL once, one of the european games under ONeil. We were a block booking of about 6 seats in a row and every one of us was over 6' Subsequently you couldn't steal the legroom of the guy next to you so we didn't fit. Stewards constantly trying to get us to sit down, with us explaining that we weren't being awkward, we just plain didn't fit.
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