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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Ermie, please forgive me but I'm fascinated by this not being allowed to wear the kippah. Bit of a learning curve for me this subject. I've just looked up a random 3 NHS Trust dress codes, this one (Norwich University Hospital) was absolutely typical: The All Wales NHS dress code advisory simply says keep hair neat and tidy, cover up body piercings, no false nails, respect religious requirements that aren't in contravention of hygene rules. Specific Welsh Trusts all appear to say religious clothing is ok, Cardiff & Vale, UHW Trust etc.. There is a grievance procedure if you've been specifically told otherwise. You need to write in, they need to tell you in writing why they are saying no. Obviously I don't know the specifics of your circumstances. The code does state that those interacting or dealing directly with the public CANNOT wear full length sleeves, full length floor touching clothes or full facial coverings. So muslim women interacting directly with patients cannot wear whatever they like. You need to talk to your union if you've been told you can't wear a cap, it's wrong. I'm fairly familiar with Treorchy too. Population well under about 10,000? Not sure I've ever noticed a significantly large muslim community there? Certainly never felt any sort of menace? But then, I will concede I don't wear and religious identifiers. Is it Swansea perhaps where you think you might experience trouble?
  2. I'm doubly confused now, firstly, who has told you you cannot wear a hat? Secondly, are you in England or Treorchy? Treorchy is where i live, but i am English and do not agree with this UK thing as it is only became the UK at the point of a sword. You are just trolling surely? 'This' is neither England or Jerusalem. It's Treorchy, Wales. You don't even agree with the concept of the UK? How much worse than that can these migrants be?
  3. Well, one day in to being leader, our local Labour councillor and Labour candidate at the last GE (Chris Elmore) has gone from tweeting congrats and hopes for unity and winning mentality - to retweeting 3 or 4 anti Corbyn messages. That didn't take long did it. I haven't voted Labour in a very long time. If that arse is the candidate next time, he'll get nothing from me. I now have two contradictions. A half decent local MP that shows an interest in local matters - but his bosses are Bullingdon boys. A Labour leader I'm interested in (let's see how that pans out over time), with a local representative that is briefing against him 24 hours into the job.
  4. Guy across the road from me lives with his mum, he to is in his 50's, works in Carpet Right, nothing wrong with that. But he has a growling VW Golf and if ever he tricks you into some pavement conversation he has to mention he's had his dub chipped. It can do 300mph or some such, he's had it chipped, it's got more bhp than a Dodge Viper because he's had it chipped. When he drives off in the morning, he screams it down to the roundabout, he can do that because he's had it chipped. But all I can think, is yeah, but you're older than me and you live with your mum.
  5. I tried to say that but went into waffling monologue mode!
  6. Rugeley, it sounds like you are about in the same place as my dad. He actually came around here this morning about something and again struck up the refugees conversation. I tried to change the subject as we clearly have different views. But he does appear to be genuinely worried that we are about to be taken over. When I asked him how many people there were in europe he had no idea. I told him 750 million, 550 million of which are within the EU. How many migrants are coming? 40,000? 100,000? 2,000.00? 5,000,000? If it's five million, how will they be taking over the lives of the seven hundred and fifty million? There are big issues, there will be killings and shocks and scandals. Personally, I'd be much more worried about whether Russia decides to turn off the gas again this winter. THAT is a real concern. Chill out, we're on the same side as Belgium and Portugal, what could go wrong?
  7. we'll be lucky if we get to Christmas - if we'll even be allowed to have Christmas probably all have to dress like Ali Bongo too
  8. Do you think simple logistics is beginning to dawn on them? It's mid September, central europe is about to get cold and wet, 14,000 turned up in Munich this weekend, 8,000 are en route through Austria. The sentiment of refuge is to be commended, but it has to be done properly, and filling the parks with tents will not be an answer that goes down well with anyone. Simply building modular accommodation on the outskirts of conurbations will create ghettos. This needs a bit of planning and investment.
  9. walking along and I just found a John Deere tall cap in the middle of the road, went to pick it up and some clearing in the woods dressed head to toe as ski jumper or something nearly knocked me right over
  10. Oooh, I just can't wait for the start of the DSEI trade fair at the ExCel Centre London. Doesn't start until Tuesday, but I'm thrilled that the main sponsors are the Ministry of Defence. It's great to have an opportunity to sell weapons to any old **** with the cash. Hopefully we can shift some more weaponry over to the Congo, maybe Pakistan, even Somalia where the government we sponsor uses kids as soldiers. I just hope, that after 10 years of shooting at people and blowing shit up with the british weapons they bought with british 'aid' they don't decide in their early twenties to be sponging economic migrants and walk to the UK with their twisted ideas on what 'normal' is. Wouldn't want those sorts of problems turning up disguised as refugees. Sponsor & Partner: MoD Lilly livered pinko's
  11. Nice to see manners and etiquette being taught at a young age. I've seen a mum with a baby in a buggy decanting a can of coke into the baby's bottle, rather than having the little one drink directly from a can. Thumbs up to that mum!
  12. BBC R4 news just reported that Germany have advised Austria that they are going to re introduce border controls...about now. Germany really are sticklers for the rules aren't they.
  13. clearly there's more money in benefits fraud than I'd imagined
  14. You should have dropped to the floor screaming and clutching your groin. Next day, explain the missus had left the iron too long on your jockeys.
  15. What sort of headphones would you be using there Xann? I kinda imagined they were the sort of thing you'd 'acquire' by just walking out of work with them still on your head! A bit like I do with neon yellow ppe coats. I like the fact that you can try out all those Marley branded speakers and stuff in HMV. You're trying them out in the middle of a big shop full of noise and two different music or film types competing for volume. But yeah, you can try them out. My last piece of kit now will be headphones, I have a set but I have to keep liberating them from teenagers bedrooms, and that's never a good plan going in there. Last couple of things I've bought from Richer sounds locally haven't worked, so I think I'll have to make sure I don't reward them with a third shopping trip.
  16. I think that's what we're all hoping now we've all realised some of the refugees have been pre packed with muslamic ebola bombs.
  17. No, I really did know she wasn't married. I really did know that giant comedian bloke Greg Davies recently split up with her. It wasn't really a mental picture I wanted, there's quite a size difference. Happy to wear the old D hat, happy to join you in the corner. But I ain't going down for that one! As it were.
  18. and yet I thought she was the candidate that supporters thought could unite the party and take it forward ? 4% I think you've confused the words supporters and husband. She's not married. Fun fact! Until about two months ago, she was dating the actor who played Mr Gilbert in 'The Inbetweeners'. I did know that, honestly! I was being flippant and using short hand to suggest 4% was a very small number.
  19. I've drunk all the wine and now I'm having vodka ..... with dandelion and burdock.
  20. 'the world' is generally as thick as shit and believes what it last read on facebook or in the Mail / Mirror there's not an awful lot you can do about the world other than try to beat them back one at a time but then, I've just watched World War Z whilst having a rather lovely St Emillion, so I'm still a bit jittery and reactionary dya think the zombies might have been ISIS?
  21. Aah that stone, a sublime mix of The Thick Of It and Spinal Tap. Was it ever found? Last I heard some Irish Villa fan had it under his patio for safe keeping.
  22. and yet I thought she was the candidate that supporters thought could unite the party and take it forward ? 4% I think you've confused the words supporters and husband.
  23. Half bottle of neat scotch in under 24 hours. That's some sipping.
  24. Bloody hell, and we are believing that this as gospel yeah? I started that with the words 'his story'. You did see that this on the version you read and not just take it as gospel yeah? I didn't include any quotes or substantiation, why would anyone take it as gospel? **** sake.
  25. His story at the time was that they were abandoned by the smugglers when the seas got high and he tried to take over steering the boat but didn't have the experience to know how to tack into the waves. He was interviewed on the tv and explained that. He felt responsible, he was steering, lost it and his family ended up in the sea.
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