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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I believe the ideal system is a self sufficient sustainable technologically advanced and educated society headed up by a benevolent dictator (me).
  2. There was quite a bit more to it that I won't bore you with here. We should all give to charity, either time or money, even if it's just turning up in the office with enough money to buy some cakes for Macmillan or whatever. As an office we do a bit of giving, 'give and gain' days I think they are called. We also try to give work experience spots to kids from 'rough' areas of town that don't automatically have the family contacts and networking to get themselves interesting (?) work experience places.
  3. it found trades for prisoners, trained 'em up inside and got them a first job on the outside
  4. I don't condone the fighting in Hungary. They should be happy to arrive at the first safe place where they can get food and shelter and be treated with some dignity. There is a problem that Germany is clearly a more prosperous country than Hungary, appears more welcoming from simple news reports and has a leader that has openly encouraged people to get there promising a good welcome. Your comment on showing fight at home against barrel bombs and psychotic terrorists is really really crass.
  5. THEY ARE this is at least the third time this question has been asked in this thread
  6. Having worked for a number of charities over the years, I'd wager to suggest that there's a very large chance your donations are being spent poorly. Staff salaries and bloated operational costs or unnecessary day trips and lunches? Or am I way wide? Charities reflect the class system perfectly. The plebs get to stand in the rain rattling tins, while the admin get to eat five-quid cupcakes at events and told what good people they are. I made a mistake of doing quite a lot of work for free for a charity, the work took time, but it also cost money with a good few trips to London. When the work finished, the guy running the charity came to our office and rolled up in a convertible E Class Merc with a private plate that was the name of the charity. It felt like I'd been had.
  7. I heard that if he gets in to power he's going to tax gratuitous multi quoting.
  8. He has accepted an invitation to join Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privvy Council. Which is a good thing. Probably off to Debenhams right now for an ostrich feather hat and a lacey garter. Important to look the part. he only got the job on Saturday!
  9. What's the name of that board game, oooh, you know the one, where a guy steals a car runs over a cop and shoots hookers? The only time the kids aren't allowed to play GTA is when either of their nans are in the house. It's just not worth the grief. I gave up on gaming when they added colour to Asteroids.
  10. that's a really confusing format the Metro has there I couldn't work out what 'cutting the grass' was for a while, or where the 8 mexicans came into the story. Anyway, it's happened to the best of us, so I'm not going to be judgemental.
  11. I assumed this was a joke, but decided to look up Cobryn's stance on the Falklands. Apparently he is in favour of joint governance with Argentina. but then, I would bet he is for the repatriation back to their home country of immigrants living in Britain that have come here from Diego Garcia so ying and yang Seriously though, regardless of his own personal views there are two things to consider. Firstly, he says he wants to lead the Labour party by debate, concession and compromise. We'll have to see if that is possible, we'll have to see if he even tries to keep his word on that. Secondly, can you see any chance of the UK public, guided and advised by their newspapers and tv and radio allowing the election of a party with the surrender of the Falklands as a policy? No. So how much is it a problem and how much is it more of the same old drama queen shouty politics? Similarly, we won't be going unilaterally nuke free any time soon either. There are massive union backers of Corbyn, that even if he was in power (which just let us remind ourselves, he isn't) rely on jobs in the MoD, defence, trident. Do you think he'd win an election with a pledge to close down the MoD, the last dockyard and decommission the bombs? If we get a few months of genuine debate out of this, it will have been a welcome change. I don't think we will be a hippie republican commune within the next 18 months. Be nice to get the trains back though, and the mail. Be nice to have museum staff employed by museums not outsourced to Carillion via G4S from a spin off Capita contract. Be nice to collect a bit more tax from people earning over £150,000 pa and spend it on decent care homes for the elderly. It would be nice not to have to go to the Chinese and the French and plead with them to build us power stations and almost any price because we don't have the mindset or technology to do it ourselves. Seriously, Chinese nuclear power stations in the centre of the UK? Yet we are supposed to be distracted by whether somebody will or won't sing a song to the queen?
  12. he never could say no to a whopper
  13. oooooh! I was just on the way back to delete it! It was a bit lingering and a bit beyond it's sell by.
  14. Lesson one in the witty retort handbook for VT is read the thread first before posting It was the top button , it was acknowledged he wore a tie Yep, just to clarify, he did have a plain shirt, a sober dark jacket and a sober plain dark tie on. However, It was apparently worn in a way that to some eyes showed utter disrespect to the heroes of the Battle of Britain and the queen. This is the outfit today in St Pauls that has caused apparent amazement:
  15. silly season stuff tbh good grief, he's rightly open to attack on NATO or the EU or nuclear or the economy going for whether his top button was done up under his tie in church is a bit silly
  16. No, I was pointing out that what you wear doesn't really count for very much. You can be a disrespectful little shit in a £10,000 tailored suit and you can be a good and respectful person wearing jeans. To judge a man by his clothes is all a little bit silly. Although to be fair, if he'd turned up in a giraffe onesie, I'd probably waiver on that point. The Michael Foot picture was quite deliberate, that whole thing again of lets make lots of noise and call him a shit and if we keep making lots of noise and calling him a shit then the only possible outcome is that he's a shit. No doubt we should all watch eagerly to see who gets the biggest and best poppy next?
  17. I suspect Tony is the script writer for Holby City. yeah yeah, I don't know what that is either...
  18. last line was made up for comedy, the rest was absolute truth, but so far I've fluked good health all my life what does not kill us makes us flame retardant, different times, the 1970's
  19. Go on admit it, you made that shit up didn't you. That didn't really happen did it. You'd like to think it happened but it didn't Because theres nothing wrong with using the term black and no-one bats an eyelid at it. it's the same in my office I've run out of black ink, but we have to ask for ink of colour, which is not what I want I've now got about 20 colour cartridges, but I still can't print 'cos I don't have any, you know, ink of colour
  20. steam train graveyard This was my playground when I was a kid. Games included running along the tops of the trains 'cowboy film' stylee. But the most fun was scooping out all the soggy asbestos from the rusting boiler liners and using it for modelling clay. We could form giant snowmen all year round. We would also form it into bike ramps. Scoop it out from the soggy engine, mould a few ramps, leave it to dry in the sun for a day and blam! - stunt bike track! Ah we had great times. Of course, I now have a note on my medical records saying I can't be cremated and I can only be buried at a licensed waste site.
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