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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. what's the what? Are you referring to the 'pod in the park' our lovely new outdoor meeting hub / art installation?
  2. apparently there are still a good number of tickets in the £175 tier at the Millenium Some bloke in an England 2015 neon blue coat tried to tell me today I couldn't park in my usual place because I didn't have an access pass for a road they've cordoned off. We had a brief exchange of words and it was agreed he'd **** off and bother someone else.
  3. crispy trivia I work about day a fortnight in Shoreditch and I might be the only person there that wears socks and doesn't have my meetings outside in Hoxton Square.
  4. Mooney, what that tells me is you've got a high sex drive but you talk too much! I just re did the survey a few times until I got the results of a nice considerate person with a huge wang.
  5. check your chakras right here I'm mostly open, but not active.....yet
  6. genuinely, only true altruistic socialism can bring peace and save the world from us unfortunately, people's propensity for avarice and a lack of empathy makes this a long drawn out process
  7. haaaa! I'm nicking that and passing it off as my own work....
  8. 1.0 Atheists. 2.0 Hippies. 3.0 People that can't even straighten their own tie. 4.0 Gays. These are the reasons we can't all have nice things.
  9. Growing up on the island was quite a small community - we didn't have enough boys in my year in school for a football team! As a result, we were a bit of a tight knit group of mates - you know the cliche, we'd all just go to the one house and that mum would fix us all tea (egg n chips or beans n chips or sausage n chips or just chips depending on whose mum we selected that evening). The group began to grow apart when my mate Jeff discovered how to make molotov cocktails. First we knew was a loud bang and plume of smoke from down the street. Jeff had blown the kitchen off his nan's house. It was put down as a mischievous accident. About a week later there was a mystery fire on the road bridge to the 'mainland' (it's not really an island but run with it). About a week after that, Jeff was found by the police, out in the early hours, with a milk crate full of petrol bombs. What you doing with them sonny? Instead of sticking with the usual 'dunno' Jeff told them straight 'I'm going to blow up Butlins'. He had to go to a different school for a while.
  10. bunch of amateurs we used to play aerosol roulette - wait until it's dark, light a bonfire on the beach, lob in an aerosol can and stand around the fire...and wait at some point the can will explode, blowing out the fire whilst showering everyone with ash and sparks, once your eyes adjust you look around the group to see who's been shot and is down on the sand with a can shape wound somewhere on their body we had to make our own fun
  11. I can see the fat man. but once more for luck
  12. Ahmed's is the briefcase. The middle one is a real time bomb timer. The bottom one is, I believe, Fat Man to be fair, you can see how the original suspicion could have been raised, I think this is more about 4 police and photos emerging of a 14 year old boy in handcuffs
  13. they could pay an anonymous hitman to do it with all the rip off rents they charge for all business properties around Dartmoor - because let's not forget, Prince Charles was given Dartmoor so he can claim to be a legitimate businessman raising his own monies not just getting benefits
  14. one of these is Ahmed's clock
  15. Sorry, haven't a clue what you're talking about. woosh?
  16. lectures about how they are addictive ( they really aren't I've been taking them for years )
  17. Exactly what rules were you playing to there? Didn't think you could do MC from that position.
  18. yep, that's a thing, but as mentioned, you can walk down the High Street and buy a couple of packs in every shop Acetone is another that's sort of controlled. We have to phone ahead to the chemist if we want to buy a half litre bottle instead of just going to boots and buying 60 little bottles of nail varnish remover. Even then, they sometimes decline to hand it over. I've been refused acetone. Stupid thing is, you can go on Amazon and buy a warehouse full of the stuff. Perhaps terrorist and drug types don't have internet.
  19. Yep, that's a very good post there and does pretty much match my experience - not least the part about trustafarians. I've got no problem with somebody running a worldwide multi million pound charity having a decent car or whatever. But in this one particular case, there was a lot of asking people to work for free, lots of taking advantage of contractors good nature, followed by posh evening receptions to promote the cause that the people that donated time weren't invited to. But that's all a one off situation not to be taken as industry standard. Personally, I'm a big fan of Oxfam, I don't look into it too closely but they appear to do good works and are well established. MSF are the sort of trendy new kid on the block I guess.
  20. well, well, well, three holes in the ground I just went on The Times website for the first time in years - what the hell happened to that newspaper! Didn't go in through the paywall, but the stuff you were allowed to see was just cheap junk. Literally all that crap about who's having an affair, what's on the telly, top 10 best shoes, a story about aliens and something about how wonderful coconut oil is (last thing I want is the missus coming home and smelling coconut oil thank you very much). Anyway, the reason for the visit to The Times, was because apparently their summary of yesterday's PMQ's was basically 'ha ha oatmeal suit and brown shirt looozr lolz'. We're doomed.
  21. I think we should constantly drip feed insufficient millions of dollars of guns and ammunition into this region in the hope of having an influence but on a budget. I have no knowledge of the complex history, politics or various cultural groupings but if we could just give a small number of bombs and guns to groups that haven't already been outed as bad guys by the media, I think we'll be fine.
  22. Pah. You'd have us singing Bread of Heaven every morning at 6am. I believe you've confused me with a rugby fan from central casting. You're on the list.
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