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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Vegas? You people don't have a clue how to enjoy yourselves.
  2. It's a long time ago, but when I / we got married we basically had most of the day as presents from people. Wedding rings were at absolute cost price from a mate in the jewellery trade. Wedding dress material supplied free. Cake made by friends trying to set themselves up as a cake business. Cars, photos, disco, all sorts of things paid for or done by friends and family. Even a couple of coaches to ship everyone to and from the evening venue. So the day cost us hardly anything. Which meant we were able to buy a house! Wasn't worth having the nice prezzies to put in it, we had to put a roof on it first.
  3. You've shot a tourist for crack money, haven't you?
  4. I'll stick with football. It might be shit, but it's my kind of shit.
  5. very good but would have preferred text to curve around bottle like the text above it but very good
  6. Are you saying you would trust his judgement more if he hadn't had a relationship with her 40 years ago? Which politicians do you explicitly trust the judgement of due to not having had sex with someone 40 years ago? Do you have any concerns about the sexual judgement of any of the current tory cabinet? It's a strange fear that appears to struck a lot of the right wing. Their usual fear of sex, their usual fear of calm debate. But a sort of panic about the brief popularity of someone that isn't just another iteration of the usual suited clearing in the woods.
  7. Hhmmm, I wonder how many times I'm going to have to mention I don't follow rugby to the person sat next to me before they get the message and stop trying to engage me in a conversation about rugby. Three or four times now I've said I have no idea as I don't follow it at all, but the monologue continues, with the occasional question to me to try and get me involved. Casual racism, that's what it is.
  8. We just had our 25th wedding anniversary - now, anyone that remotely knows what we have consistently liked for our 30 years together knows we don't do clutter or ornaments. Anyone that has been to our house knows it's a little bit minimal, not sparse, but not crowded with tat or chintz. There are regular culls. The only thing we have a lot of is bookshelves full of books, so people understand how intellectual we are. So, having had our 25th (we celebrated with a bottle of fizz and a giant box of maltesers and a dvd of world war Z) we now have a cupboard full of the worst **** schmaltzy tat in the world. Bad enough to give a silver picture frame to a house where every picture frame is currently Ikea mid brown, but these are silver made up of lots of silver flowers. We have a candle holder about a foot high with a mirror behind it, with flowers etched on the mirror. A figurine of an abstract of two people dancing, on a silver and mirror base, where the merry **** did they get dancing from as an inspiration? Something else tall and silver and glass you can put another candle in. Some sort of glass jug, with silver flowers and stars on it. One more silver picture frame, but really big, A3 size, with like diamante crystal stuff sprinkled on it. I love these people and it must have cost a fortune, there's boxes and boxes of the stuff. Thanks everyone, you nailed our taste completely. None of it will ever see the light of day again. Not until some friends have a 25th anniversary anyway.
  9. chrisp65


    First crop of apples from the garden - and in getting these we've discovered we've got eyed hawk moth caterpillars. Huge great things the size of my little finger with a 'horn' at the end. Apparently they like apple trees and willow, we have them both so the feckers must be loving life at the moment.
  10. They've been around a few years but recently 'tweeked' their sound to be a little darker, rockier. Part of the 'Daptone Records' stable of bands. If you liked both of those posts you probably need the album I've been playing all day! Daptone Gold II it's a sampler of what's on the label. If you pick it up on vinyl you'll get the mp3 download as well, plus a big iron on daptone transfer plus a big daptone poster. Little things please little minds!
  11. received a sort of 'opt out' option
  12. opt out of likes or be able to reset / zero likes would be good
  13. makes even the shittiest football teams sooth away into the background lovely mid tempo horny honey
  14. Butlins was a mixed blessing. It meant we had swimming pools down the road from where we lived as little kids. It brought girls in when we were a bit older. We could nick bottled beers. There was always somewhere to 'explore' in the closed season. Nothing more exciting than a winter's evening prowling the ground of Butlins and the fairground. Much of Butlins jutted out on a headland. Went down the beach to catch the school bus one morning and all the Butlins cleaning ladies were on the bus stop going home early complaining they still wanted paying. Wasn't sure what sort of industrial action or sacking or whatever had taken place. Being a super observant teenager I then noticed about 30% of the bloody place was gone. Blown in to the sea overnight by the storm. That was the beginning of the end for the place really. That and the petrol bombs from the B.I.R.A. Barry Island Republican Army. Seriously, right up until a recent investment and makeover that grafitti we put up was still on a lot of walls. With our tag line 'if you wanna stay alive, stay off the island'. We were only kids, we thought it was funny and hard. Happy days.
  15. The number of complaints about facebook on here, at the football, in the office, it baffles me that it is still a thing. Never been on it so I can't judge it by anything other than third party feedback - and it sounds about as much fun as diabetes. Having said that, I use twitter which lots of people think is awful, but I get out of it what I want, no more no less so I really like it.
  16. I've opened a bottle of 2014 Rioja. Christ on a bike it's zings - it made me jump it was so unlike what I expected. Label on the back says 'vibrant', yeah vibrant like licking a 9v battery. update - that's undrinkable, have reverted to Fullers London Porter and Dorritos
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