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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I'd be wary about any story that involves responsibility due to lack of risk assessment or health and safety. Whilst this will undoubtedly be looked at, a risk assessment or lack of a risk assessment does not excuse an individual's lack of common sense or truly freak accidents. If you employ somebody to work next to shark infested waters, you do not (contrary to public belief) need to give them a risk assessment that states 'do not go in the sharky water wrapped in bacon'. I've just done a course! You most definitely do not need to tell people that are used to working on roofs not to fall off the roof. You don't need to tell people working by the sea not to drown themselves.
  2. I have helped Macmillan today sooo much. I think I might now have diabetes.
  3. I did consider doing the whole Indian space programme thing. I do tend to get confused over when a bribe is a sweetener is an investment is a bung is a strategic planning initiative is a regional partnership.
  4. Rest easy, the white van pic tweeter is also in the shadow cabinet, so it's all good. Yeah, Mike Watson, set fire to a curtain at an awards ceremony apparently, never heard of him before. Sounds an odd one doesn't.
  5. One of my more interesting away trips was at Celtic. Four of us had tickets in with the home fans, so that's where we sat. Game started and 4 of us in a crowd of about 40,000 start singing non-stop for the away team (european qualifier). The Celtic folk around us thought it was hysterically funny, everyone wanted their photo with us, loads of really funny 'bantz' back and fore. After about 10 to 15 minutes the stewards worked it out and waded in to fish us out - which itself nearly caused a riot. They were going to eject us from the stadium but were persuaded to put us in the away section - with the rest of the bus full of away supporters. Interestingly, once we were separated and penned, we had dogs abuse from the home fans who now appeared to want to kill us. Had a telling off from the police, then at the end of the game they let us go on the pitch to take photos. It was when Tommy Johnson had recently moved back up there. We did lots for community relations by starting a chant of 'super super Tom' which left him utterly bemused. He jogged over at the end to give us a little hand clap of our own, the four of us greeted him with a quick rendition of 'Villa, Villa'. Which got a thumbs up. It was an odd weekend.
  6. Hang on, did I miss the story where George Osbourne has pledged £3,000,000 of british tax payers 'hard earned' money from 'hardworking' families to........Chinese football? What the merry bloody prawn balls is that about? How have we now suddenly got enough money that we can give £3 Million to China to help play football? Haven't we just had to stop school meals? Aren't we charging the poor an extra £14 for unused rooms? A £3 Million pound hand out to superpower China for cones and bibs to play five a side? Quick, quick, feed me another nutty Corbyn story.
  7. the items in quotes from her within the article are: which was countered by: So yet another part of Corbyn's attempt to look at things in an evidence based way and have discussion and arrive at a consensus not just accept what has been established summarised as 'nut job'. As far as I can see he's receiving a kicking for not just being more of the same old crap from the old crap machine that has served us so well so far. It might well be that loads of the policy that emerges is ridiculous. It might be that he suggests something really really good, like not handing over control of our nuclear power stations to the Chinese. But let's get there first and let him potentially hang himself. Even the ever strange darklord Mandelson can see that. Some idiot tory on QT last night tried to claim you need meat to survive, it's why we have pointy teeth on the sides apparently. Science! Well, I managed it for nearly 20 years and didn't die, but lets not let facts get in the way.
  8. now that was funny! footage of a pig at some inner city farm, with music over the top by Supertramp 'take a look at my girlfriend' I did laugh I did
  9. How fast can you run? I don't need to be able to run fast, just faster than one other - that's been my strategy for life so far. I had a dabble with working in Libya 15 years ago (The Great Man Made River Project). Got as far as Malta and the Libyans insisted on having meetings in moving cars. That put me off. This time around it feels more serious than circus. So a lovely idea, but I'm 95% no at the moment. 'Never say never' was my first response on the phone. Going to meet up with them on Tuesday and see how it all feels. I'll get a free coffee out of it at least.
  10. and asked his stand out memory of the summer? 'the Queen' I know it's a deliberate affectation, but the guy is a prick.
  11. I've been offered a trip to Algeria, looking over a few construction sites. All a bit vague at the moment. Whilst I'm usually up for a bit of travel, my gut reaction on this one is to politely pass up the opportunity. Foreign office travel advice doesn't exactly fill me with confidence either. Anybody out there able to assure me it's all fantastic peace and love out there?
  12. wasn't a Micra, it was the other one that well off pensioners drive, silver Honda Jazz
  13. saw a car park classic today I've got a parking space nice n close to the office, I rent a space in a local bowls club car park. They get a few quid regular income, I get a 100 metre walk to work through a park. I'd parked up this morning, me and the guy next to me having a pleasant little chat when in rolled one of the bowls club member pensioners. They have about 50 / 60 spaces on 'their' side, there was one other car parked on their side already. Bowls guy drove in, doing about 10mph, and with 50 to 60 spaces, minus one, to choose from - managed to hit the other car whilst trying to park right next to it. A proper smack into the door at an angle of about 45 degrees. Not even close to getting it right. Rolled back out, straightened up a bit, parked, got out and walked into the bowls club. Didn't even look at his car or the other one.
  14. yeah, let's get Blandybilderburg to do it...
  15. woah! woah! woah! woah! 'favourite books', nobody said you have to read them
  16. We have a couple of schemes here which are under scrutiny, pilot schemes where you basically get a life coach. Someone that will make sure you are up and out of bed, fix a proper meal, deal with the mail, get down the post office and generally function. Early days but for the ones it works on it's like a mini miracle. The cost of a month of intense one to one is thousands. The results potentially save literally hundreds of thousands where it works. One thing I will say, until recently I had presumed that a hard man 22 year old that can name ever drug and its price and get hold of bad people on their mobile phine would be able to operate a washing machine and organise beans on toast. I was wrong. There are people, adults, that need to be shown how to make beans on toast. When they can do that, when they first cook their own lunch, well bloody hell it is emotional. It will not work in a lot of cases. Just like prison doesn't. Just like no one fix ever will. It's finding the block to match the hole.
  17. it's old, but it's a bit true
  18. To be fair to Robbie, I think that cap was free with the collectors edition 2007 Birmingham City Official Club Diary.
  19. The majority of Insane inbred users of Twitter maybe but in the real world good people vote Tory , that's apparent by the fact Tory supporters didn't trash McDonalds and vandalise war memorials when Blair won in 97 anyhows Darth Vadar was the good guy destroying Endor to kill Isis and the Jedi's were clearly on a power trip with their police state Well that's your take on the previous thread. It could be true. But then we'd have to ask why the establishment had it taken down wouldn't we.
  20. Yep, had to google him - still none the wiser really. If he hasn't been a singer for 20 years, married Doris Day or appeared in multiple cowboy movies, it's a bit of a stretch to use the word celebrity imho.
  21. Looks like it is dead, so probably worth a neutral precis of the old thread. Long, long ago, in a galaxy far away there was your basic fight between good and evil. Many battles were won and lost, many people were lost along the way. Whilst Darth Thatcher was long dead the Death Star was still spewing out clones. One such clone, an apparently inoffensive posh boy that wasn't bothered whether he got the job or not managed to become PM. It later transpired that to try and fit in with his rich tory chums he had once (at least once) **** a dead pig in the mouth. He wasn't depraved, it's just what you do at tory dining clubs. It's a bit like when normal people go to a Harvester and pile up on cold potatoes and croutons at the salad bar, totally ignoring the leaves and beetroot. It's a bit rude, but everyone does it. Anyway, after some shenanigans a new jedi emerges. Not the finished article, he often wears an oatmeal coloured jacket with a brown tie, some say his top button wasn't done up in church. Some say he refused to show the Queen his tonsils. Some say he is the anti-christ and should be taken out by drone attack to prevent further treason. On the whole, the majority of good people agreed Corbyn was a breath of fresh air, had some interesting ideas worthy of discussion, but would be crushed by the screaming media. With the lickspittle reactionary BBC running articles daily about how he was a nutjob terrorist shagger that had once had sex out of wedlock his days were numbered. Like a piglet at a tory fundraiser, he knew life at the top would be bright, brief, and end with sausage. Amongst Jedi Corbyn's crimes, he suggested public ownership of utilities, fair and equal rules for all schools, more housing, less QE straight to banks and a promise to discuss increased safety for women on public transport if that was what people wanted. This radical agenda was generally accepted to be worse than illegal wars, economic and moral bankruptcy, pig **** and stopping school meals for poor children whilst paying the Chinese to design nuclear power station software for us. Beige, was briefly, the new black.
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