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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. as long as they don't take shelter in internationally recognised hospitals they'll be fine
  2. it's deja vu all over again they decided to close my home town last time under thatcher and it's still recovering, best of luck to whoever is next in line for a kicking from the nasty bastard party
  3. They had a break in at our Waitrose when it was first rebranded. CCTV showed them dropping in through the roof, making straight for the sweets and leaving with a carrier bag full each. All whole night to take whatever they wanted and they smashed through about £50 worth of haribo. I'm guessing it wasn't some hardcore London firm up the M4 on a blag. Life will be a lot easier under Corbyn when we all wear mid blue tunics and have an allotment for wholesome vegetables. Tony's going to struggle growing his own swan burgers.
  4. Bicks, My local Waitrose is a bit of an anomaly, it was part of the Morrisons / Safeway deal where they had to hand over a certain number of sites to competitors. They gave the Cadoxton site to Waitrose - a poor location in a poor area given to the lah dee dah supermarket of middle england. They try not to stay open after dark - it's like The Omega Man over Cadoxton after about 7:00pm. Discounting starts at 6, shutters up and site empty by 8. Snowy, All I know is that locally, we apply for the bag money for various community groups and we always get at least a portion of what we ask for. Locally, it's been a good thing for lifeguards, brownies, kiddy football, community gardens et al.
  5. With almost no knowledge of ruggerby at all this is a genuine question: Has the deal whereby Wales were allowed to play two games quite literally at home come back to bite the organisers of the tournament on the backside? I know it was as a result of a long standing contract, but giving an opponent in your own 'group of death' two games at home, well, it's not exactly that old rule of tiny gains is it. Possibly not, but you must wonder if the Fiji game could have gone differently if it had been played in Birmingham or Newcastle? Maybe?
  6. except they don't make any money with the 5p or 10p ones the money has to be donated to good causes (here) as for shopping routines - yep, supermarket is on my route home, so generally pick up fresh stuff as and when we need it - when Waitrose are knocking money off everything because it's gone 6:00pm and I'm shopping for that evening's meal at 6:05pm it makes for some great mix n match meals, 'look kids, yoghurt and steak tonight!'
  7. I'm all out. Can't think what I used last time. Was it by any chance within 200 yards of a school playground?
  8. You'll catch yourself going through your collection of saved bags, looking for a cool one. No? No, no, no, no, me neither!
  9. something something something deli counter? pig's head? librarian? embalmers salon?
  10. it's a nightmare to be honest 'just be yourself' they said then just hours later 'oooh, you can't cum over the fresh fish counter at Morrisons' absolute minefield
  11. new tax today? been under that capitalist cosh for years it works quite well once you get used to it, it's trivial, not sure it's the end of the world and the bringer of muslamic ebola spiders, but I'm sure the Daily Mail AND the Daily Mirror wouldn't be wrong on something so basic, so important, so I've got my fingers crossed you guys pull through this #prayforbags
  12. You'll need to keep an eye on that. Let us know if you develop any strange habits or enhanced powers over the next few days. I'm thinking, maybe you'll wake up sweaty one night, be able to smell jam two streets away but then be foiled by the fact you can't get out of the house once you're in.
  13. colder, wetter day = first roll out of the office jumper = a whole load of shirts that are ever so slightly too 'fitting' can now be added to my repertoire
  14. I'm probably not reading this correctly but are you saying we need more Galloways and Farages ?? correct you're not reading it the right way
  15. The received wisdom from the media was that Labour should be lead by the most right wing Labour candidate available. At the vote, it turned out the Labour party wanted a left wing candidate. That man, an intellectual, a pacifist and a man seeking compromise and debate was relentlessly attacked by the media and made unelectable in the eyes of your average joe uninterested in anything deeper than the first page of a tabloid for their politics. In that respect, yes, history does appear to be a bit of a loop.
  16. all those people trying to fit in with what all these people tell them all those other people are looking for...... I wonder how many compatible people have strolled passed each other in disguise trying to be the person they were told the other person was looking for.
  17. I've never really worried about alcohol free beer. I can take it or leave it when it comes to alcohol, I bought a single bottle of that Czech Pilsner Urquhart or whatever it's called about a week ago and it's still in the fridge. Perfectly happy to go nominated driver too when we go out on a trip. The only rule being, when I do rarely decide I'm going to be drinking there is no quarrel or debate. If I've said I'm drinking then I am out of the discussion for who's driving. I drive more than enough to be able to play that ace on what I consider to be the 'big games'.
  18. Snow Hill, 1971 no reason, just a nice photo
  19. well, I can't be doing another 45 minutes of that life really is too short for this to be my leisure pleasure I'll stick with a wank and playing some records for the rest of the afternoon.
  20. The Russians want to be in charge, to stop all the others that relentlessly invade them. They feel it's their turn. They are currently conditioned to believe the best leaders are homo erotic drunken bullies. The americans give a great deal of credence to the religious right which believes we are in 'end days'. They also pay a lot of respect to Israel that believes the only good arab is a dead arab that leaves behind some land and some olive trees for their far right settlers. France haven't got a clue but feel they should join in to warrant their place at the grown ups table. ISIS is also an 'end days' death cult. Saudi and the others are a bit confused, but like the idea of lots of money fuelling their kids lifestyle in London and New York. If it goes truly rotten, they can simply Saigon chopper outta there. The UK want to be involved but need to borrow some kit to be able to play. But not to worry tens upon tens upon tens of billions on trident will help with this. Most Syrians probably want their kids to have a fair chance for a peaceful and prosperous life. But we're in now, so probably best to just keep bombing stuff and see how it pans out. If we could just oust Saddam and find Osama I'm confident we could draw a line under all this.
  21. Ginks, if it breaks a duck and gets you up and running, one of us here in the VT community will probably take one for the team as it were. (seriously though. she's out there somewhere mate, try and enjoy the treasure hunt)
  22. Well, that clip was lost on me sorry, didn't understand a word.
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