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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. In public? she was distracted by a large muffin You mean the waitress got involved? Rather alarmingly, I remember the waitress's name, 'Pretty' and to be fair, she was a fine looking young lady. Luckily, I'm far too right on and far too much of a gentleman to use the term 'wank bank'.
  2. In public? she was distracted by a large muffin
  3. Yeah, I think Sounds of the Universe / Soul Jazz is the same thing. Really really worth a visit, not least for the prices. Most of what I picked up to look at was £10 / £11 vinyl and £6 on CD. Unfortunately, most of what I picked up I also had to put down. I could genuinely have sent anybody else in there to buy me something random and they'd have pulled out a gem. Just around the corner - Reckless Records and Sister Ray Records - but I ran out of time...and money.
  4. parked my fantastic other half in a cake shop around the corner and had a right good rummage
  5. I so wish that was my quote. I'll probably steal it for another forum.
  6. I supported you with the toilet door thing. I've even just tried to knock one out over the microwave. But it's the first week of November. November. I think you've just crossed a line.
  7. I just don't get it. I've walked around and around Currys, not even a tingle down there.
  8. what if a burglar broke in and saw him doing a poo? well, I guess it would be ok unless it was a turd burglar
  9. anybody that wants to rush on to a flight on an unchecked non-secure plane out of Egypt after a possible plane bombing incident should be allowed to
  10. I saw the 6 CD plus book version earlier today, but at £99.99 thought I'd give it a swerve!
  11. Yeah, made the mistake of going on the mail out list, costing me a fortune. Plus I'm going to their actual physical shop this weekend! But I will say - I had trouble with a couple of the download codes that came with a couple of albums, e-mailed them and they were super nice and chatty and they sent me multiple codes as a sort of compensation I hadn't asked for, so a big shout for their customer service too.
  12. home alone for a while this evening, so thought it best I buy something to occupy myself it was either that, or a mini fridge
  13. and yet they can shoot brown people from a drone a mile away, operated by a man on the other side of the world crazy
  14. ahemmm.. colour photo, and the first use of the spielenstationgeschaft 3
  15. Interesting that VT is normally so 'liberal' in it's views on most things, yet quite a few are very victorian in their attitude to admitting they have a functioning penis or do poops. An attitude that can only possibly be quite a new thing, in that up until about 1860 when Joseph Bazalgette started sorting out the plumbing, most of us would have been having a shit in a china pot or outside teetering over a nettle festooned pit.
  16. Being of an architectural bent, I've selected to live in a house with windows and extractors. The door doesn't have to be wiiiide open, just like uncle rolf, sometimes it only needs to be a little crack. When is a door not a door? when it's slightly a jar.
  17. You'd love The Space Lady by the sound of it. I have the first album, I could rip you a copy.... I really do have the album!
  18. We've only recently put a lock on the bathroom door, and that was to put visitors more at ease. I even switch off the webcam now if I know they are a bit uptight about that sort of thing. Seriously though, only just put a lock on the bathroom door. Rule for 30 years has been, if the door is closed, there's a good chance there is someone in there. If the door is closed and you don't know where I am, you are more than welcome to burst in, but I may be having a shit and / or a wank. We all do it, I'm not going to pretend I don't. Knock if your nervous. But yeah, we've had a lot more house guests lately, so we now have a lock.
  19. Maq, As library photo's for stereotypes go, I think I'd struggle to find two photo's that were more americana than those of your dad. I mean that in a really good way. Excellent photo's.
  20. I've just watched a few of the tunes on youtube ... they are a yoko ono parody act yeah ? I'm guessing Yoko Ono was the only Japanese female you could think of? To be fair, I think they are one of those band's you have to experience live. You go to a live show and it's just crazy loud rock and power pop fuzzy fun with 2 minute walls of sound one after the other after the other, bam, bam, bam. You buy up all the CD's on the little stall on your way out. Play them in the car on the way home, hmmm, about a 1 in 4 hit rate. Live Band. Anyway, if I look like this when I'm 54... ...then something quite radical has happened...but yeah, you know what I mean...she's a Japanese, guitar playing lady that stays behind after the show for as many photo's and autographs as people want. Not bad for someone that has basically been on a perpetual world tour for 35 years.
  21. On balance, I've decided to keep eating sausage, but to try and avoid binge doses of plutonium.
  22. I'd left again by the time the Wagner prelude was played. It was some funky asian stuff whilst I was there. Good funky bollywood / asian stuff to be fair.
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