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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. BBC Report Sold to an American Fund Management company, that has already as part of the deal sold over £3 BN back to TSB. The name of the american company, Cerberus, derives from the three headed dog that guards the gates of hell, preventing the dead from leaving. I'm sure that's no indicator on their assessment of the mortgages they just bought up. It's nice to know that part of the solution to the financial crisis (created by Labour), is to bundle up tens of thousands of mortgages and sell them to a third party, who in turn have already sold on part of that bundle to another company.... Actually, perhaps this should be in the history thread?
  2. can you imagine, living to be 500, and then missing out on Villa winning the FA Cup by 12 months you'd be proper cheesed off
  3. I believe the correct response is 'I know, but I wanted to check out your tight denim backside, love'
  4. the driver in front at all traffic lights always 'ok, I'm just sat here, everything is calm. What? What's that? That light just changed colour. It's green, I was sure it was red. Oh, hang on, it's a different light. There was a red one, look it's still there, but it's gone off. There's a green one on now. I'm sure that means something? Sure, sure, sure, sure...yes! green for go. Green means go. I can go. Clutch. Ooh, still not sure that clutch is great I'll get that looked at for the MOT. In to gear. I'll waggle it all around the box first. There you go, it's in first. Ok, foot off the clutch and here we goooooo. Nope, nothing. What's wrong? Ahh, I'll just drop the hand brake, there you go, that's released now Not too fast in case that red light comes back on.'
  5. A recent trip to Germany suggests that German taxi drivers, wc attendants and bar staff etc., also all have superior english language skills to most people I encountered in London before and after the trip. Like a kidney stone removal tool, it was a bit of an eye opener.
  6. sort code 23:43:80 a/c NW5553/108801 High Street, Penarth Branch
  7. I was going to helpfully suggest you just buck up your ideas and cheer up. Then decided to leave it a day in case it was 'too soon' and you didn't spot the awesome black humour. I think enough time and proper advice has now passed. So, medically speaking, just cheer up a bit. There, Dr Chris has spoken. You can pull your trousers back up now.
  8. I'm torn on this whole shop hours thing. On the one hand, independent shops are up against it with larger shops and the internet. On the other hand, I'm not sure allowing my local store to stay open 24/7 really gives that much of an advantage. You just get to work an extra 10 hours with the lights on and the power on, for pretty much the same number of sales, but spread out more. I can't believe my local record store mop up that many additional sales at 10:30am on a Sunday because they are open an hour before HMV? Part of me signs up to the 'siesta' day where much of life is deliberately closed down to mark time, to remind us to take a break. In a way, I'd sign up to the keep Sunday special type of campaign. But not for the benefit of any deity. For the benefit of individuals and families having the opportunity to be comfortably stereotypical and kick back after a communal lunch etc etc.. Part of me also believes, that if I've worked 55 hours between Monday and Friday, it's a bit annoying I can't buy the parts to fix my tumble dryer after lunch on Sunday. Or go for a traditional sunday pizza. So. I'm not so much sitting on the fence. As trying to have the best of both worlds, painting my fence on a Sunday after my long lunch. With paint bought on a Sunday in direct contravention of when the Lord thinks gentiles should buy paint. As it happens, I'd try and buy the paint from the local shop. Providing it's open, and they aren't selling that thin Leyland shit at ridiculously high prices. If they are, I'll pop down Wilkinsons.
  9. Yesterday evening, at the football, two things: Firstly, whilst our home games have started a little late due to installation of a new 3G, yesterday was our second home game and we won 4:1 (opening home game last week we won 7:2). So that made me happy. Second, the clubhouse was closed for some refurbishment. When I was asked what was happening, I explained that we were having the already fantastic views of the pitch improved by extending out over the running track with a glass sided infinity pool. That we would, in the summer, be able to watch the game from the pool, eight meters up in the air. I later had to damp down expectation as apparently some people couldn't spot bullshit if it turned up with a flashing red beacon and a flag picturing a bull and a shit on it.
  10. I can confirm my mate Dai works at the DVLA. He used to work at HMRC, but never really fitted in.
  11. in my defence, I've never even considered Facebook although I do feel some days that I miss out on being able to come on here and moan and moan and moan about the stuff on facebook spoiling my life
  12. I'm on twitter! Great for porn gifs on the go and keeping up with local footy and for bullying local politicians. I've stopped snapchatting since I learnt about screen grabs.
  13. it does appear to be turning in to a 'thing' I don't think I've worn a poppy very often. No deep political statement, I haven't worn stickers for the RNLI, wristbands or ribbons or marie curie daffodils etc either. That side of stuff just sort of passes me by. But there is a growing need to conform on poppies which is a deep shame. I actually had a whole lecture off my old man a couple of days ago about how to wear one, what side, where the leaf should point, what to do if you've personally lost a close relative. All manner of ridiculous little pieces of poppy etiquette he's picked up from somewhere. When I tried to suggest that where the leaf pointed probably wasn't important, we got down to what was clearly the real issue at hand - the fact that I didn't have one. Hope we're not all heading in a silly direction with all this ties and bowing and poppies and singing the anthem stuff.
  14. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Although I haven't seen it. isn't it just a copy of a train timetable?
  15. chrisp65


    Not strictly related to 'Uber', but I took a black cab in London on the weekend. The driver clearly took a punt that because it was Saturday and I had family with me in central London I was a 'tourist'. Which I was on that particular day. He didn't take the piss massively, but when the fare got to £20 and we were still a street away, I got him to stop and pointed out to him it normally cost me £15 for the journey. We agreed to split the difference on £17.50, and I sat there and waited for my change. Not sure how he squares that with his meter, I presume he's just had to put £2.50 in from his own pocket if he wasn't 100% self employed. It was just one of those moments where I was in the mood to make a stand, not just let it go for a quiet life. The nipper was mortified with embarrassment at her big bad dad.
  16. I had a tour of the BBC* on Saturday. They said that you need to take raw information and check against two credible sources before accepting it. Well, I'm just going to accept that Xann has spoken stone cold fact there. That doesn't strike me as needing second source checking. * Had my picture taken on Alex Jones 's little green sofa / couch
  17. Hmmm interesting, I've only had time to listen to disc 1 so far (saying that, I've listened to it 3 times, I'm trying not to just rush through it and tick it off). But Neu! and Faust are currently my two stand out groups that I'll do some digging around. Disc 2 this evening, unless I get way laid by some dub I also bought! I do suspect, that given the date of the tracks, they were considering how long a side of vinyl was when going off into a trance like state. One of those trance with an eye on the clock type moments I get at around 4:00pm on a weekday.
  18. yep, and there's a second issue too, so as lovely as 4 double albums would look on the shelf, that's a bit too pricey lovely CD though, I could be converted to 10 minutes sessions of noodling at this rate
  19. All about xhamster for me Although I have frequented pornhub and multiple others as part of my quest for the perfect site
  20. horses for courses I've had two or three proper arguments with my missus in 31 years. I've got friends that have been together longer than that and must argue 3 or 4 times a day. I'd do harm to somebody that argued that much, but then, I've avoided that scenario by not marrying someone like that. Some people like it. They must do, so I have quite a neutral opinion on other people's drama.
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