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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I'd agree that we need to be cautious on who gets into the UK and is then left to their own wits and devices to wander the country. A refugee crisis brings it's own problems. As a dumb little scenario, if something weird were to happen in Ireland or England, I couldn't guard the port of Fishguard or the Severn Bridge to stop families arriving, fleeing the bloodshed and the horror. How many people here, with bombing, rape, kidnap and murder going on in the background, could push people back in to the chaos rather than let them in. Now, that's not the same as dumping 2,500 unknown people into the middle of Bradford and hoping it all works out fine. The discussion gets strangely polarised, do good nutters versus scared racists. Life can be more nuanced, which is a bit of a pain. As for the UK being 'full', it's a bullshit. I can't decide if the people that say we are full are deliberately lying, or have never looked out of the window as they drove down a motorway. Take a trip down the M4, 90% countryside. M20, 90% countryside. I took a trip down the M5 from Bristol to Exeter last week, guess what, 90% countryside. I'm not citing places in Scotland or Cumbria, that's the crowded south for you.
  2. Double parking yummy mummies in 4x4's?
  3. I think that overall, christianity is still on the rise. Yes, it's in decline in 'the west', but there is significant growth in the east and in the south. I think maybe sometimes, we sit in our homes in 'the west' and presume the way we live and the way we think is the norm. For instance, the number of christians in South Korea has (roughly) doubled in 10 years. There are now 12,000,000 where in 2005 there were estimated to be about 7,000,000. Similar stories in any number of other countries. There are church buildings across Korea, The Phillipines, India that each have larger capacities than Wembley. You could argue that if we (the world) invested more in educating people and bringing them up to a level of income and consumerism whereby they had something to lose by clinging to religion or condoning upheaval then the grip and 'threat' of religion would begin to wane. Only problem being of course, if we get a few billion extra people doing their worshipping in Ikea and on Amazon, the planet is **** and we all die screaming. It's quite a tricky one.
  4. 1978 / 79 Best give it a rest now, these will get a spin in the morning...
  5. Tumble Dryer broke down earlier in the week. I phoned a couple of the usual plumber / handyman types. No response from most, one wanted £20 for parts and £40 to come out and fix it, but then disappeared for 2 days without saying when he'd come and fix it. Googled the problem, ordered parts (£15) and I've just stripped it, replaced what was broken and put it back together. Including watching a 'how to' video it took under 30 minutes and I've saved £45 and learnt a mini skill.
  6. So, ok, we've established many many terrorist bad guys are muslim. It's a given, there is no debate (unless you want to get philosophical). In round numbers there are 12 million muslims in the UK, France and Germany. What do the people that are so worried about islam suggest we do to stop or limit islamic terrorism in europe? At the moment, I could be wrong, but I'm picking up the inference that we have to stop migration of brown people. That still leaves 12 million already here. So we have repatriation? OK, line up the buses and ship them to Turkey. Now, just a few million that were born here and have cockney and northern accents etc.. What's the plan for them?
  7. Yes they can. It's a bit of a myth that they aren't allowed to. The rule is that they keep the borders open when it's mutually convenient but every individual country has kept the right to close their borders when they feel there's an emergency. Sounds like a very sensible system to me.
  8. Mike, Of course there are parallels, that's why I used the example. The rest of your post is pretty much what I was also trying to say. Some people love a simplistic answer and don't like real life getting in the way. We clearly can't 'allow' free movement of a million unknown people back and fore across europe. But we also can't 'send everyone back' that looks a bit foreign or has a foreign name or is muslim. A good few people appear to be in raging at the traffic mode and are demanding a return to the good old days. Revenge attacks are bound to happen. Some from sheer frustration at the complicated modern world, some in the hope of stoking the fires between different groups. I dislike scum of any colour and any belief system. I like nurses and shop keepers of any colour or belief system.
  9. yeah, if you start to quote, or try to post up a picture it's really difficult to shake it off if you change your mind I've had to log out and come back in to shake stuff off. I probs just need to learn whatever new little quirk there is - that doubtless a 12 year old would just pick up intuitively.
  10. I don't see what we do with that piece of information though? There are about 5,000,000 muslims in France. Do we refine that down to just dealing with murderous nutters, or do we put 5,000,000 under house arrest or ship them all out to Sudan? We never shipped all the Irish out during the pub bombings, I think we just tried to find the bad guys. Same here, find the psychos and give them their martyrdom.
  11. Who was responsible? Share the news, I don't have a clue.
  12. Tried watching some of it on CNN but they've managed to have a headline about people dead after shooting in Paris posted above an advert on loop of football fans jumping around celebrating. Dickhead CNN driven by advertising regardless of what's breaking.
  13. I love Paris. Sympathy and thoughts for anyone caught up in the nutters pointless actions. We've beaten bigger enemies than this bunch of shits.
  14. hee hee just made everyone in the house jump out their skins I was watching the Wales game and shouted when we scored a screaming equaliser! They weren't expecting that, all sat their watching the pudseython.
  15. Yes, a real soft spot for Buddy Holly, not least because his was one of the first two records I had. The first hand me down record player I had came with two records so that I had something I could play on it. The two records were Peggy Sue by Buddy Holly and Somethin' Else by Eddie Cochran. Those two records got played to death. I mention these as they are ever so slightly cooler than the first record I bought with my own money. Billy Howard, King of the Cops. Pisses me off no end that, but it is what it is.
  16. Unfortunately not. What the Beatles had was early access to tech and a wide open vista of possibilities. Which, all credit to them they picked up and ran with. From memory, I haven't checked this. But from memory, I think the Beatles did their thing with the Sgt Pepper album, it was still top secret, they finished and left the studio. The Small Faces were next in, lots of the new tech was still in the studio as it was too big, heavy and precious to move. The Small Faces worked out how it worked and without knowing what Sgt Pepper would sound like, came up with Ogden's Nut Gone Flake. This might be wrong, haven't checked back. But regardless, released about 9 / 10 months after Pepper, ONGF is for my money, massively superior.
  17. hmmm, I was going to write a line about the Beatles not really innovating much. A quick bit of online checking and it appears the first known piece of feedback used on a record was at the start of 1964's 'I feel fine'. Feedback on an electric guitar. Now that kicked off a whole lot of stuff from that point...
  18. Providing their unproven untestable theory pans out for them, atheists have nothing to fear from death.
  19. I'd have nearly enough points on my reward card for a Costa cheese and ham toastie!
  20. There's a Beatles shop on Baker Street up that London. On the 2 or 3 occasions I've been passing, it's appeared to be rammed full of tourists buying postcards of John Lennon and little model mystery tour buses. On Oxford Street last week, every tourist tat shop had Beatles mirrors and yellow submarine clocks. Paul McCartney would turn in his grave.
  21. There is an afterlife, there is. I shall be a legendary defender for the majestic Aston Villa, at night I play bass guitar in a band at my own famously brilliant but under the radar small speak easy club. Beer and pies do not contain calories. Oh, and I'd still be married to the same fine lady. But she'd have gone off Enya and Clannad and got rid of their shitty CD's. Death genuinely doesn't worry me in the slightest. Once your gone, your gone, no regrets, no responsibility, no reckoning or embarrassment. Illness scares me. I've got this far with remarkably little in the way of illness. Not a single day on the sick in 10 years. I don't have aching knees, I don't get headaches, I take no tablets. I've even avoided getting a cold for the last couple of winters. I would be crap and being a brave little patient.
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