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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. In a sample of 3.6 million Scots, 45% of them wanted to take 36% of the Great Britain land mass and set it up a totally separate country. We need to do something I'm not quite prepared to say about this!!!!! I'm angrily skirting around something here!!!!!
  2. Yeah, luckily we do have the money for bombs and spies though, so hopefully they'll negate the need for police.
  3. excellent rantathon but the paranoid part of me is worried you thought I was serious about Labour creating the financial crisis....
  4. Oh, don't get me wrong, there's a history of anti-semitism alright. A history of it, anti jewish riots across all the major valleys towns, a catalogue of incidents. From Merthyr, Tredegar, Aberdare. Famous riots before the First World War, violence in the 1960's. None of it, incidentally, by muslims. What I don't recognise, is a Treorchy with aggressive islam driving the jewish community away. But apparently that's happening in Cardiff? Again, I don't doubt there are problems. I see the fascist stickers on lamp posts as I walk in to town. I see the EDL stickers up Albany Road. I know people in the EDL. But again, they aren't muslims. I don't doubt for a second that in a major city of more than a quarter of a million people there are muslims with vile views. I don't recognise a town with no go zones, sorry.
  5. If western civilisation is diminished one iota in 5 years time, I'll stick a bunch of flowers in my arse and do a naked jog up Queen Street.
  6. I work in Cardiff a couple of days a week and live just up the road, where's this area that's too dangerous to be jewish? You're not going to claim Cyncoed is super scary are you? Or Howard Gardens? I must walk around with my eyes closed. As for going to synagogue in Cardiff but hoping there is never a mosque for muslims in Treorchy, well, I'm struggling to come up with a constructive response. There's a whole mindset there that I struggle with.
  7. a few weeks in to listening to this and with a bit of volume this one still gives me the buzz
  8. Hopefully I'm stating the obvious here. ISIS tend not to all wear the same uniform and march in formation. We can disrupt them, we can inflict massive defeats on them and deplete their numbers with carpet bombing and selected assassination of leaders. All brilliant. I'll cheers everytime. But there will not be an end date when we 'win'. There isn't going to be a set piece tank battle. If it gets truly grim for them, they will melt away. It's the nature of the thing. An unmonitored USSR didn't defeat the mujahideen, Bush didn't annihilate the Iraqi military. Ditto, Libya, ditto Yemen, ditto Al Qaeda after Bin Laden, ditto, ditto. We can and will disrupt them, smash them up and help get countries and communities functioning again. But it will be a long time before the last death cult nut job gives up and just goes home.
  9. I remember! Weren't you the guy that said he isn't allowed to wear a skullcap in treorchy because of the threat of muslim attack? That'll be Treorchy with a population of 7,000 where the muslims control the streets. Is this the same somewhere you aren't allowed to say Happy Christmas? I don't find that entirely credible. As that's the only bit of your end of days doom laden stuff I can personally assess, I'll have to treat much of the rest of it with the same amount of credibility. Yes, there are dangerous places, yes there is crime. It's a serious enough situation not to have to go full fantasy drama queen. There are plenty of strong points that can be made about security or liberties. But I do not recognise the end of western civilisation as you describe it.
  10. I'm not sure it's 'shopped, I think it's a disaster of a lense, heading towards being a fish eye. Of course, it could have been deliberately the wrong lense to make him look like a div.
  11. Putin: '£12 for a basic pizza? £5 for Heineken? No way am I paying that' Obama: 'ok, here's the deal, you buy some cokes, I'll go to that shop up the road and get a half bottle of something and two tubes of pringles' Putin: 'sorted, meet back at my room, I can put movies on expenses'
  12. respectful absolute silence followed by lots and lots of noise and applause strikes me as the correct thing to do
  13. Before we go full tinfoil hat conspiracy, we haven't been told that they found nothing except a passport, we've been told they found a passport - as this is the important bit. Wasn't there a report that they also had at least one finger or thumb? Nobody is suggesting he had one suspiciously robust thumb. It might be that there is a whole litter bin full of bits left to stick in a jiffy bag back to his mum. It was just the passport that was of interest. Could be a deliberate fake by the murderers. Could be all sorts of weird and wonderful explanations yet. Don't get too caught up in the excitement of the CNN's and Sky's of this world needing to keep saying anything as long as they say it fast and live! Possibly.
  14. ok, just for info., I'm beginning to get to grips with the quoting now. The system can retain quotes where you changed your mind. You come back an hour later and that quote and hilarious penis joke are still there. But it should be simple enough to see that they are still there when you next go back to write something else, even more awesome than your original post was going to be. Sometimes, a simple combo of backspace and delete will get rid of it. Sometimes it's a little more sticky. If you hover the cursor over the quote or over the top left corner of the quote that will not delete a small grey / blue box appears, get the cursor in that and press delete and the quote is gone. A little more fiddly than previously, but adds about 1 second to the process once you've sussed it. It also forces you to take a little more care, look and proof read - which can't be a bad thing!
  15. writing this down will obviously be the kiss of death, but here goes... Back in October my gearbox started playing up. Nothing much at first, possibly even me imagining it. Then over a few days it got progressively worse, jumping out of gears, failing to find reverse at all unless I turned the ignition off then turned it on again. Finally, it went into 'get home' mode and would only select 2nd gear and maxed out 30mph. Now, this is an auto box in a mercedes, so obviously this is going to be cheap as chips and a doddle to fix. The garage told me it was either a fairly simple fix, or a can't be fixed. So in it goes, drained, flushed, reset the codes back to factory settings, fill it up and away we go. So, apparently the way a merc auto box works, is that it has 'open' electrical circuits within the gearbox that are washed by the gearbox oil. Over the course of a trip to the moon about a million metal filings gather, settle as sediment and short out the circuits. This has happened to mine, so it's basically had a bloody good clean. Beyond just an oil change or top up. Out, scrub, rinse, stick it back in. At the time he told me it would still feel crap for a while but would get better and better as it 'learnt' how I wanted to drive it. It has settings for sport and normal and comfort and all that. He was quite specific not to bother him with calls saying it was still broken for at least 2 weeks. Anyway, bizarrely, here we are a month later and it now works like a dream! It's been driven up and down the motorway a good few times and around London in stop start hell. Absolutely faultless, I've got my old car back and it's lovely. Who'd have thought you need software reset codes for a gearbox! In mileage terms, this car has been to the moon, turned around and is on its way back. Determined to get it back just as a sort of hobby or interest. But not interested in it getting back by being a weekend second car. It's got to do it by taking me up and down the road week in week out at, er, within the applicable legal speed limits.
  16. Muslamic Sharia EU health n safety gone mad.
  17. It was 1970 / 71 apparently. I think '73 they were promoted to the 2nd division at which point I jumped aboard (glory hunter).
  18. You said 'would not report', that suggests the Daily Mail would chose not to run a negative scary story about bad brown people. If you meant 'would not find out about' that's a very different thing.
  19. 100% bollocks You think the government could or would even want to stop the Sun and the Mail reporting such a thing?
  20. just checked back through my diary, yep, wasabi
  21. I've tried wahhabism a couple of times and really really didn't like it. Last time I tried it was quite recent, I was a bit confused when I tried it but knew straight away it still wasn't for me.
  22. About two seasons, give or take, before I got interested.
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