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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Yep, invite her to the party, but advise her to bring her own bacon and cheese sandwiches as the menu only caters for normal people. Alternative spin - ask her where she can eat that would cater for 40+ people. Explaining that for 39 of the 40 people, they need to have some meat that wasn't killed with a knife, some dairy and some cake.
  2. strange thing is, loads of guys on this forum would love the idea of their wife or girlfriend wanting a little bit of play with a strap on but somehow it's a turn off if the thing is kept in a pickle jar? weirdos
  3. No, they didn't 'come from Greece'. It is believed some of them travelled through Greece and Turkey. That is, they were French and Belgian citizens, they travelled to Syria, then came back. So stopping refugees isn't looking like the ultimate fix to the problem is it. Paris Suspects But, this is a fast moving and confused story. So I wouldn't jump to any conclusions on any apparent information. What is clear to me, is that Greece is part of the Schengen zone. But Greece is bust and is being kept bust by Northern European countries, not least Germany. A bust country with a vast border and no money to police it. A vast country, leaking like a sieve, but starved of the financial and physical help it needs. Once the refugees and migrants get in, Greece has no option but to let them pass through. it doesn't have the money to retain them. clothe them, feed them and give them shelter and medicine. Looks like there have been quite a number of decisions made, mostly concerned with money not people, that have all aligned over time to make a real mess. But don't worry. I'm sure a quick dabble in some limited bombing in some parts of Syria will bring this all to a swift conclusion.
  4. In 2013 in the USA there was an average of 30 people per day shot dead. Every single day of the year. 1st January, 30 dead, 2nd January another 30, 3rd January another 30 right up through February, March, through the summer, past thanks giving, past Christmas. News Years Eve, another 30 people shot dead. In between 2007 and 2014 the combined total of civilian deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq is estimated at something over 100,000. The number of drug gang related deaths in Mexico for the same period was over 150,000. Mexican drug gangs might not be of interest to us though, right? After all, in 2014, we only lost 2,248 people to illegal drug deaths in the UK. What would our response be, if in 2016, 2,248 people died because of terrorists in the UK? 1,800 people died in road accidents in the UK in 2014. Can you imagine the outcry, if ISIS managed to kill 10% of that number of people on a motorway? We'd have new laws, new speed limits, more cameras, more police cars, stop and search at the services. I'm not trying to make any direct correlation. I'm just trying to grab a sense of perspective. We get the news we crave and the news that is 'fashionable' at any one time. Fear sells. Remember when dogs biting kids was a big problem? Well dogs haven't stopped biting kids. Cars haven't stopped hitting pedestrians, cocaine hasn't stopped killing dickheads. The current story is terror and how it might directly impact 'us'. Paris fitted so well into the narrative. It looks more like our cities. We've been to Paris. The witnesses can speak english and give their testimony in english for us. It was always going to get more attention. Whatever happened to the Ukraine? Did that one finish?
  5. These players look like crap because they've been playing like crap. That's form, that's tactics and that's the Aston Villa sense of slo mo chaos. We have not bought a team of chubby non-league chancers that get to the 18th minute and need to throw up and have a fag. A win or two under their belts in the next three or four games and these guys will be as good as anyone else in that mid table tumbler. Surprisingly straightforward 2:1 win and people wondering what all the fuss was about....
  6. 3 another one in the 'never say never' camp
  7. they do do singles they do... fairly sure I've posted that up previously, but I like it, so it's back!
  8. free downloads too, click on the dubplates section I've just downloaded a couple!
  9. Yep, Dave was a solid first place there. I'm two singles and a CD (ft Charlie P, you see me) into them now. Check out the shop on their website - you'll go broke!
  10. I love London, but I can understand how living there could be a problem for some. What I tend to do when I have a few consecutive days there is book a hotel close to Heathrow and just commute that last few miles in and out. My routine visit will be either from home or hotel, drive in to Hammersmith and then depending on where I'm going either park at the office or park in the Westfield shopping centre (secure parking all day, in London, £9). From Westfield, it's about a 5 minute walk to one of three different tube stations. Easy.
  11. **** bumpkins that get on a bus in a 21st century metropolis and try to barter some chickens or sixpences for a ride to market
  12. I've been over and over this list. Can't find anything to criticise. If I was to go hyper critical...nah, it's fine as it is.
  13. good spot but I presumed 6 six 6 was some sort of hidden message in fact, if you play the whole thing backwards it actually says 'in six years time she'll come home early and find me stood there in her underwear'
  14. Alabama 3 For the first time ever, we took the ladies along, which put a slightly different dynamic into the night out. Happy to report that for some, this meant sliding towards the back and to the side, but in my case, simply meant it took a little longer to get to the front. Keeper.
  15. I am exceptionally tired. In fact, I'm going home.
  16. try a nice bit of Casu Marzu (it's ok, you can google it)
  17. Prolly cos of that cartoon earlier in the week. Daily Mali deserves whatever it gets.
  18. The absolute basic, day 1 MP's salary without any weightings. no little extra portfolio, no allowances or expenses etc. is £67,000. This is why some people would rather win a seat in parliament than argue over the finer points of principle and direction for a political party. Let's bag the £67k then, later, we can have a moral and philosophical discussion on shoot to kill and access to allotments.
  19. I have found the secret message, where's my prize? oh.....
  20. We need to smash the power of the junior doctors. Personally, I've been stock piling plasters and bandages. We'll treat ourselves and let the headstrong militant bastards rot on their extremist nutjob picketlines trying to blackmail the hard working politicians of this country. Stick it to 'em JH, I can't believe they have the cheek to want a salary that would be almost a third of what you earn, the robbing little bastards. Work it, JH, work it like the Chinese.
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