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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. yeah, that's a low point there Tony a little drink later 49, that's rough.
  2. Lee Scratch Perry Secret Laboratory Studio burns down He does have a little bit of form here. He deliberately burned down Black Arc Studio back in the day. Also, the last time I saw him, he accidentally set fire to his microphone and tossed it, still alight, back stage.
  3. just gonna throw this out there, are we sure they aren't geese?
  4. first chain driven manual operated bike: circa 1885 first independently propelled engined vehicle: Cugnot's steam tractor, 1769
  5. yet again the 'standards' that people on VT wouldn't bang are ridiculous you must all be going out with super birds I'd **** a pigeon if it was good company and had interesting stories and opinions. coo! this one's got a tiny baseball cap.
  6. unless you are seven, and also whooshing along the street with a plastic space ship in your hand
  7. it absolutely is their fault, yes however, the picture is vegetarian in lycra, sat on his arse in the road with a bent bike and a middle aged guy with a Mercedes estate stood over him but yes, dickheads use all forms of transport and dickheads need to be controlled, by traffic calming, traffic separation etc..
  8. jesus **** wept: bloke in the audience: 'the world is facing it's biggest crisis ever potentially' let's crank the number of dead up by a few tens of millions and nuke some cities before we start talking like that - people's sense of perspective is easily knocked off isn't it
  9. Right decision for wobbly reasons is still a right decision. Hopefully, eventually, it will be accepted that all MP's should use their conscience not their pager on matters of war.
  10. I'm not really anti cycling, it's just that there are no teachers posting at the moment. Your second point is what really really annoys and scares me. It's early December, it's dark at 6:00pm and it's raining. If a cyclist guesses wrong about me seeing him undertake me at a left turn then he is injured and apparently, as you've stated above, it's automatically my fault unless I can somehow prove otherwise. But yeah, I'm not really anti-bike. I'm just very anti bike-militant.
  11. These narrow minded views that people are inflicting on others. The public in general is roughly 50 / 50 split on this (though with a strange lack of good opinion polls). The members that fund the Labour party are 75% against the extension of bombing. The majority of the PLP voted against, the party leader voted against. I'd suggest that the 67 MP's (if anyone) are inflicting a minority view on others in a 'supposed democracy'. If my MP that I directly funded didn't agree with me and the other funders and volunteers, I'd want a different representative. However, Labour unlike the Conservatives, made this a free vote. So I do actually think this labour 'split' was a positive thing. Incidentally, still nothing in the media on the 14 votes against and abstentions from tories defying a 3 line whip. I find that odd. Not in a conspiracy way, in a poor journalism looking to follow the pack sort of way.
  12. This could be the QT where it finally kicks off. Bearded hipster shouting 'racist' clearly without even knowing what that means. Guy in the front row with a shaved head, a black shirt and a scowl. Unfortunately Diane Abbott might make this unwatchable.
  13. Tony, I gave you a like, even though you omitted my fave, ride up the inside undertaking cars at junctions and then get shouty and righteous when the car is legitimately turning left. I rarely ride my bike to work, I find I have to get up too early to get from Cardiff to Swindon by 8:00am. I guess I need a job with the local planning department, swan in around 9:30, ignore my e-mails for a few hours, attend a seminar on bats then **** off home around about 4:00pm on my bicycle.
  14. Well I've misunderstood the whole thing. I thought we were going after the terrorists and their support network at their base. I'd thought we were bombing Molenbeek in Belgium.
  15. Yep, I nearly posted it as the Einstein thing but wanted a version without the word insanity on it, 'cos I'm nice. Then, a 2 minute google diversion suggested it might not even really be an Einstein original. Not that that really matters. It's got a basic common sense truth to it.
  16. I'm just hoping that doing exactly what we've done time and time before yields a completely different result this time.
  17. The Electric in Brixton next March, hmmm, I can get free parking literally 2 minutes up the road from there.... I shall enter that one in pencil for now, mind on other things.....
  18. One of my current Clients is called Jesus. I'm spending most of my time looking for an opportunity in a meeting to say 'what would Jesus do?'
  19. So some terrorists are different to other terrorists, depending on whether some politicians but not other politicians are prepared to deal with them as and when it suits them. That's cleared that up then. It's a bit like I suggested, not simple. Incidentally, I did separate the PKK and Peshmerga. It's the Pesh that have attacked British troops back in their history.
  20. Blandy has already given you the link for FSA. You could also look up stuff on the Kurdish groups, the PKK, the Peshmerga and their history of fighting all occupying forces, including the British. If you could just tell me at what point in time the Pesh stopped being terrorists attacking a NATO country and turned into NOT terrorists I'd be grateful. If the PKK are not terrorists, why aren't we stopping our NATO allies Turkey from bombing them, whilst the PKK are trying to fight ISL? Perhaps, just perhaps. it's all a bit more complex than goodies forever and baddies forever. I'm not saying these groups are in the wrong or the worst or a threat to me and my family. I'm just trying to point out it's a bit silly to try and slur people as terrorist sympathisers at exactly the same time you claim to want national unity.
  21. Right you are then Mantis. What about people that support the Free Syrian Army? In exactly what way are they different? It's just that my understanding, is that Cameron wants to run bombing raids to help them rise up and take Raqqa. Is Cameron one of these terrorist sympathisers? Or are they, erm, freedom fighters?
  22. I think sometimes people on both sides of the divide in real life, in parliament and even on VT can be deliberately thick. I'm not convinced that Corbyn automatically secretly sides and sympathises with all terrorists. I do think that sometimes we need to probe exactly what a 'terrorist' is. There's the whole Palestinian terrorist thing, that's one for a thread all it's own. There's the Irish terrorism thing, ditto. I'll happily debate that one with you if you like. But you have to remember that even the very worst terrorist organisations sometimes somehow become magically sanitised and can eventually be talked to, engaged in communication. Most people would now recognise the ANC were probably right overall. But we all had them down as ignorant brutes and murderers previously. There are some even on VT that would still describe Nelson M as a terrorist. Now, I know we are to see ISIS as a whole different thing, literally a different animal. Right now, they are. There is no space right now for negotiation of anything with them. I get that. But that's where we were with the Taliban (at that point in between them being freedom fighters against Russian occupation and terrorists against the coalition). They aren't really animal / walking dead different though. Plenty of expanding empires have beheaded people, burnt them at the stake, pulled them apart with horses or stuck body parts on spikes on bridges. A fairly recent example would be the Khmer Rouge. A more distant example would be, well, us. The only real difference, time and technology. So to simply label people wholesale as 'terrorist sympathisers' is a pretty piss poor attempt to dumb down what is literally a life and death debate. If Cameron is willing to re arrest Gerry Adams and break off links with South Africa and Thailand and The Gambia etc., then he can be bullish about people that talk to terrorists. otherwise, he needs to grow up and debate with his opponents, not look for easy cheers from his chums.
  23. we don't need troops though Once the extra 16 planes are added into the mix on top of the 5,600 sorties already undertaken this will tip the balance and persuade an army of 70,000 liberal and democratic freedom fighters to rise up and take over areas formally occupied by the now totally vanquished ISL. These newly free and democratic areas will set up police and army units to self govern in a civilised non sectarian manner and will be left to their own business by Russia and the Assad regime. By many projections, they will probably have an american themed fast food franchise in Raqqa just before Christmas.
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