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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. yes, that and the 'Disco Devil' version are two of my absolute all time faves
  2. gifted kids news: my nipper got a merit in the drum exam - we go again, this time, grade 5
  3. ermmm, interesting Noah's Ark zoo farm, just outside Bristol. Took the kids along a few years ago presuming the name was just due to relevance to animals and kids stories. No, no, no. They have a big model of the Ark and all the maths worked out. There were posters on the walls saying stuff such as 'a man should do as told by God, a wife should do as told by her husband'. I pointed it out to my missus and got a jab in the kidneys for my trouble.
  4. Learning languages is supposed to help too! But hey, the only decent advice appears to be to try and be generally healthy, don't over do anything, don't share needles or shag strangers from africa. After that, there's a lot of luck involved and potentially a lot of self denial for unproveable diminishing rewards. Sometimes, just drinking water and only eating cabbage and nuts doesn't make you live longer, it just feels like it.
  5. I once donated money to VillaTalk and since then I have done sex numerous times. Not saying there's a direct link, just putting it out there (as it were). Similarly, I listened to some 'Passenger' CD yesterday that my kids insisted on. Today I feel like shit. If that ain't science then I don't know what is.
  6. I wonder how many people have signed something for free speech around the time of Hebdo and have now signed something to ban Trump?
  7. nice n light easy listening that makes your head nod along
  8. we must have done this to death Hitler / WW2 approx 50 to 70 million dead Stalin - approx 20 million dead Chairman Mao - approx 45 million dead Khmer Rouge - approx 8 million dead But yes, I get the point, this current crisis is linked to the mentally retarded old ladies down the church hall knitting bonnets for african babies, linked to the psycho leaders of the middle east and linked to the arms manufacturers of the west. All three are to blame to some degree.
  9. I've got no strong opinion here - my first guess was 8 minutes because I forgot we had night time most days already!
  10. Ignoring food and heat and just considering light. Tromso in Norway (population in the tens of thousands) gets no sunrise or daylight between November and January.
  11. I'd just like to point out that I lived next door to a guy that was gardening in his attic for 10 years with no windows, no skylights. It didn't appear to be much of a problem.
  12. Yeah, my 8 minutes might be a bit pessimistic. I guess there is some evidence that we survive facing away from the sun most nights.
  13. @blandyI was being very sweeping and generalised. It was an attempt to answer in kind the sentence above from Awol, Which suggested, if you don't agree with this interpretation, then you are being manipulated, having been conditioned. I felt that was a little simplistic, so thought I'd be equally simplistic. So yes, well spotted, that over simplification was the intention.
  14. Awol, ISIS is clearly real and clearly a real threat. But the route to 'ISIS' has in part been constructed by 'our' politicians. From dabbling in Afghanistan when the Taliban were the greatest threat to our culture, this was morphed in to general middle east terror and we were told that Saddam and his imaginary weapons were a real threat to our families. Al Qaeda were then a real danger to all of us, capable of bombing tube stations and buses. If we just bomb one more place we can kill off AQ. Then we have another go at Iraq, and it turns to shit, but not to worry, we just need to topple Libya and everything will be ok. But then it turns out what we really need to do is topple Assad, but then it turns out Egypt needs a nudge. But then after the nudge we didn't like the direction it fell, so strangely have decided to do nothing about a military coup and dictatorship there? I've mashed up the time line and simplified it, but you'll get the point. We have been lead here either by lies or incompetence. Those that have lied or are incompetent have benefitted hugely from this. To believe what they say again, without question, to go to war on their advice again, without question, would surely be idiotic? Or, in the language we are now adopting in this thread, murderously mentally retarded.
  15. Problem is, the right wing, the military, those with a military fetish, with a military budget, those that profit from war and people who are easily excitable by guns and bangs or want political gain or want to trick us out of our liberty for their future profit have all been pointing at everything that moved for the last 20 years and shouting 'it's a duck, we must kill it before it kills us alllllll'. Years of these fetishists, conmen and retards have lead us to automatically presume that if they lied about the ducks twenty times, this twenty first duck should probably be treated with suspicion. To simply believe the neo cons one more time would be beyond social conditioning. It would be an admission of learning difficulties on an epic scale. It would be a win for those that jerk off over power, land and blood. Quack.
  16. To tie the two current topics together, I quite like Charles Bradley, but some times, some tracks, he comes over as trying a bit too hard, straining and forcing it a bit.
  17. I bloody want that away kit now.... in the meantime, this needs wrappin' in theory, tip is cut for more bass, we'll see...
  18. nobody home and nobody next door, so making sure my Christmas prezzie works - wouldn't wanna be disappointed on the day...
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