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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. There was much more of a crowd than I'd been expecting and it became very obvious very quickly that the choice was twix, normal kitkat or something that looked like bags of m&m's or skittles. Well I panicked and just went standard kitkat. In hindsight, they didn't have what I wanted and it was an opportunity to go for the full traditional welsh snack, a can of strongbow and some chips. I rushed it and I goofed it. Festive reggae album picture coming along soon.....
  2. I just leave it outside, wrapped in cellophane, with a note saying 'we called but you were out'.
  3. Turns out that Old Etonian and current Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Oliver Letwin had some interesting racist views whilst in Thatcher's government in the 1980's. Who'd have thought it! However, I'm sure that since the 80's and since having claimed over £2,000 on parliamentary expenses to repair his private tennis court and since saying that public sector workers needed more 'fear' he's probably moved on and matured. Can't have too much of a go at people for things they thought 30 or so years ago. My guess is he would not say anything or write anything down these days that could be seen as patently racist.
  4. Sheila behind the bar could only offer the traditional four fingers so I went with that.
  5. dang right and thanks for the assist
  6. correct, doesn't need to be taxed or insured.....but you do need to notify DVLA of that via SORN statutory off road notification I fell foul of that when it first came in and I was holding a few scraps of cars for the engines and number plates. I wrote them a proper long rant saying it was soooo unfair but they were big brother so I was sure I'd have to pay up or do porridge. I had a letter back saying fine had been binned but don't do it again!
  7. Not directly a comment on or advice for you Ruge. Just bouncing off something you've said. Mentioning that you felt you had to drink on a couple of occasions because others were drinking. I managed to get over that bit of a social problem really early on. Realised that drinking to fit in wasn't really quite as cool as I'd thought it would be and I actually felt better about myself when I did my own thing. I say I 'realised' this like it was my idea, I actually got myself a girlfriend from outside my usual little social circle and she straightened me out. The advice wasn't 'give up booze and saturday night fighting, it was cleverer than that, it was 'kick against the pricks', you'll be cooler. She got me. Saying that, I am aware I'm quite boring now. Football tonight, I might have a beer in the clubhouse, but I'll probably have a mug of tea and a chunky kitkat.
  8. How do you become a millionaire? Get daddy to leave you billions and then turn out to be an absolute turd of a businessman.
  9. CEX, is that the shop that sells second hand dvd's and computer games mostly to male teenagers that are staring at their shoes whilst chewing their lip piercing? Nope, no idea why that would smell of weed and body odour.
  10. Was it Penderyn by any chance? It's pretty much my fave style / taste in whisky. We went for the distillery tour there once, they phoned us up the day before to ask if we were having the full tour....or driving. We got a taxi. however, tonight I will be mostly drinking Kraken
  11. chrisp65

    Flaky site

    apologies, I've made a mess of the 'what album you listening to' thread I partly blame the flaky site, but a bottle of red also had a major part to play.
  12. a day in the park, putting my nuts on the table to attract tits mixed results I'm up in court on the 14th
  13. tsk, I wrote a great long thesis of a thing about drugs n music and it didn't post up and so here is the abbreviated version: As a kid in a small community there were two choices. Xann called it right on the first one, solvents. The biggest little gang on the island were in to their gloo. A tub of evostik and a plastic bag, or just a tin of lighter fuel. Even as a nipper I could see that wasn't a great life choice. The other group did lager and paracetamol. Breaker parties as they were known locally. Weed didn't really figure much in my social circles. I remember once being in the big city, stood in a record store. A guy schmoozed up next to me and asked if I wanted to buy some grass. I nonchalantly said no thanks and he moved off. I remember thinking at the time 'why the hell would I want to buy grass?'. Must have been a year later I worked out what it meant, but he'd gone by then. As for smoking whilst listening to Floyd. No. That was what 'they' did. Those slightly older kids with their band names intricately traced in biro on their bags and coats. Rush, Floyd, Zeppelin all that, we would wander the school or the streets looking for these band names. We were an aggressive little band of hyena's, the island boys. Anyway, Happy Christmas. Today I have mostly been listening to Blondie.
  14. Yep, heard Money before, that is one of those 'standards' that I guessed would be on there - I think it's used for every BBC financial reportage on Newsnight. The only other one I recognise was that 'Great gig in the sky' track. Other than that, didn't recognise anything. I guess I've managed to go quite a long time not listening to this sort of thing.
  15. out on a run delivering prezzies - will report back later!
  16. 99.7p around here...I'm seriously considering buying a '67 Chevvy Impala
  17. I've never heard any of the original, wouldn't be able to identify a track off it (unless it's something super famous I hadn't realised, like the MOTD them tune or something). I've seen that dub version referenced a few times and I will eventually get around to listening to it. Right now, I've promised a record shop I'm getting in there to pick up a copy of a Dubrobots single they've held for me - but it's lashing down monsoon end of times rain....
  18. Completely agree with Snowy's comment on any theological or ideological war. Anybody willing to commit murder to prove their version of a god or idea is better than another person's version of a god or idea really isn't somebody to be siding with. I think it was around the time the whole Iran / Israel / Contras / Ollie North / Reagan thing came to light (all those years ago!) that I realised they are all a bunch of scheisters, murderers and liars and that power always corrupts. Bad people kill people. Do we have a policy that will obviously help the innocent? If not, stay out of it until we do. Don't dabble. Don't play games. Don't look to manipulate a profit out of loss. The rest is pointless detail. USA / Iran / Israel / Nicaraguan Contras The above is both non-relevant, and totally relevant. Thirty years ago the USA was supplying missiles to Jihadi groups, via Israel, whilst creaming off some of the money to fund terror gangs to destabilise central America as a consequence of which, drug smuggling boomed. They're all filthy.
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