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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. no football experience done nothing of note for years slightly more mobile than Gestede
  2. Kelvin Mackenzie is 69 years old.
  3. love the voice and timing of William S Burroughs off now to have a quick listen to advice for young people
  4. weak willed piss heads - definition (Drinkaware) you don't have to be permanently half cut or looking for your last hidden bottle to be alcohol dependent personally, I have a slightly habitual / addictive nature it happily doesn't appear to include booze - I've got bottles of beer in the fridge that I put there for Christmas, now they are just taking up space food is my nemesis, and you know what, you can't just say no
  5. Re: the Bowie Princess of Hearts stuff. There was a one line letter in yesterday's Guardian (I know, I know!), it simply read, 'Will there be a state funeral?'
  6. Will there be cake? If there's cake I'd just like to say, happy birthday mate, you're one of my top top favourites. If there isn't any cake, go **** yourself.
  7. So being discussed at the moment, whether England should have an England / English anthem. BBC Any opinions on whether it even needs another anthem? Surely the current national anthem would suffice, with anything else just being what organically happens, rather than being officially endorsed? Personally, as an outside observer, I genuinely have almost no opinion. I guess there are obvious contenders, New England, Jerusalem, Tubthumping...
  8. Like something from a Monopoly chance card, I've just won £25 in a photography competition! The only rule, I have to spend it on music and show them what I bought. Shouldn't be a problem.
  9. I blame the Diana tipping point for this need to find the next thing to gush and cry about.
  10. KEYS - Ring The Changes great album, missed it when it came out and just found a copy on a random trawl through the racks
  11. I prefer this letter from Hunter S Thompson
  12. 'Aston Villa, London, England: I have been made aware that I still own a soccer franchise. I was sure I'd asked someone to sell this for me, the future is all about women's five a side cricket and I need to be in at the start on that one to use my sports management knowledge to turn it in to something special. Anyways, what with the move to the Olympic Stadium I don't see there being a problem selling this baby to some naive foreign type. I must say, when I bought it I was unaware exactly how far away from the nearest tube station it was. The new manager, Rennie? Remploy? Reggie? he's doing a fine job and will be backed up in the 5 year plan window, whatever that means. Is British Soccer League one of those leagues where they have relegation? Or are we ok to just plod on? Up the Browns. Is it brunch yet? Any more questions, phone Nicky Keyes. I'll be honest, I've lost the password to the laptop, much happening?'
  13. Unfortunately, I'd have to agree.Can't be bothered with almost any of it, I watch bits of the Olympics out of nostalgia for when I didn't realise it was best drugs regime wins. Didn't even get a proper buzz out of the World Cup, and as for the next couple of bought World Cups... I think my post ratio Off Top to On Topic in here must be about 500 to 1. Now my usual pitch for small time stuff. Not quite jumpers for goalposts, but the only light in all of this, it is still possible to get a lift to the away games from the manager
  14. I wasn't responding to a single post, I was commenting on pages of it. Have to train myself not to pop in to this thread.
  15. This has become one of the most depressing threads outside of the actual Aston Villa related ones.
  16. biblical quantities of rain here - again Matches being abandoned that were on 3G pitches! Just too much rain, the 'all weather' surfaces are underwater. Overall, it's been quite a wet winter so far.
  17. perfectly comfortable with someone making a banner, trying to work out the size of it though.....looks 'modest'
  18. I was once banned from a football ground for a perceived boycott. We 'negotiated' and the owner told me that the ban would remain in place as long as I stayed away. If I returned, he would lift the ban. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the box.
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