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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. A great many years ago I had a friend who was treated for sex addiction (by treated, I mean he went to a consultant for a few weeks who told him to try and stop shagging for a while). He was shagging his way through the girls' school when the rest of us were still into model planes and hot wheels. He was also in Gamblers anonymous, Alcoholics anon., smoked like a chimney and constantly thieved and shoplifted stuff he didn't want or need. He was 21 when he left town because he'd messed everyone around so much he decided he needed to 'reinvent himself'. Met him again when he was 30 and he didn't look well, didn't look like someone that was going to get to 35. He tried to round up all his old mates and get them to invest in a sure fire thing he had going. Poor bugger. When we were kids, I called around his house one Saturday morning, football tucked under my arm. He took a bloody age to answer the door, when he did he was wet and had a towel around him. He said he couldn't come out as he was in the shower. I said I could wait. Then a girl came down the stairs, also wet, also with a towel. I think it's fair to say I was genuinely bewildered as to what the hell was going on. Anyway, I went round Mike's house and he was more than happy to come out and play football. He was Germany and I was Holland.
  2. @Awol tell me more about the concept of £6.2 Billion worth of aircraft carrier without aircraft until at least 2020..... I know you can't simply swap the warheads from nuclear to non nuke. But I'd imagine they see some form of conversion as dramatically cheaper and 'better' than retaining nuclear. Even if this conversion was ridiculous, didn't quite work, cost six billion and was delayed 10 years, well, that would just be a standard MoD contract wouldn't it? So we'd end up spending a few billion on something unuseable, rather than a few tens of billions on something unuseable. We don't intend to be hostile towards China, we've let them take over much of our infrastructure. Nukes won't stop a death cult. So, one silly plan is much the same as another silly plan I guess?
  3. No, that's pretty much it. Nuclear subs create jobs, nuclear warheads kill the proletariat. Keep the subs, drop the bombs (well, you know what I mean). They would still be able to sneak around quietly, they could still have conventional warheads, I guess also, if we were attacked by an island state, we could ram them.
  4. I think I've seen something on this, back catalogue music outselling 'new', I think there was some small print. But I can't remember where I saw it. My guess is on Vinyl Factory.... The Vinyl Factory it's 'physical' which I guess by default doesn't include download, which makes me think the market is skewed by fat middle aged men trying to wring out the last of their yoof....
  5. gloriously quiet evening, not a single work phone call or ping of the e-mail ...and I've just realised it's because I've left the phone in the car now I have to put my trousers back on
  6. Yeah, but other than a couple of very specific tube commutes, a couple of streets around Hammersmiff and a working knowledge of Hoxton Square sandwich shops for the rest of London I'm still very much in tourist mode. I try not to go in areas that don't have organic cereal bar start ups or trendy shipping container tattoo shops.
  7. I think you'd have the time of your life driving from deserted town to abandoned city via hauntingly empty countryside, playing the medium wave radio static really really loud.
  8. I'd have to say that I absolute love Small Faces era Steve Marriott, but I struggle to get far beyond 'Sad Bag of Shakey Jake' with Humble Pie.
  9. Nope, never gone anywhere near it. But I don't think Mooney meant us ignorant non-users, I think he meant ignorant users.
  10. You'll have to take my word on this, but dating has not evolved. We didn't have grindr when I was a kid. We didn't have mobile phones or texting. We had the Fantasia nightclub. You would do the rounds, some of them were too shy to bother investing much time in, some were clearly damaged goods. Some were 'ladettes' before we'd had that term helpfully codified for us. Some thought a kiss and a fumble would be followed by marriage. Some, were teaching their boyfriend a lesson or trying to entice someone back home where the hubby was waiting to be untied. Some were permanently looking to trade up. Some were nice and normal. What you have now, is more instant access to more females from a greater geographical area. But the ones with the mentality to use dating websites.
  11. there's no defence against the 'closed loop already contains the ahh but...argument' political posting all we can do is hope to distract people with something equally valid from recent history...
  12. the dangerous world of the away day ultra
  13. Top find! That's it, the exact make and model: 'M' reg, flat mid blue. Morris Marina 1300
  14. look, if you're going to call people out that were just trying to agree with you and reach out and make a friend then you can **** right off and you spelt tyre wrong
  15. I'm so PC that I presumed Sowshal Meeja would be some asian political campaigner or marketing guru I should be aware of. But then I found myself about to google the name to see if she was fit. Not as PC as I thought I was.
  16. also: you do not need to carry a spare wheel / tyre - if your car has a spare tyre in it that is defective, that is a fail at MOT or a fine if stopped by the police yes, this did happen to me never ever buy an ex police car as your first motor, you'll get stopped every time you are out and about by police just wanting a look at it yes, this also happened to me never drive a poorly home chopped convertible across a field without a seat belt on, it could hit a rut, flex, and you could fall out of the moving car you are driving yes, this has happened to me
  17. I wouldn't worry overly about the 90's or the 00's being less authentic because of manufactured bands. It was always the same, from Joe Meek to Motown. We just had the curtain pushed back more recenty and could see the hands at the controls. There's also an issue with the need for a time lag, for a bit of space. The music most recently gone is usually frowned upon as dated or boring, that's why it's recently gone. I don't think 1984 me would have cited the 70's as a great time. I'd have said 60's.
  18. I'm pretty sure that somewhere on the internet getting a shit beard will the sort of porn that's behind a pay wall.
  19. Nah, I wasn't putting anyone in any category to be honest, I just tacked that one liner on the end out of mischief. Entirely up to you if you want to burn in hell for all eternity.
  20. I refer you to the 'Bama 3 lyrics I posted a little earlier.
  21. I always thought the old 'footprints in the sand' story was a nice one. Person looks back on their life as a walk along a beach. Points out to God that at every point there was a problem or a challenge the two sets of footprints turns in to one. 'Why did you leave me every time life got tough?' says the person. 'I didn't', says God. 'That's where I carried you'. I like that one. Nice image. (I am neither supporting, denying or condoning anything here, before the atheifascists get all riled up)
  22. Generals. I'm here by accident. Thought it said genitals.
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