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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. To be fair, all those years of putting up with 'learning difficulties' Clarkson, they probably feel they've given that box more than enough respect.
  2. I think the days of using possession of your own penis as a defining and differentiating characteristic in law, tax and employment etc are numbered. There is currently the start of a debate about removing male / female as an identifier from passports.
  3. Our Victorian and Edwardian forbears would have been worried about Fenians and Anarchists. News and scares about these would have been rife in the newspapers, and in the gossip passed from pub to pub and factory to factory. Any number of attacks by 'europeans' in Victorian and Edwardian London would have been big news. Winston Churchill himself was involved in the Siege of Sydney Street where a gang of Latvian anarchist gangsters were out gunning the police. The military arrived but even their guns were no match for the rapid fire weapons the gang had. Winston Churchill gained permission to call in field artillery to a house siege in the middle of London. Before the artillery could be used, the house had caught fire. Churchill forbade the fire brigade from dousing the fire, the house burned down with the 'terrorists' inside. This was a famous case, but not a one off, anarchists were responsible for a bomb at Greenwich Observatory, a shoot out on the streets of Tottenham (2 dead, 27 injured), two police shot dead in Houndsditch. Then the Fenians, in 1867 a dynamite break out attempt at Clerkenwell prison killed 12 and injured over a hundred. 1883 saw the first bomb attacks on Underground stations, in 2 years Charings Cross, Praed Street and Gower Street Stations were bombed. The more shit changes, the more shit stays the same. (on a re read - that wasn't meant as a lecture for anyone, it was just something that I poissonally find interesting)
  4. 'mixed' listening this afternoon loved the little book that fell out of the Style Council album, I'd forgotten about that
  5. people in the UK in 5 day a week full time employment are entitled to a total of 28 days paid leave per annum employers can include Bank Holidays in this if they so wish, i.e. you get paid for the 7 or 8 bank holidays in a year, plus another 20 or 21 days the dates of which are to be arranged
  6. not a big fan of greek cheese to be honest Have you noticed a couple of SFA gigs popping up? I shall be all over them if they get within range.
  7. I think I've bottled out of the Scratch gig at Brixton. Went to buy tickets yesterday evening and they had a bit more info posted up, I'd known it was a late start, doors at 10:30pm but hadn't appreciated until yesterday that it went through until 6:00am. I don't think I'm up to that at the moment.
  8. fwiw, I'm a combination of dAVe and Tony, I get a decent amount of leave, plus the office closes over Christmas which is done as a 2 for 1 deal. It usually needs 3 days to be closed between Christmas and New Year, we keep and book 2 and get given 1. I also work some unsociable hours so there's a good bit of flexibility too. If I'm on the road for 2 or 3 or 4 days then come the end of the week I can work a soft day, i.e. be on call but sort of work from home. Every once in a while if travel coincides with school hols, I'll take the folks along, work a day and stay an extra day. It's pretty flexible, but it also means pretty much 'on call' pretty much most of the time.
  9. Not that it's a regular conversation piece, but I've never met anyone that has been in favour of TTIP. Not a single person. And I've had meetings up that London!
  10. Which itself may or may not depend on whether we leave, then negotiate a 30 billion pound favoured partner status.
  11. I've seen that calculation based on the 10 Billion net contribution. Then I've also seen the 'counter' argument that if we scrap all that silly money in versus money out non-sense, leave the EU but still want to be a favoured trading partner, then we will have to 'buy' a licence to trade. This is what Norway has done, and that costs them 30 Billion. So Joe Taunton would be one hundred and fifty quid worse off. If that is the case, if we are being asked to choose between being 10 or 15 quid better or worse off a month, then it's getting towards insignificant. They could redress that with a shave one way or the other on Nat Insurance. The 'counter counter' argument currently appears to be that ah yes, but they wouldn't make us pay a licence, we're British! I don't understand how we can be asked to decide something without any actual agreed undisputed facts and figures. I know we can't predict the future, but surely we can know basic costs and consequences. That leads me to think that we've actually lost any grip on what anything actually costs and what any levers actually control and are being asked to choose between two snake oil salesmen. I don't want to do that.
  12. Yep, noted Tony. I think my point (as clumsy and rushed as it was), was that it isn't membership of the EU that is stopping us trading overseas. The EU isn't restricting you or me from selling our services to India or Malaysia or Brazil. I'm not particularly pro or anti the EU. I'm just getting increasingly frustrated by nebulous opinion on what flag is nicest being touted as facts about our future security and prosperity.
  13. I thought my second paragraph was all the explanation, all the 'why' that was needed for my smug closing one liner. What odds would you give on Britannia Utopia being the end result of leaving the EU? What exactly would be demonstrably improved for an average family in Taunton or Carlisle?
  14. It's so obvious what the advantages of leaving would be. Whilst we are in europe we have to comply with their rules to sell them stuff and their stuff that we buy has to be of an agreed standard. Obviously if we weren't in the club making the rules we could sell them any old shit that didn't comply with their rules. We would also then be free to trade more with India. Currently Belgium does more trade with India than we do, so clearly it's the EU holding us back. To be honest Lapal, I think it comes down to what shade of grey suit you'd rather be **** over by. A somber dark grey British suit, a mid grey German suit, a stiff black Chinese suit, or a shiny silver American suit. You're free to pick any colour suit you fancy for your **** over, that's the beauty of democracy.
  15. Yep, the way to stop TTIP, the way to stop big business and banks and the establishment from taking everything, is to leave the EU. Once we are free of the EU then our current media set up, our politics, the money houses, the international investment funds, lobbyists and our businesses will be free to unite and ensure that the honest hardworking British family is put before profit and control. Where do I sign up for this bollocks?
  16. To be fair 'The Hunt' is a tactic this government have found works really quite well. You put somebody in place that comes over as arrogant, hard line, uncaring, incompetent. They cause massive disruption, slash budgets, get everyone involved in internal wars etc.. Then, at the next re shuffle, somebody 'nicer' is put in post. Now the 'nicer' person is actually a relative measure. Once you've had Grayling run your department, the likes of Gove can appear quite reasonable. Expect a Gove type to take over Health at some point and implement 80% of what Hunt is attempting and everyone will think it's a result.
  17. I made the card last year. Just a silly bit of fun, but it meant I could include my fave verse, the old classic: Roses are red, violets are blue, this is my knife, get in the van. It doesn't take much to personalise it, and it's the only card my mum gets.
  18. It must be that sick leave versus review and bonus time of year, I had that exact same thought this morning. I had two texts this morning before I left the house from two people that couldn't make it in to work today, and I knew when the phone pinged who it would be. Weird coincidence, but the two people that needed to stay home and fix their houses because of the wind are the same two that stayed up all night watching Super Bowl. Funny thing is, when they actually have a real cold and not some bizarre 24 hour ebola flu, they will come in to show it to people. When we have a review in a couple of weeks they'll want to know why they get overlooked for the funky jobs and why they are bottom of the bonus pile. Doubtless then within a few days they'll have taken the attitude '**** it' and will phone in with yet another dead cat / flu / cancelled train story. I don't mind people not making work priority number 1, that's a choice. But don't get all uppity when work doesn't make you number 1.
  19. Obviously this post is made up internet nonsense: When we had a new British Gas meter fitted it was set to zero, nobody took the old reading. Soon after, they came and read the meter and then shortly afterwards credited our bank account with just over a grand rebate as we'd clearly been overpaying for some time. Tentative discussions with neighbours soon suggested the same had happened at number 52, 54, 56, 58..... We kept that money for 12 months expecting them to eventually realise their error.
  20. I know that when people have been in extreme situations they've had to drink their own piss. I mean, it's not nice, but if it gets you through to lunch time.
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