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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I wouldn't have recognised the name. But that song is on a lot of the mixtapes in the other car. When I sit in the other car I'm usually given an enthusiastic three person karaoke version of this.
  2. EU is bad at negotiating deals is a bit of an odd argument. We are part of the EU. It is not the EU vs UK right now, we are integral. If the EU is crap at deals ir means we as a member don't have the ability to improve them. Sitting the opposite side of the table to the crap and ponderously slow negotiator to start a new negotiation will not be making that situation better. The EU with us takes years to do a deal. How will the EU vs UK be any quicker? It's just another one of those arguments that both sides are throwing up that are actually utter tosh when you study them. As is the constant reference to project fear by people that then go on to tell us how all the rest of the EU are bad people that want to stop us trading with India and want to force us to give our houses to ISIS sleeper cells. I still don't want to be forced to choose between two colours of ridiculous flag. Stripes or stars? Good grief.. I'm not actually all that convinced that I'd be better off or my kids better off for living under the good old union jack with it's devotion to the wealth and power of bankers and politicians, London, royalty, Lords, house price inflation and an obsession with dabbling in wars it doesn't understand. Still not hearing a good fact based argument relevant to me coming from either side, yet. Personally, I'm trying to find out a bit more about the likelihood of Turkey joining any time soon. That could throw the whole debate in to a downward spiral. Interestingly, the UK appears to be one of the main sponsors and supporters of Turkish entry. We have a Labour party that has disappeared up it's own arse and a tory party ready to split over europe. Our politicians are very very poor quality. We voted them in. I am concious I'm morphing in to some Travis Bickle / Victor Meldrew hybrid.
  3. To be fair, if the rich and powerful had to go to prison every time they did something deserving of a prison sentence there'd be too few of them left to rule over us. You have to be sensible in these things.
  4. We need more americans and american sports executives this side of the Atlantic. Bring 'em on. Bring their dollars. Bring their transferable skills. Bring daddy's money. Bring their expertise. Bring their business know how. Bring their 5 year plans. Bring their bright sunny disposition. Bring their free spending. Bring their war veteran apologist arse kissers. Bring their freedoms. Bring their can do attitude. Bring their millions. Bring their drive. Bring their wallets. Bring their henna tattoos. Bring their contacts. Bring their bright futures. What's the worst that could happen?
  5. medically and scientifically speaking, snot is basically pre cum with a dodgy sat nav
  6. Yep, Horace Andy is quite a new discovery for me, but I'm not sure why, you start reading the lists of musicians on the back of these things and they were all playing on each other's albums. Anyway, very listenable. Cover art: I'd never have picked up either of those two album covers as a random purchase. Whereas, I think my first ever Lee Perry album I bought just because I liked the cover, didn't have a clue what would be inside. @dAVe80 the biscuits were a deliberate munchies joke!! great spot, 20 internet points to your good self!!
  7. I think the 'in' campaign need to be very careful of receiving 'support' from German businesses or French politicians. Nothing will persuade the average punter to vote leave like a German and a Frenchman saying stay in or there will be 'consequences'.
  8. blob is a really tricky one On the one hand, LF is right, this isn't an episode of Bless This House, the date isn't 1976. Get with the programme, the little ladies can do sky diving and roller skating on blob days now. On the other hand, Ingram is also right. Blob is a real thing for some people and has a real emotional and or physical impact.
  9. 1. Free scarf on seat 2. A free little flag if we get a home draw in a quarter final of a cup 3. Owner to show commitment by having a tattoo 4. Watchable football
  10. When I was younger and I used to 'date' and have girlfriends we'd generally show each other our genitalia until one of us got bored or found someone with potentially better genitalia. At no point did I ever have a breakdown / break up conversation, followed by 'let's go for dessert'. So I can offer nothing, I'm sorry.
  11. Do you think Lerner might let us pay to play for the rest of the season? It's win win. Villa fans get to wear the shirt and play in front of the Holte, Lerner can charge us £20 each and make a little bit of money.
  12. I was cursed with BRS (bus rumble stiffy) for a good few years. Since I stopped catching the bus and started reading VT it's really only salad that does it for me these days.
  13. I've found this brilliant way of not complaining about long haul flights.....
  14. usually a week or so before the office Christmas party....funeral every year on party day
  15. If it's anything like that farce with my uncle Fernando, he's not even dead.
  16. a punter from the Scuba Steve thread?..... was that really 2011?
  17. a punter from the Scubs Steve thread..... was that really 2011?
  18. I would not be surprised if he still thinks finishing last just means we get first pick of next year's players.
  19. bloody hell @Rugeley Villa that GFR's a tune and a half, just had it shaking the plaster off the walls out the kitchen
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