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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Independent list of bastard tory MP's that voted to cut £30 A WEEK for the disabled
  2. @dAVe80 we'll have to organise a trip to the shop and do an hour of shuffling through their racks plus there's about a hundred bars and cake shops all around!
  3. Room temperature, fresh, raw, cauliflower and tomato with the slightest bit of herb, oil and vinegar. **** awesome.
  4. Consensus is that Hilary will be the next President. But in a two horse race, what happens when one horse is Trump and the other horse has a single disaster along the way? Footage of her slapping an orphan in a wheelchair, a tape of her saying all New Yorkers are dicks, or she has a health wobble? Does that mean that Trump, for all his toddler mentality, wins by a kind of default? Two horse races where you don't like one and a half of the horses are not great.
  5. I'm the opposite on the old fruit n veg. I used to be a vegetarian, then I went full carnivore, now I'm finding myself having meat free days that just happened that way not a conscious decision. I'll make a stir fry and instead of meat in there it'll be a few decent last minute mushrooms lobbed on the top. Thinking about it, last night was a sort of veggie fried rice n vegetables with a guest appearance from some pak choi. It's not a big deal, every chance tonight could be roast beef or sausages. It would be a disaster if I lost a couple of kilos.
  6. Yep, seller appears to have gone very quiet. Whatever, nothing lost. Money still sat with me.
  7. a quick google of left handers: Adolf Hitler Jimmy Savile Piers Morgan Pee Wee Herman case closed
  8. let's sack him there must be dozens of quality managers out there willing to be our 4th manager in 13 months
  9. Why would someone on e-bay be really really keen to get my e-mail address? I've bought something and I've had three or four messages in a couple of days trying to get my e-mail address. Can't see why it would be needed if it's a straight deal. I've pointed out you can't actually send that info via e-bay anyway it spots it and won't let you. He's come back and asked I tell him in one mail what the gmail / yahoo / talktalk bit of the address is, then in another separate mail include the front end of the address and he will stitch them together. Thanks, but no thanks.
  10. I just couldn't picture a scenario where I wouldn't find your dick annoying. Not a single situation where I could end up thinking, ooh good, here comes Stef's dick, this will help with the smooth running of the task at hand.
  11. 'I'd like to sit next to the weird foreign guy with a cold and an annoying dick.' said nobody anywhere ever
  12. It's a shame I'm busy that weekend 'cos I'd have been right up for it normally. And the Severn Bridge is being painted. (seriously though, if you do ever end up over this way, I'd be up for a pie and a pint and a rum or two) (but I'm not doing sex stuff)
  13. gumtree Don't forget gumtree too, 2 hours ago somebody in Brizzle put up a Sony PS something or other for £25. Same page has a Goldring for £50 and it looks like the tonearm might be worth that alone.
  14. Yes, sorry, it wasn't my opinion, it was me trying to channel the opinions of the typical tea party type. When you're not sure where Panama is, other than sort of by Mexico, the global importance of the canal and the USA involvement in it doesn't feel immediately important. The image of big cars at the drive in movies doesn't need the global super power stuff, nothing beyond John Wayne movies anyway. They have a mental image of a self sustaining cowboy, not the hard miles of diplomacy and aid. Cowboys live well, until they die, peacefully in their mountain shack, or stopping bad cowboys dressed in black. Cowboys don't have painful teeth for twenty years, they don't get a rough deal from their middle manager at their job in Walmart. They don't get beaten up by white police patrolling black neighbourhoods. It's a cartoon ideal of america that it would appear millions of people think if they wish hard enough, will be delivered. I was trying to say that.
  15. pffff, sad sad news there, Stevo. Just erm, no idea what to say.
  16. Without wishing to look like any sort of Trump apologist, where has 100 years of world policeman got them? The USA didn't have a natural leaning to push it's philosophy on the world, it had to be persuaded and prodded quite late in to two world wars. It's then tried after those wars to pre empt troubles and to counter communism. Perhaps any number of bloody noses and pains in the arse, from Korea to Vietnam, Libya, Afghanistan, Nicaragua and others have lead quite a lot of people to think the old isolationist policies were the best. A promise to let the world sort out its own shit, thus saving money and their sons lives, whilst building up the military, being safer at home and literally physically building walls to keep foreign people out must actually be quite appealing. If you think about it, it's only a version tweeked for a different market of what we are being seduced with right now from our own right wing politicians. We are being told that we are better than the others and we'd be better off alone, safer and richer and 'in control' before too many bulgarian weirdos, romanian benefits cheats and brown skinned rapists climb on board our raft. It's a very tempting message when people are scared. Wrap it up in some old time religion, some promise of money tomorrow and a chopsy entertaining leader, it all gets very compelling. We could very easily find ourselves soon in a world where, from the Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, France, the UK and the USA all have variations on 'strong' personality lead right wing governments. I'm not sure how Boris will measure up to Putin and Trump. But just think of that photo caption opportunity. Two of them staring at each other like some re run of a Frankie Goes To Hollywood Two Tribes video, whilst Boris dangles overhead with a little flag.
  17. So who on here believes that when China decides to dump cars on the european market below cost, the EU will act swiftly to save Mini and Renault? No of course not, they'll worry and worry and be too slow. Now, who on here believes that if the same happens when we are out of the EU the UK government will step in and protect Mini and Nissan plants in Oxford and Sunderland from £5,000 Chinese cars? Of course not. These politicians aren't cutting off their own noses to spite their own faces. The negotiators don't work 4 days in a warehouse or making gearboxes than negotiate on Fridays. They couldn't give a toss what the consequences of three years of confused negotiation might be. They'll still be politicians at the end of it. It's just that you might not be a car maker for Nissan. Do you really think they care that much that they will wrap up the deal in a week or three?
  18. it was like one of those sexist Coca Cola 'coke break' adverts sometimes, I think I'm just meat to them
  19. very productive afternoon tidied up the allotment, sorted out the shed and pruned the wife's bush back a bit wine in the fridge chips for supper
  20. Wales as a region certainly does currently have a net monetary gain from the EU. There is nothing that could convince me that George Osbourne or Boris Johnson would simply replace that money rather than reduce spending or offer tax cuts for the good people of Hampshire and Sussex. But beyond regional winners and losers, the company I work for landed a massive contract with a europe wide company back in the summer of 2015. That contract was going to net us over £100,000 of fees per year for 6 or 7 years. OK that's not in the same ball park as BMW or Airbus. But that is a handful of good jobs underwritten for long while. That contract is now on a very slow track, essentially treading water to see what the outcome of the referendum is. So we are earning far far less income than we budgeted for. If in June we vote 'stay' the contract picks up again. If we vote 'leave' it will continue to tread water until that Client can be sure its spending share holder money in the right way in the right places. Now that isn't project fear. That's common sense. What we have to rely on, is on a leave vote, our politicians can tie up all the negotiations with these poor ponderous inefficient european negotiators and completely clarify future trading rules BEFORE small companies run out of money. Who on this board is confident that our politicians could organise that? Or perhaps I'm just falling for project fear? @Awol whilst you might have seen steel and nuclear as needing some form of state input or control, I'm not absolutely sure that Boris Johnson and Liam Fox quite see it that way. Unfortunately, it's more likely they will be in charge than you. The unknown future will cause a pause in investment, anything else would be against shareholder best interest. It's the shareholders that have the power here, not unions or 'people' or flags. 'Investment' isn't some nebulous money thing. It's ordering shiny new kit and ideas from smaller companies. ---- I'm due up the allotment now! .First sunny day on a weekend since about October...
  21. As an example of this dynamic approach to protecting their own essential industries and security I guess we can point to the example of steel? For our ability to strike a great deal, look after our own industry and ensure our security I guess we can also point at steel plus the great deal we've negotiated with China to build nuclear power stations? There is a disconnect between the ego of politicians in London and Brussels with the day to day lives of car workers in Oxford and steel jobs in Redcar. Skoda sell less cars in Britain for a few years to help French politicians can make some selfish point? So be it. Jobs in GE at Nantgarw, Airbus at Broughton or Tata in Port Talbot won't suffer a few years of job losses until the medium term up tick happens. Once it's gone, it's gone. Don't get me wrong, spite and potential downturn due to political idiots is not a good reason to stay. But the presumption politicians will keep industry running for 5 years whilst they discuss per centages of tariffs is a big mistake.
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