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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Well, I just sat through a Newsnight that was a panel about the economic aspects of in / out. The debate went something like this: Person A: 'if we remain / leave then we will / won't be able to do x' Person B: 'no we won't' Person A: 'yes we will' Person B:'no we won't' Evan Davis: blah blah blah, new proposition... Person A: 'it will be worse' Person B: 'it will be better' A: 'worse worse worse' B: 'better better better' It was really just a script run through for an episode of Brass Eye or The Thick Of It. I've learnt nothing. I need to find out what Randy Lerner would do if he had a vote....(other than lose it, pay a student in Australia to look for it and accidentally set fire to his own arse, obviously)
  2. What age is the cut off for finally picking what football team you support? I'm hoping it's a bigger number than I've always presumed.
  3. I'm confident that once their exams are out of the way our Management Recruitment Specialists currently studying at Loughborough Tech will be all over which potential manager could do the best job for us. Just sit tight folks, the decision will be in safe competent hands.
  4. When there's plenty, we develop preferences. It's a first world thing innit, even our pets can be fussy eaters food is so plentiful. Plus of course, your aversion to fruit could one day mean you avoid the great fruit poisoning event that wipes out 99.9% of us, leaving you and a small bunch of banana haters to repopulate the world. But mainly, I guess you just grew up at just the right time in the right place, when you could afford to be fussy. Perhaps 100 years ago you'd have eaten any old stuff you could get your hands on. To twist an old cliche, I doubt there are too many starving in refugee camps that are fussy about their fruit intake or whether there are onions in the soup.
  5. As an example of this excellent debate, we've had everyone's favourite alien, John Redwood on the radio this morning. He went the full conspiracy theory this morning on Radio 4. There is a government and EU wide conspiracy and all of George Osbourne's figures are fake. So, we have two sides of the current conservative party, both currently sitting MP's squabbling over fake figures and conspiracy theories. That should help me decide rationally how I'm going to vote. Do I believe John Redwood or George Osbourne.
  6. A control freak with a record of unmitigated incompetence, dogged by bad luck, that has lost interest in the project, but is racked by indecision on whether to sell up or not. **** magic.
  7. We may have just worked out why it's been bleeding, the poor little thing.
  8. Has there been an actual fact spouted by either side that can't be disproven or contradicted by the other side yet? Disgracefully poor performance from both sides, it really is just seeing who has the longest list of celebrities.
  9. Please tell me you didn't eat the **** Lemur, Ruge?
  10. £60 for a band suggests he'll actually be stood 1.5 kilometers away from the band, watching their 'live' performance on a big screen. He needs to spend £15 on seeing a band, if they're rubbish you can spill your beer on their Converse. Then, go to a £7 football match and if that's rubbish, you can have a go at chatting up the player's mums.
  11. I can't believe someone would get married AND buy a dishwasher. You've paid twice for the same thing there....
  12. Do we know Lerner is alright? I mean, all this lack of communication. They have checked he's not been locked in his own bathroom for 8 months? I'd hate to think he's been sat in his own loo with a broken door knob, surviving on toothpaste and toilet water, wondering how Sherwood is getting on this season.
  13. The Lovely Eggs - If you were fruit if you're short of time, it gets going from about 2'55
  14. Well, I've sat through the first 12 movies in the Amateur Wives Call The Handyman series and I'd say there's still scope to explore the characterisations and plot twists further. So a decent director should be able to spin out the space environmentalist native american shamen stuff for a while longer.
  15. random purchase, haven't heard of a thing on there, but I'm really hoping for great things from Johnny King and the Fatback Band...
  16. I do know Sue is a real name and I do know Adolph is a real name. I don't know any Adolph's and I don't know any boys called Sue. I do know a woman called Fruit Bat and a girl called Tequila Sunrise. I can't believe I googled it, but there are 4 links to people in the U.S. called Susan Hitler.
  17. I know that is a fruit bat, but it's not the fruit bat I know. Mine is a female.
  18. Tequila Sunrise is the real name from birth, on the birth certificate. Fruit Bat was the elective name change.
  19. It's not something for the judiciary to get involved in, is it? Is Adolph acceptable? What about Absinthe? What about Tequila Sunrise? What about Fruit Bat? What about calling a boy Sue?* I don't want some judge to tell me what I can or can't call my kids, that's a lot like the state having naming rights over your baby. * Quiz question: of those five examples, one was a real person with a real name given from birth, one was an elective change of name in adulthood. I know them both.
  20. Nils Frahm, Screws I was going to buy it, then realised it was a legit free download off his site....so that's currently plinking and plonking in the background. Possibly a bit too relaxing for right now, I'm sat where there is traffic noise. I shall save it for later when I'm chillaxing wiv my crew.
  21. ......Jesus and Mary Chain.....Saint Etienne.....The Cramps..... it was one of those rare moments in time where you could buy something you didn't recognise because the label was absolutely on point ooh yeah, and the first Oasis album wasn't too scruffy either
  22. One of the few categories anywhere ever where I'd have given myself a little mental fist pump of delight as I started spending my winnings whilst selecting which pointless answer to dazzle them with. You get me to that final, I'll get you the win. The Creation label could do no wrong for a while back there. The actually had the band 'The Creation' signed, I loved them. They had Primal Scream, they had 'The Times' with Ed Ball. They even had 'Super Furry Animals' at the time they released two songs we still sing at the footy every home game to this day. Primal Scream had the sounds and the songs, superb lyrics: Today on this program you will hear gospel, And rhythm and blues, and jazz All those are just labels We know that music is music That album Screamadelica is right up there. It annoyed their 'rock' fans and it pointed me at a whole new thing, standing in fields or laying in fields looking at the stars, or at least looking at the top of a big marquee tent. To win, and show off, I'd have gone for a proper tricky little title, Higher than the sun (a dub symphony in 2 parts). Boosh, where's my winnings? In fact, I'm going to go dig it out right now and transport myself....
  23. I'm not defending the guy, not by a long stretch. But I wonder how much his 'condition' is down to the shit sack that is life at Aston Villa? Everything about the club is down and negative, he's on his third or fourth boss in just over a season of playing time, the atmosphere is bad, the ship is rudderless, like it or not there has to be stress (I know, I know, paid billions to kick a ball). All that. He certainly doesn't come over as someone that was well equipped to be captain even if the going had been stress free. Being some sort of nominal leader in this environment, when he struggles to breath and blink at the same time, that can't have been good for him. Like I say, I'm not defending him. But it wouldn't be the shock of the century if we offloaded 4, 5 or 6 of these losers, only for them to go elsewhere and regain their mojo. What would be the odds for Gabby ending up somewhere else, say Walsall, and really setting the goalscoring pace. Losing the great weight off his middle and then off his shoulders. But that isn't me saying to keep him. Better for all of us if he was to get out and get a fresh start.
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