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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. 6'40 in to this video, Prince arrives, an is the coolest guy in France by some margin...
  2. journalists are fine it's creepy hacks with black souls and dead eyes you gotta watch out for
  3. I'll have you know that I put slices of raw cauliflower in salads, that's how modern and cosmopolitan I am. Although, I must confess, I am first generation steamer (!) when we have any relatives over from either side of the family they have a tendency to poke the veg on their plate with a fork and look around with this face that says 'I can't eat this, they haven't boiled it to oblivion for an hour'. ----- I did just have a phone conversation with one of my retailer clients that wants to 'adapt' (cough copy cough) an idea they've seen in McDonalds, and I had to confess I didn't have a clue what they were talking about as I'd never been in a McDonalds. I'm more of a chip shop kinda guy.
  4. candyfloss and winkles if you're perverted list is anything to go by Butter, it's butter on crumpets across the entire civilised world, it's a science law fact.
  5. this is out of control it's like the breakfast version of 28 days later
  6. I'm up that London tomorrow, if I see you, I'll slap you. That's fair warning.
  7. I heard they were caught comparing answers in the executive level aston villa job retention quiz.
  8. A local wannabe political candidate has posted this picture on twatter. There is so much wrong with it I can't even get my head around it, from twee china cups for the tea, communal sugar bowl, a plate of bean juice, no egg, brown toast, jam on a **** crumpet, offensively awful cruet set. All those little place mats, not matching the horrid table cloth and then not even used, cups not matching plates that don't match the table cloth. Table cloths full stop. Let's not even go down the whole subject of taking photo's of your food, or going to your nan's house for a polite version of a builder's breakfast. Just no. No.
  9. Well, it was an EGM not an AGM. The 'band' was four local boys singing and dancing along to a backing track of pop songs. Imagine, if you will, a subtle combination of the opening rounds of X factor where they are still laughing at the mentally ill, combined with Phoenix Nights. I don't think we were their target demographic, I might have been the youngest person in the room that wasn't on stage. I think someone just decided any practice in front of any crowd had to be better than none. But we all clapped, and then got on with the serious business of programme pricing for next season. Price hike to £1.50 agreed. Surreal.
  10. football AGM this evening, apparently there is 'a band'
  11. @villaglint What was the criteria? Was it simply closest first, with a couple of exceptions for siblings already in the school? Or was there some other thing they threw in the mix? We had to move house* to get further away from the worst school in town, which to state the obvious, has cost us thousands over the years. I only had to move a couple of blocks, but it put me the other side of a line on a map. Even then, the closest school tried to tell us we wouldn't get an automatic place as there was a 'waiting list'. I had to point out that we live 200 metres away. and I was giving them 12 months notice. Yet once we were in that school I'd say I failed to recognise about 90% of the drivers coming in from far and wide to drop off their little darlings. Gone are the days of most of the kids walking to the school down the road. * yep, I became part of the problem.
  12. I was confusing you with awol again, my apologies. Well, you only really get one chance to press a nuclear bomb detonator, I'm not sure that's a good enough reason to press it.
  13. I was being light hearted having Tony as a neutral. Without putting words in to his mouth he's previously said something along the lines of: I para phrase, but that's how I recall it.
  14. I think I might have found a third way. I think I decided last night that unless I hear some solid nugget of advantage to voting one way or the other, I'm not going to vote. Now, that's going to be a little tricky, my wife is quite militant about making people vote and it's my nipper's first vote and I've lectured on how important it is. So right now I'm going to be marching in to the polling station, standing around for a bit and then leaving. Potentially, whilst I'm there, I'll vote remain, but it isn't a done deal. But yeah, I know what you mean Tony, other than yourself and me there are very few neutrals in this thread.
  15. @blandyI haven't been to a single game this season. That's the first time that's happened in like, forever. I've had years where I've only managed 2 or 3 games and have gone specifically so as not to have missed a whole season. But I've never been totally absent. I used to spend my modest little marketing budget taking people to the footy, be it just the game, or various levels of corporate. I've gone from spending on 6 people dining at the game, to just having a Villa scarf or keyring off my mum at Christmas. But Villa is still my team and they still have the capacity to make me angry on a Saturday afternoon and influence my TV viewing on a Saturday evening. I still haven't binned my little collection of free flags yet.
  16. celebrity couple set themselves up as a happy content thoroughly modern family unit and talk about the kids on chat shows turns out there's been some fairly mundane extra marital shagging going on so the press want to 'out' them as hypocrites, although for some reason I don't know, I think the Sun has always had a bit of a downer on the one guy involved truth is, it's only the secrecy that's interesting, the actual story is a bit dull
  17. If you take the emotion out of it, it makes no sense. Without emotion, you are paying £35 to watch other people kick a ball around a field, badly. You can withdraw your matchday spending as a weapon or a tool to exert pressure. But surely, once you 'step back' emotionally what would be the point of re engaging later. What criteria would you be using to return? I don't know, maybe it's me, but I have to care. If I didn't care then I could go along and watch Cardiff City who are geographically closer, win sometimes and entry costs less. If I didn't care I guess I could get in to women's football and not have to worry about booking history. I don't think we are far apart in this, really. I'd just offer a little caution in being too laid back about letting an owner do whatever they like without putting up a bit of resistance and giving them a little feedback. Not least, when that owner has turned up and given us his 'word' and tried to chime in with people's emotions. He said he'd leave if he turned out to be a poor custodian. He got his little tattoo to show his emotion. He has disappeared, refusing communication. That would appear to me, for lack of evidence to the contrary, to make him as a person, incompetent at best and a fraud at worst. If we are bought by a faceless Chinese Corporation, I can accept that they are in this for the business profile, the shirt sales, the gambling spin offs and the ego. That's not what Randolph told us. He said he was a fan. Well he **** isn't.
  18. I think that might be the achilles heal in your argument. You are right of course, if it's legally owned by someone else they can do whatever they lawfully like with it. He can close it if he wants to. He can change the badge and he can change the kit colour to brown. But rightly or wrongly, people have invested emotion in going to the football. Those that haven't, now watch Chelsea, or just go shopping, or have got good at computer games. If we don't invest emotionally, then he only has a failing entertainment franchise that is, frankly, shit. He'd better hope we do keep it emotional.
  19. Will the BBC never learn? Hope you've got proof of these shenanigans.
  20. fwiw my guess would be the problem was a lack of response to key questions Lerner won't have been so direct or competent as to have given a high budget, or a low budget, or an idea he would be gone on June 20th or anything else in any way useful. He will have been asked some basic questions, budget and timescale. There will have been no timely response. Which is where the Board is then thoroughly undermined.
  21. again with the Eggs and next Monday they are in town and tickets are £8.50 Note 'new' head shell acquired as another freebie, drilled out and sprayed white to be funky and give me another quick needle change. What a ball ache. If it's a different weight then you have to re set the balance of the arm. Duhh. I shall probably sellotape a penny to it now....
  22. In his defence, he was probably inhaling it from balloons to try and weigh less.
  23. Michael Gove accusing the government 'remainers' of being patronising! In other news, Flabby Gabby accuses team mates of being thick and lazy. Michael Gove, the man who as Education Minister wanted all schools to be above average in numeracy.
  24. Whereas I'm surprised they still manage 'nil'. They've had a whole season to figure out how to get a negative number. But clearly that was too much like hard work.
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