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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Hmmm, without going all googly I can't think of anything Bauhaus in the UK? (there's bound to be something utterly famous now isn't there) I think Bauhaus stayed quite, German. But we really are getting in to niche naming of categories now. I can spot an art deco thing quite easily without being able to fully describe art deco. I'd struggle a bit more on Bauhaus other than thinking it looked like really early modernism. Absolute mental blank on architect's names right now. I'd be great on Mastermind. Which is embarrassing because I once did 5,000 words on Isokon, which sort of wraps them all up together. Isokon might be my all time fave building.
  2. We've strayed OT, yes lots of Art Deco is white or Miami pastel colours. But it doesn't have to be. The largest art deco building in the UK is red brown brick with an inflatable pig. My house is Art Deco period with some funky deco stained glass and that's also red brick.
  3. I'd replace all the ink cartridges in my printer, whether they needed it or not. If I still had money left then I'd demolish the house across the road from mine, so I'd have sea views without having to stand on the bed.
  4. The story goes that the bombing of Coventry was revenge for the bombing of Munich. Then Dresden was the revenge for Coventry. I'm sure it's far more involved and technical than that, but as a very brief narrative it works. Just to speak up briefly for Brutalism. It's about my favourite style of architecture when it's done right and when it's in the correct setting and has the support of other infrastructure. When you just use concrete to build a shitty line of poorly maintained rectangles and call it a city centre, it's going to be shitty whatever style you build it in. Post war we needed mass produced buildings, as cheap as possible and as quick as possible. Whatever the chosen style, that was never a recipe for long term success. It was further undone when the parks and services that should have gone hand in hand with it were cut from the budgets time and time again across city after city. Lots of people quite liked the old Brum Central library.
  5. british rock guitar...... it's Steve Marriott all day long for me thanks
  6. @brumpic is a twitter account worth following the related website is at: Brumpic
  7. Well I've just watched the vote leave election broadcast. It would appear that if we vote remain, your mum dies in a hospital waiting room whilst a nurse fills in paperwork and helps some foreign looking bloke. Whereas, if we had chosen to leave there will be no queues in hospitals and the number of staff doubles and they have no paperwork so your mum gets seen straight away and is home for jelly and ice cream same day. I eagerly await the remain broadcast where doubtless all the nations of the world share a cola on top of a hill whilst Boris rides through town stealing the souls of babies.
  8. option 3: Xia = Nobody knows, some sceptics would like some facts but will just have to wait. Any knowledge we do have of the individuals involved in the deal does not instantly lead to absolute 100% trust that everything will be brilliant. Just as it doesn't suggest the devil is among us. Others are natural believers, some won over by suggestions we'll be secretly backed by the chinese state and communist party and will be the third biggest team on the planet in 36 months time and let's not question anything. The believers are in a clear majority in this thread. Nothing wrong with that. Many of the sceptics are not non-believers, they are simply using a bit of critical thinking. These people have, what some would call, experience. I would put myself in the sceptics box, but happy to be persuaded out of that box by actions. People calling other people rude names, well that's not very classy is it.
  9. Aahh, apologies, I thought project fear was the people who tell us our houses are worthless because the Turks are coming to start world war 3 with straight bananas and Hitler as their leader and bankers bonuses will sky rocket because Airbus will leave because polish plumbs are cheaper than chinese whispas. I'll be honest, I've stopped paying attention.
  10. Yep, if I'm not interested then I'm not interested. Motorbikes is a good call. I saw a yellow one recently that looked quite nice. After that, I have no detail I can give you. Similarly, if the kids stick a superhero film on the TV then I usually have no idea whether I've sat there on 3 previous occasions whilst they've watched it, or whether it's brand new. It'll just be moody blokes running around in capes with random stupid powers they use inconsistently. But then, gravestone architecture and symbolism in 18th century churchyards in Kent, ooh I'm all over that.
  11. I agree with the sentiment, agree entirely, but £2.50 pah! Try £6.40 most days of most weeks for me to use the M4. Usually at the back of a very long queue of people who cannot understand what 'don't try to use this toll if you don't have a card because this one only takes cards not cash, by cash, we mean it doesn't take coins and it doesn't take notes, it just takes credit cards and debit cards. These cards are the rectangular plastic things in your wallet, often with Visa or Maestro written on them. If it's paper or metal and has a drawing of the Queen on it, that's probably cash, this toll doesn't accept cash don't join this **** queue you **** retard' means when written in red neon that can be read from half a mile away.
  12. It's such a difficult subject to have any sort of sensible conversation about, which bands were the best and which were cool and all that. It's just so utterly down to a magic mix of personal preference and who got themselves the right publicity at the right time. If it was down to technical proficiency, my missus would have been right in her thinking that these guys were about the best: But clearly that level of competence was no match for the totally superior Dr Feelgood and their singer that couldn't sing and guitarist that learnt by trying to copy, but failing and accidentally inventing his own sound.... So, yeah, Dire Straights, not my cup of tea, but I'm sure a great bunch of lads.
  13. So, is Deisler suggesting that China isn't a one party communist state? That's not derogatory in any way is it? I thought that was a statement of fact? I was under the impression that anything 'the party' didn't endorse or like in China didn't flourish. Hence the other view being clung on to by some on here, the fact that Villa are potentially being bought by a man from China must mean the state have some direct or indirect interest in it succeeding.
  14. There's a street that's part of my commute that is a bit of a run down secondary shopping street. It's got some sort of Greggs seconds shop, I'm not sure what that's about? i haven't been in there so I'm guessing it's bread close to it's sell by and wonky cakes? Anyway, that's not the point. The vast mjority of this street is charity shops and betting shops. Every betting chop known to man is represented. You drive down the street and it's basically British Heart Foundation, Bet Fred, PDSA, Paddy Power. Greggs, William Hill, Marie Curie, Ladbrookes, Wetherspoon, Coral..... It's the street I've mentioned before, where at 7:45am there's a crowd of men in mismatched leisurewear gathering outside 'Spoons. I believe the technical term amongst urban planners for this sort of area is shit hole.
  15. put your finger in her drink, then push your finger in her mouth and then down her chin works every time
  16. at parties I generally get my acoustic guitar out and let people hear some of my own poetry that I've put to music...
  17. Menahan Street Band Budos Dap-Kings Sugarman 3 all available on the same excellent dbl album 'Daptone Gold ii' and it really is excellent The Barry Horns are not on it, but do have a new single coming out in a few days...
  18. Alexei Sayle summed up this side of art. As a yoof he'd wanted to study art, he'd seen the cool kids going to Chelsea Arts College and wanted to get in there. He was really good at drawing horses and enjoyed drawing horses. But Chelsea Arts didn't want someone that was really good at drawing horses. They wanted someone to stand in the local shopping centre dressed as a teapot challenging people's perception of where the boundary between art and reality was in contemporary society. So he thought, oh ok, **** it, I'll just mess about then.
  19. I think I've put this up before headphones if you're in a rush, skip straight to 8 minutes 40 if you're in the mood, it's euphoric
  20. A man nobody has heard of before has turned up claiming to be the messiah. Randy Lerner tells us he's the real deal. Some people want to believe, some people would like a bit of a sense check on claims of his miracles. Doubts about his Olympic medals, space technology, how many companies he has, the reported business losses and whether he really is a doctor should not influence whether we sign the club over to him. It will all just be fine. There is no way the out going Board could **** this up. Absolutely no way. No way.
  21. Isn't it absolutely fascinating to see the euphoria that is so easily created. Don't get me wrong, I really wanted rid of Lerner and I accept we have to move with the times and I hope we have the money to be successful. But wow, the promise of money has got what feels like an awful lot of people happy to abandon any sense of caution or critical thinking. I'm not suggesting the new owner is a charlatan, no idea one way or the other...yet. But this last couple of days does illustrate why in 2016 we still see so many people taken in by scams and cons. Just the most basic rule, 'if it appears too good to be true...' has gone out of the window. There are people on here happy to sign up to a name change and a relocation and anything else. All because the new guy is rumoured to be rich. The new guy we know nothing about that Randy Lerner has decided to do business with. Suddenly we are blindly accepting Randy Lerner's ability to pick a winner? Anyway, just needed to get that off my chest. I'm too old to get excited about Christmas coming early. I'm actually looking forward to next season, to actually attending. Not for billionaire expansion, but for seeing a different bunch of opposition teams. I'd prefer to win a cup from the Championship than spend eternity as the 6th best premier team. As for winning the Prem., well what would be the point of that if you just went out and bought it? I'd prefer to be stood directly behind the goal with a pie, than sat in the third tier of the Lotus Super Soccer Arena (just off the NEC junction) with a selfie stick. Whether the new guy is anywhere near capable of producing the Lotus Super Soccer Arena..... I guess we'll have a much better idea of how this is shaping up once we've got 3 months of the Championship under our belts. I hope he's a good owner and that we all do well out of this. In an old fashioned footballing sort of way.
  22. That's the alibi firmly planted in social media. Now, on the presumption the police don't even know there's a basement hatch under the living room rug, you're home and dry my friend. Home and dry.
  23. It would appear that the only one single thing he did was to help relegate Newcastle. So to sum up, our most successful manager of recent times.
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