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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. interesting to see a debate about the state of things in '76 with the received wisdom trotted out that Labour screwed the economy and the tories had to put it right again. When Wilson's Labour won in '74 they had actually presumed they would lose as the opinion polls ahd them a good 10 points behind late in the race - they had also been tipped off as to the state the conservaties and world events had left the economy in and many Labour shadow ministers didn't want to win as they would have to try and sort out a proper shit storm people didn't yet fully understand. perhaps we shouldn't be comparing Labour's ability to press the accelerator with the tories ability to put on the breaks - perhaps we should be asking if either side are actually at all qualified to drive the bus!
  2. wtf! edited cos i've had a little drinky
  3. don't let the players with no votes take it the wrong way, it's a team thing at the moment we're like the special olympics, we're all winners! not sure that's the best comparison but there you go.
  4. just the sort of game I'd have expected nothing from looks like I've got to re calibrate my expectations well done guys
  5. surely now its classic Villa trap, you're loosing at home, what do you wanna do? commit more forward? nice
  6. it's edging our way! **** I wish I hadn't said that......
  7. office party yesterday with a free bar fromm noon til 5:30 quite day most of today my boss is a Man U consumer unit so I waited until the final whistle to send him a 'thanks for the weekend' text fair play, he texted back to say **** off and don't come in on Monday a shout should also go out today to Wolves and Bolton, a nice 0:0 draw tomorrow would make it quite neat.
  8. Enjoyed seeing a new formation today, having experimented with 4.5.1 and the like I thought 10.0.0. was an interesting one and could have worked if only some of Gabby's defensive work could have resulted in Gabby knocking it forward to, er, oh I can see the floor in the plan now.
  9. Southgate becoming available should put a very different slant on this poll. is my medicine ready yet?
  10. Villa played off the park but win 1:0 not based on any in depth knowledge of opposition formations or star alignment, just woke up this morning and new it
  11. ? That requires an explanation if one attempts to justify the point made. Could be the unfair tax on my efforts in work that are hived off to subsidise one of the richest royal families on earth, fund an illegal war and keep index linked politicians in the subsidised lunch luxury they have come to presume to be their right. That can be quite annoying.
  12. so if I'm a doctor the most I can earn is £45k if I improve the productivity of my surgery £45k tops save 50% more lives than the next doctor £45k work an 80 hour week £45k risk being struck off and earning nothing £45k cure cancer £45k or do the minimum hours, run an average surgery, don't bother with the icky stuff, don't do call outs, £45k it's a tough call a lovely idea to rely on altruism, unfortunately 90% of us buggers are essentially selfish or lazy and need to be motivated, society is currently set up to be motivated by irrelevant shit, you know, holidays that involve air travel but no cultural exchange, 3D tv, nice badges on new cars, these things cost money and encourage people to earn more. take away a core desire for irrelevant shit and cure a lot of the problem of greed and a lack of fairness. Replace the desire for shit with a desire for peace, love and the respect of others and job's a goodun. There you go, the new testament re written in 20 words.
  13. economic -5.38 social -5.03 apparently I'm the Dalai Lama reincarnated whilst this is more complex it still asks a pre selected list of questions and offers inflexible answers I think ideally, I would like to be a wealthy insider with complete freedom of movement living in a benign dictatorship.
  14. hmmm, Collins 6? had him down as our best player for the first 55 minutes so I suppose it's all in the eye of the beholder - it could also be bias what with me being a sheep sheep sheepshagger! Carew 6 - agree, did he want to be subbed off and MoN pretend not to notice? North stand acoustics played its part I think - couldn't hear much from Cardiff, though singing 'shit support' to 4,000+ was a bit rich
  15. it works for some people...therefore it works if giving people a placebo makes them think they are better to a point that they can function better than before the placebo, well happy days it's in it's early days, there's something in it, long way to go
  16. I'd happily date Indian women if only I wasn't shit scared of the missus finding out, she can be so vanilla at times.
  17. Keith Floyd's cremation is 10am tomorrow, gas mark 7 for 40 minutes
  18. ha! off on a road trip after lunch with someone that has neglected to bring any cd's no problem, there's plenty of choice in the glove box Beatles Anthology 67 - 70 Let it be Revolver so, something for everyone
  19. photo cropped to remove Alan Green, BBC's Liverpool and Manchester commentator who regularly has to remind us during phone ins he doesn't have favourite teams
  20. man of the match for me, Alan Green unbiased and insiteful whilst entertaining and informative and wants gerrads willy up his bum big style
  21. please God, can we play them every week at theirs
  22. I was sat in the car listening to the MSP do his thang, thought it was quite reasoned (though admittedly not the quick adrenalin fix of talent show in or out vote). What i thought was interesting was his point that the victims relatives were prepared to work with the MSP, the USA was prepared to work with the MSP but the 'english' politicos wouldn't engage and wouldn't divulge what promises had clearly been made separately and secretly outside of the official court case. That for me, sums up the fact that someone somewhere has been doing deals and therefore any conviction was unsound anyway. Sorry, not saying he was inncoent or right or anything, just saying the water was muddied by our government's craving for secrecy and power. Stinks. Justice has not been the driving force in this for a number of years.
  23. some radical kit ideas and a few more How about these crazy mutha's?
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