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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. The Specials - Live at Colchester Poly BBC4
  2. Stop That Train - Clint Eastwood and General Saint 12" greensleeves vinyl, bought in 1984 by me and still precious
  3. I must have donated over 5 litres of bodily fluids to the interweb over the past few years. But I don't need a shiny badge to tell me 'well done'. I know what I've done and I am content.
  4. South Wales! In the 70's and early 80's Absolute living stereotype nightmare.
  5. I went to a school that was there simply to filter enough kids to be able to select a decent rugby team. It really was the main aim of that school at the time. Hey, none of them are going to be astronauts, find 20 that will function as a mean and cup winning rugby team. I hated rugby, luckily for me, the 'punishment' for being a rugby spaz was to be told to fwk off over the all weather pitch with a football and entertain yourself for an hour.
  6. yeah, sorry about that! (actually, since a funny thing happened to me in June 2007, that's the last thing I'd be capable of)
  7. I've spent £404 on clothes since 2006
  8. I too believe in the finite brain capacity theory. That's why I've taken a conscious decision not to read any bumf the office issues regarding ISO or QA or Building Reg changes etc.. This stuff builds up and builds up, contributing nothing of value. The thought of forgetting the name of the lead singer of the Buzzcocks in order to know the correct procedure for filing invoices is, quite frankly, not worth the risk.
  9. Well I tried this thread a while ago and it quickly descended into a scrap. But now my nipper is doing 'the significance of Cromwell' so I thought I'd try and start it up again. So, the royal family, embarassing throwback? our greatest asset? a tourist attraction? wouldn't poke them with someone elses stick? no better alternative? something constant in a mad world?
  10. goldie lookin chain - sister yes, a very retro day today with the old skool 'port wrappers
  11. wow! 10 posts in and nobody has suggested a pearl necklace as an ideal gift
  12. Not sure you can label 7.5 million people as all being the same I work in London on occassion, 'they' seem generally nice enough. Certainly usually pan out as easy to work with followed by a bit of friendly banter once we've had a pint. I have to say, I've worked all across the UK and briefly overseas, generally, people are ok.
  13. Though in all fairness, I doubt this guy will be bombing any more planes.
  14. Morals and the rule of law are all very good, but they won't help your pension plan when the Chinses get into Libya ahead of BP. It's a grubby game.
  15. never ever worth it at the first quote say no, the quote will come down then decide if it's worth it to you, personally never bought it and never regretted it, so at my advanced age and purchasing history I'm so many hundreds of pounds up on the deal that if I need to shell out for a new 'thing' I'll just accept it
  16. congrats! they paraded a triumphant Best Mate around Villa Park don't know if they'd have done that if he'd come second mind well done, really really well done
  17. that's a nice choice just re discovered 'i will survive' by Cake. also nice.
  18. I've used the same excuse in the past. Hopefully you're missus is a little less i.t. savvy than mine.
  19. Myself and a mate have had pretty identical career paths. We're in the same line of biz, same age, same hometown base. Pretty much the same salary. He has a BMW 320d fresh out of the box 2 weeks ago. He has an old Porsche Boxster to mess about with on the weekend. I have a wife and kids. It ain't what you earn, it's what you spend that counts. Truth is, I wouldn't swap it for anything.
  20. without a doubt, match report for this game last week would have been: a good effort, 10 minutes and a proven goal scorer short of getting something out of this, unlucky. this week's match report: ha ha ha ha ha ha **** off Bruce and every snidey 5 live reporter that mocked our obviously desperate panic buy, 1:0 villa
  21. don't think I've had a drink in a week or so, but today turning into a bit of a session a pint at lunch time, a bottle of beer whilst making bread with the nippers earlier, just shared a bottle of white will shortly be moving on to red label by Mr J Walker
  22. Just keep reminding yourself it was better now than later. I know a couple of ‘couples’ that got engaged and got married but in reality one partner had cooled off and went through with it rather than disappoint friends and family. Twelve months down the line, two shiny but sham marriages were over and nobody talks to anybody and there are new mortgages, cars and pets to sort out. Absolute carnage. Better to front up now, no matter how gutting it feels at the time. Look on it as your chance for a fresh start. Ever promised yourself a crack at London or a summer knocking around France? This is your chance. Get yourself out of the house and down to Cardiff vs Stoke tomorrow night and shout at people you don’t know in a game with a result you don’t care about. It’s liberating. It will be fine.
  23. if possible, do it all stood next to someone else's Porsche, make as though to lock it, and walk away
  24. given blood in the past but sort of slipped out of the habit due to office relocation I've got a donor card (not a kebab loyalty thing) on me at all times and nearest and dearest are fully aware that once I'm gone they can frankly use the body for whatever they fancy, let the nvq student surgeons have a practise at cutting and sewing, whatever.
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