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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I'd happily pay a premium to be able to stand and mingle between different mates depending on what crap has just popped into my head that needs saying. pay a premium! that should get the clubs interested
  2. tsk. I had the opportunity to go today for the first time in a couple of months. I actually declined. I don't remember ever doing that before. But they are still managing to depress me and stress me from here.
  3. the current poll results suggest the most people want reform, but the AV winner will be a night of universal hair washing and as such the vast majority will not get what they want, i.e. either AV or some other reform.
  4. As ever, there will be vested interests in the wording of the question. I doubt very much there will be a tick box along the lines of: current system is crap but go away and think of something better than AV just as we will never get a 'none of the above' box in any election, so you can only ever vote on loaded questions.
  5. I've got a lazy 'best of' Stone Roses album in the car at the moment. I'd stopped listening to them a couple of years ago and now every track that comes on I think is better than the last one. Very good at volume whilst making rapid progress down the M2.
  6. totally agree big, cumbersome, mad noisy, lumpy bumpy with poor fuel economy compared with my current car.....but somehow the kid in me just think's they're great though admittedly I wouldn't want to end up in duel against the Huey
  7. chinooks! watched two fly over today, awesome piece of kit. Not terribly environmentally aware of me, but should I ever become the richest person on the planet I will travel mostly by chromed chinook.
  8. Perhaps one of the first things that can be done to level the playing field would be to drop the govt. lead requirement for crazy levels of insurance. Bidding for a job earning £3,200 in fees? No problem, of course you can bid, just send us a copy of your TEN MILLION POUND minimum insurance cover. Before anybody blames one party or the other or inherited problems etc., the requirement was an equally absurd £5M up until six months ago.
  9. The Creation - How Does It Feel To Feel?
  10. yeah, you should always do the right thing. We did. It was 1998. We phoned in our concerns, police came, arrested about 8 young guys who were up to general no good in a nearby house (cars / shoplifting / fencing / petty drug dealing). Police put all 8 in a van, rolled up to our front door and thanked us for phoning it in. Twunts.
  11. The barnsley bi election will only cause all LibDims to stick with their leader and his mate Nick Clegg. If they separated from the Tories this would potentially cause an election. At 4% support, I don't see them going down that road.
  12. A bit OT I guess, but I came home from London today to vote. Some limp local interest Welsh Assembly powers thing. Felt kind of obliged to do so, what with the poor buggers elsewhere literally dying for the chance to do the same. I don't think I've ever missed a vote, though I have on occassion (twice) simply written 'none of the above' at the bottom of the form. Rolled into the polling station about an hour ago, got my name ticked off and it looked from the number of pencil ticks on the sheet that the turnout could be a record breaking low. I reckon on a page of 50 or so names I was the 6th or 7th tick.
  13. Just realised bath taps have different fittings to basin taps. Bought a nice set of taps and a couple of s/steel flexi's, get home start fitting them to a bath..... and that's when I realised the clue on the box that clearly stated BASIN taps why would they make different size taps for baths and basins?
  14. Beady Eye - Live at Abbey Road currently on C4 not seen or heard them before but there is something vaguely familiar.........
  15. The Assasination of Richard Nixon o.k., slow paced, Sean Penn, not the best film ever, but killed a couple of hours in the middle of the day.
  16. From my own limited experience, the company I work for were negotiating working in Libya on a couple of schemes. One out in the dessert (any remember the great man made river project?) and a couple in Tripoli. The Libyans were always great value. Negotiations would involve driving around Malta having meetings in the back of cars followed by other cars. In the end we couldn't get any insurance or assurances that those of us out there could get back if it all went a bit tits. The company took the view the risk for individuals outweighed the benefits. Clearly the greater monies to be made in oil made it a risk that looked to be worth taking. For what it's worth, I think we've done the right thing to try and get people out.
  17. sat in a restaurant tonight, in a party of 18 of us, 2 people were on their stupidfuckiniphones looking up the restaurant facebook page and posting messages to each other ffs, you're in your forties and your actually eating with a group of people you supposedly like, put your nobtoy down and actually join in rather than posting irrlevant shite about being out with friends
  18. having to constantly pull my jeans up because 2 weeks ago I decided to do something about my weight
  19. I think I've got that one on dvd. Is there a midget and a really bad continuity error where sometimes they're dressed and sometimes they aren't?
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