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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. ££££££ aye, a book about a media scandal by a politician - it'll sell millions worlwide, then there's the film rights, merchandising (poseable figures, pies, password free mobiles), perhaps a musical? Hacked to Death! starring Susan Boyle as wee Johnny Prescott. Don't really see this as a long winded way of getting a big pay off. But doubtless someone will check his accounts to see how much he earns and what he spends it on. Which incidentally, I think is perfectly legit if they have good reason to suspect it's kiddy fiddling and utterly illegal if they are just trawling for gossip.
  2. I can confirm that putting 90 pence worth of unleaded petrol into a diesel vauxhall insignia has no obvious negative consequence. Providing of course the following rules are followed: 1) it already had a quarter tank of diesel to start with. 2) the unleaded petrol nozzle, still sticking out of diesel tank, is stared at after the 90p squirt and you repeat the mantra 'fuckfuckfuckfuck'. 3) you then decide that rather than 'fess up, you can stick another £40 of diesel on the top and drive around all day. 4) at end of day, you return car to rental company.
  3. We've had this before. My take on it is: (1) Little kids may just run across without pressing the button (2) Some motorists may ignore the light (or at least try to jump it) lollipop lady 'retired' from the crossing outside our local school. Two kids knocked down in the first week. # The lollypop lady taking revenge? could've been! The local direct action neighbourhood gestapo type group arranged a protest photo opportunity with the local free paper and the local MP. The commotion distracted a white van driver who managed to shunt the car in front....now that must have been planned.
  4. We've had this before. My take on it is: (1) Little kids may just run across without pressing the button (2) Some motorists may ignore the light (or at least try to jump it) lollipop lady 'retired' from the crossing outside our local school. Two kids knocked down in the first week.
  5. have you been looking at soft furnishings? Or maybe Renault? Baking? Anal plugs? *just realised I've got an advert for construction site mobile toilets....which in all fairness I was all over earlier today and yesterday!
  6. According to Radio 4 earlier this Brooks woman that won't resign was head of the paper when they ran an editorial in 2002 stating that if something bad happened in a minister's department that minister should resign. The 'buck stops here' principle was quoted whereby as you were in charge you either knew about it and so should resign. Or, you didn't know, and thus you were incompetent, and so should resign.
  7. sad fact is, these lowlifes will think it's o.k. to do sick stuff like this because they know there are plenty more unthinking scum out there that are more likely to buy a newspaper if it has this type of shit in it. Just another low in an impressive history of lows. News of the World, 2.6 million a week The Sun, 2.8 million a week total of guardian and independent combined, 450,000
  8. General, Good evening, I'm not sure that fan disenchantment is a reason to cut off a stream of communication. That appears a little counter intuitive to me. I'm also not sure if there was a question in there that you intend to use the answer too? Was it rhetorical or will you count up the vox pop of responses? I suppose at present that could give you an 'out' just at the time it all appears to be turning a little sour. But that would surely be the polar opposite of everything you say the current leadership stands for? For what it's worth I believe you should stay. It's a unique link, and both sides need to be grown up and know there will be times when opinions differ. On the fans side, some need to get a grip and calm down. On the Club's side, they appeared not to have a plan for explaining their thinking back there. If the managerial appointment pays off then my word, you guys will be able to do absolutely anything in the future and point at this moment. Of course, if the appointment doesn't work....well, I'm sure you've experienced flack.
  9. some form of 'greater deutschmark' perhaps? I've seen this idea mooted in a few places lately, and it had a good airing on a recent Newsnight. The downside to it could be that the Germans are currently benefitting from a relatively poor euro which makes their exports competitive. A return to a more valuable currency would see German exports priced out of many markets - not least the 'other' half of europe. It's early days for the euro, long term it will work. but then long long term I think we are heading towards a United Stated of Europe anyway. Which will make the euro far easier to manage.
  10. chrisp65


    Seeing as this has been bumped, a little self promo... currently mapping out and loosely scripting something to put out as a podcast regarding a local football team that's going through the mother of all bad patches and might (just might) be closed down over the summer. Either way, it will be a funny review of 90 years of history and a proper slating of the current owner. proving tricky to put something together that doesn't involve one of us saying something utterly legally unsound should be out before the new season kicks off if we can get our shit together
  11. RL may well have painted himself into a nasty little corner. The job was declined by atleast one candidate and another candidate was supposedly publicly struck off the interview list - but named. If this latest candidate now doesn't get offered the job then any next in line 4th choice will be in such a strong bargaining position RL probably feels he couldn't risk it. I know that ignores the other nasty wet paint corner of seismic fan anger, but rich people are often 'stubborn'. If it helps the club out, I'll happily manage the club up until Christmas. I can provide photographic evidence of attendance since the mid '70's and a 35 year old reply to an autograph request on Villa headed paper. £5k a month, basic knowledge of tactics and the modern fashions for substitutes and altering tactics on occassion. Would happily step down as soon as someone that wasn't less popular than herpes got the sack elsewhere with half a season remaining to keep us up.
  12. fair play, that genuinely made me 'lol' as the yoot would say For my own part (it's worth nothing, but Pat Murphy might use me to fill a few seconds), I don't want the next manager to be AM. But if it is, I'll give it a bit of time before deciding if it's the worst thing since Pol Pot or the best thing since Pot Noodle.
  13. I often find I sober up quicker if I splash cold water on my face, get a strong coffee and knock out a quick shuffle. You might like to try that before you next post whilst pissed.
  14. .H is clearly a ball awaiting a rugby conversion moonwalk could be a funny walk gobsmacked & leftfield speak for themselves aircraft oversees for foreign negotiations .....Randy clearly has a lot to learn as he unveils Johnny Wilkinson as next manager
  15. shite! I've just put all the clues together..... proximity to airports, gobsmacking, meltdown, less than half the fanbase will approve, able to work on a low budget...... it's me! better put the mobile on charge and get up early
  16. sorry, I don't follow. How do other people being knobs make us look like fools? Hughes resigns as an accident of timing, the media jump to conclusions. How does that reflect on us? Some BBC 5Live reporter is in manlove with Steve McL and sulks live on air. How does that make us look like fools? Martinez was approached correctly, it hasn't panned out and Wigan are talking about it. Again, how else should we have played this? Don't get dragged into the celebrity fixated fast food twitter twaddle crappiness of 24 hour infotainment news in a land where there's more media outlets than there are decent journalists so people talk bollix to fill the void.
  17. I'd just like to be the first today to announce something big must be about to happen because they've just suspended betting!!!! I know they haven't yet, that'll be a couple of hours away. Just wanted to be the first to say it.
  18. just for info., I've checked and he wouldn't have to use the turnstyles
  19. according to R5Live Villa are saying they have made no approach to Fulham or Mark Hughes.
  20. Found myself voting for Hughes on that list. Hughes would be more likely to get us back into europe than, say, be in the relegation mix with only a couple of games to go. He's a winner, media friendly, available. Though to be honest, none of us can possibly know how any appointment will pan out. We could employ Jesus only to find out previous miracles were over stated. Whoever it is (and if it's McClaren you just have to be there for the first game in the rain), a portion of the pointlessly frenzied brigade won't like it. Whoever it is, I'll let results cloud my opinions. I tend to support Aston Villa more than the current personnel. Whoever is appointed it will be more or less temporary when compared with my 40+ years of involvement. how would people feel about Hughes bringing along Bellamy? Good luck and best wishes, next guy.
  21. would it not be quite a radical departure to have 'interesting' zombies? To have them plotting, or seeking revenge, or really doing anything above base level would probably have people debating whether they really were zombies. Perhaps thinking zombies could ambush a vegetarian vampire? Saying that, what was the film along the lines of '28 days later'? possibly with Robert Carlyle? That was different in that they were fast and angry and full of rage. Not sure if they were officially zombied though. I got quite worried after Shaun of the Dead. I've got quite a large conservatory and they'd be straight through that.
  22. when you say you've gotten into medicine, do you mean: a) worked out those annoying clicky top bottles discovered the buzz of strong lager and paracetemol c) become a student (oh, and well done, it's a genuinely good boast)
  23. little old ladies in Nissan Micra's that drive at 20mph for a mile, you eventually give them a little toot of the horn to say 'hello! speed it up my lovely' and you get ignored, so a mile further on you give a slightly firmer beep and she sticks two fingers up in the mirror! I go mental and shout a rude word just as someone walks around the corner. What do they see? Bloke in a big car swearing at granny in a micra. I wanted to jump out and explain the whole back story, but thought that might not look sane. wrinkly old cow
  24. best thing about this season by a country mile, top quality share buddy
  25. Day of the Jackal - ITV4, just starting
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