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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. shouldn't have bothered waiting for the slugs. Slippery little buggers. Stepped on one on the path from my garage earlier and did a comedy slide and cricked my neck trying to keep my takeaway curry in the carton.
  2. chrisp65

    Iran next?

    Apparently the Royal Navy have said that if we do invade Iran they want to get back the i-pod and mobile phone that were confiscated a couple of years back from one of their brave young jacks. Can't see any major action on the horizon personally, probably just a cheeky punt that's supposed to prompt a bit of arab spring action.
  3. where is that mate? I wouldnt mind seeing them I'm at the first night which is in the Coal Exchange, Cardiff on the 16th. But it looks like a mini tour so they're around and about.
  4. creation at the BBC on BBC 4 at the mo., they had a couple of fair bands back in the day!
  5. all the owners money came from chicken kiev's apparently (I know, I know)
  6. One of those annoying shots where I just couldn't get the framing I wanted because of parked cars, posts, stuff. Again, couldn't quite get the framing because of traffic and obstacles. Turned out to be a really nice guy, I asked if I could take a couple of snaps and he was happy to let me dick around providing I promised I wasn't from the council.
  7. I'm struggling to spot what's comedy and what's plain bizarre tonight. Is somebody really arguing some music is better because it has more notes in it? Bed early for me I think.
  8. chrisp65

    Ryan Air

    Agreed, it wasn't the likes of Singapore, it was from memory (so apologies if I've got it wrong), the likes of Air india and Pakistan Air etc.. I'm far from being an expert and I know external condition is cosmetic. But those things looked like they'd been rolled down the road not transported by flat bed.
  9. chrisp65

    Ryan Air

    I spent 8 months working at an aero engine maintenance facility (primarily on a GE90 test bed) and that was an eye opener. They dealt with engines from airlines based all over the globe. All I can say is that the engines arriving for maintenance from BA and Virgin were already in a better condition than those leaving to be re fitted for many other airlines. I think the biggest surprise was the pop riveted patch repairs, dents, pitting and general tired appearance of the budget airlines and asian airlines. Ok they may be able to boast that they buy new aircraft, but don’t ever ever let them tell you the servicing regime is the same as the expensive airlines. You want to know at least part of the reason it’s cheaper to fly some airlines, engine service history.
  10. it's Q magazine if it had been Heat then doubtless Take That would have won and the South Wales Veterinarian Journal voted for Super Furry Animals
  11. changed a radiator and thermo rad valve today heating now working no leaks, no plumbers bill total cost £7.45 for valve, rad was a 'sample' from a supplier dead chuffed with myself
  12. Would it be best to all wait a couple of years and see what Libya becomes before we all compete to see who was responsible? I'd suggest that if in two years time we have another Iran, Pakistan, or even Afghanistan, but just a few miles of the coasts of Italy and Malta nobody will want to claim they were first to help. It's a long way from being over.
  13. Yeah, French Connection has to be about the best. Plus the entire film Vanishing Point, which is essentially just a car chase.
  14. standing still when I've just stepped off the bottom of an escalator. stopping in shop doorways to check something in my bag. not getting my purse out of my bag until after I'm asked for money for the thing I'm perfectly aware I was purchasing. ooh, my mistake, those are all elderly female traits. mine is leaving washing in a heap on the floor right next to the washing basket she goes menthol!
  15. It must be in the pipeline, so, how would you spend your film backer money? I'm going with: Director: Woody Allen Jobs played by: Vin Diesel working title: iJobs it's a sure fire hit
  16. 60ft dolls - happy shopper (found a bunch of 'vintage' cd's in the garage, having a great time goinf through them)
  17. Mr mooney, it's all anagrams! (I didn't just google up the answer) ok, I did.
  18. disappointed?? did u expect to see a naked woman or something lol yeah just a dumb joke, mature and student in the same thread title promised to deliver something deeply moving. if you don't do it, you'll always wonder 'what if'. best of luck
  19. hmmm, disappointed with this thread. Not what I thought I was going to get. To answer the point, I recently sat a degree course and the really difficult parts were putting up with teenagers and knowing some lecturers weren't up to date with current industry practises. At 27 you probs won't have the grating jarring generation gap. If you don't already 'do' radiography you won't get wound up by some info potentially ebing incorrect. Go for it, ultimate result is you'll be helping save lives.
  20. In my experience, the anti Apple Fanboys are far more vocal than the apple fanboys. I'd like to think I fit into neither camp (I own an iPhone, but not any other Apple product, and never have) You only have to look at this thread to see people saying "**** his company. Never owned an apple product, never will" Why? What's wrong with owning one of their products? Anyway, RIP to Jobs. Even if you hate his company, you can't ignore the contribution he's made to the technological world. I'm currently sat in a room with 8 other people. I have no idea what brand of mobile phone 5 of them have. I'm sure it's a combination of htc's and samsungs and the like. In fact, looking around I can see 2 blackberry users so that's three of us in total. I know for a fact there are 3 iphone users, because they constantly mention the fact. I have no interest or bias. Mine is a company phone, it's what gets delivered March every year. But I've definitely noticed that people with apple products love that they are apple. There was a joke some time ago: 'how can you tell if someone has an iphone? oh don't worry, they'll tell you.' it was funny because it was true. The guy was a marketing genius.
  21. at 90 mph he'd have sailed straight over that.
  22. is it true City were only allowed to play at night with full floodlights?
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