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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. ah the romanticism of the A41, just outside Market Drayton
  2. Anybody staying over should have a constitutional morning walk along the sea front down the Mumbles, a fiver in a taxi from the centre of town will get you to the Mumbles. If you've got transport get yourself across to Caswell Bay, immense, and depending on weather some really good surf. Anyone staying in the centre of town, it may not be obvious but you're quite close to the waterfront and harbour, you can go shopping for a yacht. Lovely part of the world, just a very small warning on rugby loving jack dick heads if you go out drinking. Though my taffy accent is probably more of an issue for them than any Brummie accent. Anybody remember that youtube hit a couple of years back of some tranny kickboxers getting picked on? I think that was the centre of Swansea.
  3. try 17 / 18C and a jumper, warm enough and you'll single handedly save the world lots of people in UK moan about fuel bill hikes and wander around the house in a tee shirt in december Or, move to my office in Redditch where apparently the right thing to do is to crank up the air con and open the windows.
  4. If there's a Hawkin's Bazaar anywhere near you, buy him something silly in there.
  5. .... My parents sent me to Sunday school when I was young (I suspect so they could shag whilst I was there) ..... which is fine providing they stayed home An opportunity for some rare unconfined sex is probably the only reason any parent would send kids off to Sunday School without feeling the need to attend church themselves. Best of luck to them too. The church knows the deal. Here are my kids, you have an hour a week until they are 12 to try and get them all goded up. Do not come back within the hour and expect the door to be answered.
  6. Alabama 3 last night, Cardiff Coal Exchange, superb support band were my now new fave band Johnny Cage and the Voodoo Groove good dirty rock n roll fun with burlesque strippers and a pole dancer a bit fragile today
  7. 63% of people these days would be sat there texting or tweeting each other anyway
  8. thinking of starting a thread called 'can a rich man get in to heaven?' if I can weave Houllier and apple products into the title it should be the perfect storm
  9. bugger I had this killer joke about lesbian christians that was going to win the Noah's Ark thread.
  10. Love a bit of alternative footy. Been along to a few grounds where you get a china mug and have to take it back so the ladies can do the washing up before the end of the game.....and somehow, you get all civilised and you do take it back.
  11. that sounds like a good read! I'd guess it's basically down to diet (plenty of fibre, not too much pork), sensible shoes and good outdoor activities (whilst staying some distance from cottages).
  12. I was in a Christmas pop up shop yesterday and they had Noah's Ark's reduced. I'm guessing this was due equally to two factors: a) Noah not strictly being part of the Christmas story. Negative market influences from this forum.
  13. the bible? - clearly and obviously not literal. Written after the event, translated, translated and translated again second hand accounts. Full of contradictions. Open to selective quoting. Open to misinterpretation. Open to abuse by those with a tiny bit more knowledge than others that are happy to blindly follow authority. Not a bad set of stories and moral tales to get the uneducated masses working towards a common civilised society. As good a guide book as any written that long ago. follow a religion? - yes thanks, but not your nasty little version that attempts to control others with condemnation and threats. Note, there is a presumption there that you are not simply on a sponsored trollathon, which I sincerely hope you are. homosexuality? - to be honest I'm so boringly straight and vanilla it's almost unbelievable. Couldn't care less what you are or what anyone else is providing they do their thing only with fully consenting others. Incidentally, it's you answering the questions because you are one of two that are going against the current mores of the VT massive. Now going against the majority doesn't automatically make you wrong. I for instance, know that I am f awesome on the drums, three other opinions in my house and several next door are clearly wrong. However, on the presumption your views are the same as those of others you've chosen to paste and reference instead of giving your own views, then you need to get a grip. That is why you are rightly being made to look like a bit of an amateur.
  14. chrisp65

    Iran next?

    I'd guess their nuclear capability would only reach as far as the bus / boat / plane they were able to stick it in.
  15. I'm absolutely nowhere near an expert on evolution, but re the childbirth question my guess would be: if the pain stopped some females breeding so well and food was scarce and two hundred other factors, then the females that gave birth 'easier' would prevail as it happens, a lack of predators, an abundance of food and an abundance of potential mates means there is little problem solving evolutionary selection going on
  16. Don't know the pronounciation, but is Poughkeepsie the place famed for feet picking by Popeye Doyle?
  17. after many years of research, I believe Chris Farlowe is out of time seriously guys, so much anger in this thread, it always goes this way by around page 30 we've had abortion tossed in, the nazi's have made an appearance, rule 34 yet to raise it's head though if the bible is at it's most basic form a guide book for us all to get through life in a civilised manner then how brief could it have been? I've got it down to: 1. Be fair to each other. 2. If that fails forgive each other and try again. 3. If that fails, exclude the one that isn't being fair. 4. After a period of time allow that person back in. 5. Return to step 1.
  18. presuming a press article is actually true for a second, unless his son is an habitual marrier that's a disgrace loving your job more than your family isn't big, it's big fat **** sad
  19. I have had a very satisfactory episode of mutual fumbling, it lasted from just past Khartoum, to just before the Aswan dam. It was great, because I got to see those two landmarks which I wouldn't have wanted to miss, and have a bit of a once in a lifetime experience. Really wasn't the room or layout for anything too vigorous. Fair play to the missus, she had a cold, but could appreciate recreating the opportunity to fornicate over the Sudan wouldn't come around too often. As it happens, I did the same trip a year later, but had the trots soooo bad I reckon I shat continuously for the whole length of Egypt across the Med and over Greece. Which was less romantical but equally memorable.
  20. They kind of are, though. unless you're unlucky enough to live right next door to the Derby or Coventry ground or some such can you not go truly ultra local local and support Villa too? if you feel a bit vulnerable, a bit plastic just answer the support question with: oh yes, I support The King's Dick XI because that's the most local pub to me and they are doing really well in the Jamal Kebab's League. Oh, and my other team is the mighty mighty Villa.
  21. It would be vitally important for those remaining to re populate the planet. It would be incumbent upon all of us to ensure the maximum number of children are produced to get back up to a size of population that could be economically viable beyond simple hunter gathering. I reckon it'd be a good few months before my absent minded neglect to mention my vasectomy got me assigned to other duties.
  22. fans worries about available budget are heightened when Randy's new plane is unveiled....
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