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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Republican. Simply don't recognise them as having anything over me other than illegitimate birthright, obscene wealth and stolen land.
  2. A heartfelt Happy Christmas to all, even you heathen non believing bastards.
  3. I was a veggie for 17 years. It was easy to do, I wasn't preachy (I don't think so anyway). I found some really decent recipes and I still cook a few of them today even though I'm now a sort of 'carnivore lite' in that I will now eat cuts of meat, but still wouldn't eat a burger or any of that processed shite. Wife was never a veggie, loves the sausage too much.
  4. a bit of advice for you newbees: don't label all your presents from Santa A few years back we were told by our little angel there had prezzies off nan, grandad, uncle this aunty that and father Chrimbo. The only people that hadn't chipped in were mum and dad! I offered to show my credit card bill, but that didn't seem to impress.
  5. ooh ooh I know this one: One lived a life of priviledge in a country that has some real poverty. Hailed by a lickspittle media as some sort of deity there are people in power that would genuinely believe their non elected godhead idol was naturally a superior being. Wealthy beyond belief their untimely demise lead to bizarre, almost comical scenes of hysteria that surely must have been either faked or caused by a mass delusion. Their offspring now take on the mantle of uber being and will carry the torch of inequality on to infect the next generation of mentally stunted subjects. Whereas the other one........
  6. Listening on the radio this morning and it appears HMV is on a bit of a perpetual downward spiral. Owes plenty of money, share price tanked and the banks are making it sell off any profitable areas to generate cash. Well I'm no financial whizz, but with the profitable bits gone how would that be a long term plan? I went in one recently for the first time in a long time (which kind of sums up their problem - if they can't get a music loving dinosaur like me in there they have no hope). Struck me that unless I wanted an over priced South Park novelty tee shirt or a 2 for 1 offer on headphones I was in the wrong shop. Seriously, 2 for 1 on headphones? In what bizarre parallel universe are there a significant number of people looking to buy two pairs of bins? How would you save HMV?
  7. really good golfer apparently
  8. I would say the last 40 years have been a mess tbh. Does kind of make you wonder why another party hasn't took advantage their hopless performances. I wonder how hard it would be to set a political party up, surely the internet would make it very easy? Really easy to set up a party. Getting the media to give you fair representation, having a viable, pallatable alternative and stopping nutters and opportunists jumping on board and discrediting it all - that's a bit harder.
  9. In all fairness to Murdoch he's known for a while he's going to come out of this either as an alleged evil twunt that was possibly just incompetent, or as a proven evil twunt. He's looked at the options and is trying for alleged evil twunt that was possibly just incompetent. It's what lots of people would do.
  10. thanks for making me laugh out loud in a silent office
  11. Lulu - Lou Reed & Metallica I know I'm going to get strung up for this, but I've really enjoyed lulu by lou Reed & Metallica. Neither is a natural for me, I have absolutely no 'metal / thrash / whatever it's called' in my little music library but for some reason this one appealed.
  12. that's good to hear, it's on my Christmas list!
  13. spot on! They also do little packets of chocolate covered almond flakes that are gorgeous, but opening the box whilst accelerating up the motorway sliproad can be, er, exciting.
  14. I don't get my expenses paid unless I get the girls in admin a little percy.
  15. Fairly funny in that I do like a bit of a shock, but a bit sad if someone actually had a hint of meaning it. Reggae, curry, ska, pasties, techno, lager, chilli, stout, fried rice noodles and beansprouts, icecream, free speach, free movement, bhangra, cheese rolling, chips, gravy, football, the occassional riot, the vote, opportunity, paignton zoo, independent music shops, cheeky kids, the ability to talk back at the police, the nhs, good access to Wales. That's pretty difficult to beat.
  16. The Corinthians' Democracy (Portuguese: Democracia Corintiana) was an ideological movement and an innovative way to manage a club, recognized in Brazil as one of the most important actions in the intend to struggle against dictatorship and the only movement of this nature installed on a football club known to this day. At the time, it was a challenge to the military government even to spell "Democracy". Led by the cultured midfield maestro Sócrates[1] and by full back Wladimir, and with the consent of club president Waldemar Pires, the squad players took control over the management of the team Sport Club Corinthians Paulista. One of the most notable decisions they made was, in 1982, having "Vote on 15th" printed on the back of their shirts to motivate fans to vote in the first Brazilian multiparty election since the 1964 military coup. The movement had the backing of artists and intellectuals, such as senior media creative Washington Olivetto, who coined the term Democracia Corintiana. Eventually, the government reacted, as Brigadier Jerônimo Bastos, head of the CBD, warned the club for interfering in political affairs. Football was art that could influence society, I'll have a little whisky later to say bye bye.
  17. Looking forward to seeing Sunderland rise to a position where they can qualify for Europe. Then not bother.
  18. many many years ago before I met undisputably the best woman in the world I had a bit of a one nighter. I was in the local discotheque, called the Fantasia Lounge but known locally as 'the fanny'. Met a girl who was new to town and clearly keen to, er, make new friends. Went back to hers until the early hours and had some very stimulating conversation. Early hours I made my excuses, legged it home, quick wash and change and back to work. I was a bit cheesed off because you could see where I worked from the house I'd been in all night. Anyway, jogged home, got sorted and jogged back to work a little late and a lot knackered. New woman on reception, had a quick chat, turns out she's also new to town. Where you living? asks I. That house there, she says, pointing at the house I've been in all night. ooooooo.k. nice. Had an incredible urge to mention I knew her daughter, but resisted.
  19. Tubby, Sorry to hear you encountered a pillock. But we all grudgingly know they are universal and not confined to the usual quoted handful of bad clubs. A bit of beer a game of footy and some people regress to a pathetic grunt state. Rise above it and keep on keeping on is all you can do. To slightly counter it, I'm from South Wales and I got a last minute ticket off this forum from some really great guys. No problem and no side to them at all. Couldn't understand half of what they said mind. A good laugh, a good day out, I even sang a couple of rounds of sheep sheep shaggers for good measure. I'm hoping Swansea stay up, I could get used to that trip out.
  20. Daily Heil exposes somebody spouting obvious rubbish just to make money from a warped world view. Ironical really, don't you think? Is there any tiny, remote possibility that the vast majority of people that go to an Icke gig are going to be entertained. I'd probably go (though not at £45 admittedly). As for whether he is the son of God? The correct answer is Yes. As are all of us, even the handful of VT naysayers that still haven't come round to the fact yet.
  21. Delph was patchy, rubbish to start with but improving over time. Collins, started with a bit of hoof ball then had a number of opportunities where he had time and space. Poor bugger didn't have a clue what to do as there was no movement, no obvious communication. Funny thing was, on the one accassion early on when we did need to clear it up field, Hutton (I think) tried to play it out and got caught.
  22. Swansea: Escort magazine. entertaining but lacks penetration. Villa: Argos catalogue, a bit dull and full of over priced tat.
  23. Many years ago we had cad in the office for the first time. Somebody somewhere made an extra tenner by selling us a little spinning propeller thing that was supposed to anti static the air or some such. We quickly realised that if you touched device and then touched someone else they got a zap. Quite funny, unsuspecting people getting zapped all day. Then I wondered, what if you kept your finger on it for ages.....and ages....and ages, then touched someone's ear. BANG! and they drop to the floor. That's what happens. Nobody touched the evil little thing again.
  24. so a bluenose gambled at a church fete and won a tour of Villa Park....yet there are still a couple of people on here that need to see proof God exists!
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