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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Who? no no, not that Princess Camela. I suspect that one is hiding a little surprise for some young lad off his face on fizzy lager and thinking he's about to get the full tour of Phucket.
  2. Princess Camela has suggested that school kids submit suggestions for a menu choice for her maj as celebration of the Diamond Jubilee. Menu should be typically British, relatively simple and suitable or relevant for an oldie. My nippers are currently trying to think of their menu choices. I've got a few ideas, currently I'l leaning towards: starter: dairy lea cheese squares on crackers main course: pizza dessert: wagon wheel
  3. I don't think it's an Irish thing, I think it's an Audi thing. I've also noticed they can't travel in the first two lanes of the motorway. It's a worry because this is clearly a problem spreading through German cars having started in BMW's.
  4. When my nipper was still a baby and couldn't actually talk I took her for a vaccination jab. Nurse stuck the needle in and she gave us both an incredible mouthful. No crying or screaming, Lord knows what she said, it was all baby gibeerish, but we both knew we'd had a proper bollocking and weren't to do it again.
  5. As a kid it was a revelation to me whilst in Germany that people would have a shower before getting in a swimming pool! I was soon educated in the ways of hygene and the fact that we Brits turned out, on the whole, to be the stinky feckers of europe that need to crank up the chlorine because we treat swimming pools as....public baths.
  6. chrisp65


    I recently realised that tyres are cheaper in the Mercedes main dealer than in Kwik Fit. Shop around. Crack or chip in a windscreen depends on size and location. If you go on some windscreen company website they will have an easy guide. Autoglass maybe?
  7. You use free **** in McDonalds? Cool. 8) yes, I've got bolder as I've got older I also used to have a problem with people asking: 'what are you doing tomorrow?' or tonight / Thursday next weekend etc.. I used to dread it as I'd end up invited along to something I really didn't want to do. Now on the question 'what are you doing tomorrow?' I will quite happily respond with 'you tell me your plan, then I can make something up if it sounds crap'. People respond that it's funny, but it works.
  8. nimbys in ambridge that don't want the super dairy to go ahead
  9. free **** in mcdonalds? (depends who said guess what, but I have used this a few times)
  10. I'd imagine the tory machine would prefer to see Abbott promoted and getting far far more air time. Similarly, I'm sure Labour pr people would like to see far more of John Redwood and Rees 1955 Mogg.
  11. There is a series of music books under the title SFX. They have the letter of the note written within the note, that can really help if you're starting out. If it is an old second hand keyboard it can also help to write the notes on the white keys until you get your eye in and your hands co-ordinated.
  12. They already do print their own quids, three different sets of their own quids, Bos, RBS and Clydesdale Personally I think all 16-17 years should get the vote UK wide but thats a different topic altogether yes, they do print their own quids, but they are worth a pound and directly interchangable. What they have is UK money with their own picture on it. That becomes tricky if they are independent. We can't have a shared currency where two separate countries can decide whether to print more and more money. Once we are separate they would have to decide to keep adherence to the UK pound and thrive or die by its performance (and therefore their own fate is still utterly out of their hands). Or they keep the right to print money and influence exchange rates, by having their own currency. Once they have their own money (beyond just having their own pictures on UK money), they are at the mercy of the markets. Now that might turn them into Switzerland, or it might turn them into Hungary.
  13. If it's what they want then nobody should be allowed to stop them. I don't think it's what they want mind. Timing is against the SNP. He has to convince people that there is a good solution to currency, but as far as I can see there are three options: 1) join the euro, yeah that'll be a good idea 2) keep the quid, oooh very independent, can't print your own quids though 3) invent new currency and hope the markets like it, what could possibly go wrong? People will happily embrace the theory, but in an actual vote they will wonder in which future they are better off. At present, that's probs as part of the UK. There are not 51% of Scots that would be happy risking being financially worse off so they can have the abstract benefit of independence. Interersting that the SNP want 16 and 17 year olds included in the vote. I suspect that's because they've identified them as being more idealistic and less pragmatic or world wise.
  14. ah the joy of the brolly. My wife's mum leaves the house, stops on the doorstep, grapples with a collapsible brolly in a pouch. Puts up brolly. Walks 6 metres to the car. Opens car door and then stands there trying to collapse clever mini brolly and re install in pouch. I march out of house and get in car, I estimate I'm stood in the rain half as long as she is. She then tells me I should use a brolly so I don't get wet. Use the evidence of your own stupid eyes! You are wet, I am not. On the same subject, she will take 20 minutes deciding which coat is best suited for today's weather that will be encountered during that same 15 seconds of walk down the path to the car. Am I in the wrong thread? aaaargh
  15. Newsnight & Newsnight Review (that's one programme unless anyone can categorically prove otherwise).
  16. spot on summing up life would be a lot easier if people came tagged with little labels you could reference to know whether to actually bother letting their brain farts into your conciousness David Cameron (yes, I need to listen if not agree) Jezza Paxman (yes, I need to listen and filter) Diane Abbott (****) Jeremy Clarkson (self publicising tit for juveniles) Towie cast member (hang on, let me get a pencil and paper so I can get this down and refer back in times of moral dilemma) As LLax mentions above, you not being offended by something doesn't automatically infer the same conditions on others. The definition of racist language is simply something perceived as being received by the recipient. That is why the use of the 'n' word in rap songs can go un commented, but somebody using a great clunking phrase like 'the whites are acting like blacks' can be rightly ridiculed and lose a media career. Similarly, Irish jokes are not automatically racist or inflammatory. Irish and Welsh jibes mid banter during three men on a boat is family tv filler. Standing in a pub in Swansea and telling sheepshagger jokes in a cockerney accent might not be received in the same way. Ms Abbott is a simple us vs them rabble rouser that is very clever at stirring up enough interest to keep a profile and keeping enough people on side to stay in a job. Ideally, she would also come from Liverpool and would then be the absolute winning card in chippy whinging victim mentality hypocrit top trumps.
  17. Out of genuinely curiosity, is that opinion formed from any sort of knowledge / experience or simply from received wisdom through the media? I wouldn't say a cat B prison for a long sentence of multiple years is a particularly nice experience.
  18. joint enterprise was explained or illustrated by someone earlier along the lines of: if you knowingly drive a bank robber to a bank and sit outside to give him a lift home - you are a bank robber. if you know he has a gun when he goes in, and there is any chance he's the type that might use it (like say, an armed bank robber), if he kills someone then you are going down for a joint enterprise murder. If that is a half decent explanation of joint enterprise then I'd also 'guess' that if you run with a pack of scrotes that like violence and the pack attacks, you're going to get a bit of joint enterprise. A JE charge could be avoided by growing a backbone and naming the retarded murderer or describing events as accurately as you can.
  19. only trouble with that, is his idea of strongest team: Guzan Collins Hutton Bent
  20. Not sure whether this was on motd but the Swansea manager said something after the game that I thought was really interesting along the lines of: 'There are lots of british players that can play football, whether their managers ask them to is another matter.'
  21. Always best to have stability over equality and fairness.
  22. on the strength of El Camino I went back through time and picked up 'Brothers'. Also very good.
  23. would one side or the other having a majority make it 'right'? Surely it's a bit odd to doff your cap and assume subservience to someone because of their family background, regardless of whether 51% of people agree with you? It's not like the job's still up for grabs is it? Perhaps in the past you could challenge, have a bit of a sword fight and chance your arm at being the new top dog. That had a sort of crude, basic, survival of the fitest validity to it. But that's been tweeked and rigged out of the system as far as I can see. Give everyone their 70p and tell them they can either keep it, spend it on chocolate, give it to the local hospice, or pop it in the 'more money for millionaire royals' box the next time they are in a supermarket. Then we'll see where the majority of feeling lies.
  24. 20 points by my reckoning that's half way to 40 with a game to spare the man's a genius and we just need to understand his art
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