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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. it can really broaden your world view (even a town to town move) if you don't have kids in school it's worth giving it a try
  2. I'm no expert, so I'd like not to get into a famous VT God debate. But could it be that there isn't 'the church' as many people quite understandably lump it. There is a church for everyone, and you abide by as many of that church's rules as suits you. Also, some churches love their rules and some just sort of have them for those that love rules. I know one church that has services that start on time, regardless of whether you are sat down or not. They also have regular minuted committee meetings and have the money from the collection plates audited. I also know my most local Methodist Church (methodists remember not approving of drinking or gambling) recently raffled a bottle of whisky.
  3. well I'm not sure the correlation between religion and sexual ethics is quite so cut and dry. Granted the stance of much of the established church such as the rock cakes is broadly, crudely, anti gay. But then there are a few things about catholicism that are odd. On the other hand, I do know two gay vicars (one male, one female) and a few gay church stewards. The attitude of those around them is 'whatever'.
  4. take the initial installation cost (lets say £12k) divide it by the 'estimated saving' per annum (let's go mental and say £800) 12000 / 800 = 15 presume absolutely no maintenance costs presume full efficiency for full life of product will they realistically last more than 15 years? nobody knows, will the installer give you a 20 year guarantee? No. I've presumed rises in fuel costs will be offset by rises in inflation / pay etc right now, they don't make sound economic sense better to switch off stuff at night, charge your phone in the office, super insulate and get used to the idea of wearing a jumper in winter but the day they are a good idea for people with south west facing roof area is getting closer
  5. I was at someone's office in Wolvey earlier today and they gave me a coffee in a Birmingham City mug! Didn't drink it. Had to spend £3 in the services on my way back to town.
  6. hey, tell him he did a grand job, he's not in the photo due to an unfortunate speaker position, I'm not banjoist. His sound came over well too (I'm glad I was complementary about them now!). I'll defo look up the Coastguards, cheers for the tip. They did appear to be genuine and friendly (they had a few tearful mum's with them which was a thing of beauty in a hard London music world). I moved a few to get a photo of the instruments before kick off not realising they were band and they were totally cool about it. If you're interested you can call up the show on the website and slide through to around about 1 hr 40 mins to listen to the band.
  7. Mary Epworth, live on BBC 6 earlier today. Only 2 songs but very good. A nice raw sound that hopefully won't be produced out on the album.
  8. yay, just got 2 tickets for the Cerys Matthews show on Sunday morning hardly gig of the week, but a nice trip out
  9. I was over on Portland earlier in the week and found this place. Didn't have much time and only had the office snaps camera on me. But looked interesting, I'll try and get back there with a bit more time to play with.
  10. hmmm, under £300 over 9 months interest free and either: a) a smug warm feeling and a guaranteed seat when the good times return, or wander across to the posh seats
  11. My understanding is that it was MON who chose the pie supplier. It turned out later we buy them in for more money than we sell them for, losing 15p on every pie. Randy has got Faulkner to fly to France to see how they do pies, but it turned out they didn't really do pies. So in a bit of a shock move we've got a hated vegetarian in to sort us out and he's submitted a tofu pasty as our pie competition entry, it's a bit boring but he keeps insisting it's **** great and not bland like some people are rudely suggesting. There have recently been rumours that we will soon be eating stripey monochrome halal pies.
  12. can't say I can see any problem whatsoever with the creeping privatisation of the police force a little private enterprise will keep it all competitive and open to new ideas don't see what could possibly go wrong
  13. It wasn't so much his last chopper out of Saigon, it ended as more of a first guy off the Costa Concordia.
  14. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. "Everyone else was doing it" is not, imo, a valid excuse when you get caught. It most certainly isn't a valid excuse. It may, however, be a real reason (amongst many things) for the behaviour of some. Putting forward reasons for why people may do things, for why situations may arise, for why conditions may be ripe for certain behaviours to take hold are not excusing them and looking for those reasons should not be confused with and misrepresented as looking for excuses. Well done that man, you've encapsulated a thought no politician or opinionated face on tv or radio is capable of, the fine difference between giving the reason and offering an excuse.
  15. shirt and tie on top naked and shaved down below remember not to stand up at the end of the interview unless it really has gone spectacularly well that's my general skype rule
  16. Eric Pickles Nick Griffin Thatcher Pete Docherty
  17. Worth noting that once you have a photo licence you then need to update it more regularly with consequences if you don't. On the subject of photo i.d. I was in a supermarket a couple of weeks ago with a couple of people and the till manager wouldn't accept an army photo i.d. or an MoJ photo i.d. as proof, even though the youngest amongst us was clearly in his mid 30's.
  18. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    fuel economy two guys in the office have just bought cars, one has a Range Rover the other an slk both now trying to get the company to switch to rental cars for long journeys hello? are you really trying to tell me you didn't know a Range Rover ain't overly economical? oh, and a 'space age' Honda Civic looks like chavvy plastic compared with a two door Golf - fashion vs style
  19. the original Tinker Tailor series is currently in Asda, double DVD £5
  20. I had a meal with a bunch of guys in Malta once. It was a lunchtime curry. The locals berated my crazy britisher ways of having curry over chips. I was told it was proof of Britain's still backward attitude to food. You can't put wet things over chips. Then, without a hint of irony, the waitress came around and sprinkled parmesan on all their currys. I declined, this was way too european for me, chicken curry half n half with parmesan on top.
  21. chrisp65

    Snow Watch!

    today was the first time in months I had the air con on to cool the car, followed by wandering around site on Sheppey in a short sleeved shirt
  22. chrisp65

    Top Gear

    to just chip in on Jag dealers which is admittedly a bit OT: 2 years ago I wanted an X type estate (I know, I know), not new, but as new as possible and as high a spec as possible. The Jag dealer on the outskirts of Worcester was awful. Worse than Fiat (which I generally use as a low water mark). I told them I was ready to buy, to the point my previous car had died and I needed a car quickly. The spec I gave them illustrated I knew what I wanted but left a big wide brief, a couple of engine sizes, a couple of equipment levels, virtually any colour. They managed to dick me around for weeks. I asked them at one point if they really were into selling cars or just a cover for something else.
  23. That's quite a common sex dream mate. The barn owl represents your penis. The injury is symbolism for a limp dick problem. Others not helping, that's your girlfriend's refusal to touch it.
  24. a win at Blackburn, just to keep the picture confused enough for the Directors to be able to stay in denial (and no, that does not mean I'm secretly hoping my own team loses)
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