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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Yeah, I don't see it ever getting onto anyone's top 10, but it was the girliest movie I've ever sat all the way through. I'm usually a bit Zulu / Alien / Fench Connection in my tastes. Like I say, probably down to location spotting for much of it. It's always interesting when you know an area well to see how they mix and match locations so well. Walk down a corridor that was in a building in one town, out and down some steps from a completely different building, cross the road to a park lord knows where and onto the beach in another town looks logical and seemless if you don't know the area. Matching the light in four different locations for a scene that lasts 20 seconds start to finish. oh, and then being able to annoy the hell out of the missus by pointing out the scene with a sunset could only possibly have actually have been a sunrise. I think I might have been watching it in a different way to how she watched it. Then again, she thought The Avengers was good and I thought it was a crock of geek shite. So that shows what I know about film.
  2. watched 'Submarine' last night. A low budget dry humour British coming of age type movie, if I had to give it a really brief description. I thought it was rather grand. Helped along by the fact that much of it was shot around where I grew up and had lots of lingering shots of deserted fair grounds and scruffy docks.
  3. Well Tom Hanks isn't from Aston and it didn't put him off (not seen him in the Holte End this season). From talking to a few, I think many Cardiff fans would happily see their team play in cellophane if it meant getting into the Prem.
  4. No fixed plans. We've already done Longleat and Stonehenge and had a London weekend. We will go camping when the weather breaks. Other than that, no plans. Certainly no big spend overseas adventure. But I'm lucky, plenty of potential for business travel.
  5. It'd be interesting to canvass that, what kids want to be. I'd be fairly confident that train driving astro police have been overtaken by 'famous celebrity'.
  6. Combined with a disgusting 30% turnout. Ive always felt voter apathy was a bit weird. I turned 18 during the electioneering for the 1997 general election, and maybe it's because that was such a landmark election in our countries recent history I have always found the time to go and vote (all 10 minutes out of my day!). I genuinely dont think I have failed to vote in any election, local or general since I have been eligible. Lots of it is apathy, and I'm sure those individuals will refrain from moaning about those that got in due to their apathy. Sometimes it's genuinely because none of the parties appeal. That is why I believe every voting form should have the option of 'none of the above' at the bottom. Then you can still vote when everyone standing is a nob.
  7. Boris vs Ken battle of the cults really
  8. Prior to the invasion Maggie was hugely unpopular, after it she was politically bomb proof. Some on the left (and this isn't aimed at Blandy or any other poster in particular) have always resented the UK's victory over Argie totalitarianism, precisely because it gave Thatcher the chance to continue (and eventually win) her campaign against the British militant left. The same sullen and bitter underlying attitude can be found in BBC and Guardian editorials to this day, and imo for the same reason. "The Belgrano was a war crime", "Maggie provoked it (!)" etc. is all nonsense imo, but nevertheless that view often seems to be received wisdom on the left. I've never met anyone that resented winning. I've met plenty that resented that woman's attitude and self promotion and glorification and her involvement in a destructive conflict that killed and maimed people.
  9. 1.5 seconds of video, it's just so stupidly pointless I've burned my vhs copy of Evita welcome to Britain for the Olympics guys, you might want to prepare your own food wherever you're staying, because we've got thoughtless dullards too
  10. well done son, you gave a lot of people a lot of fun
  11. if it has to be one of them, Blackpool
  12. this, in it's entire entirity went along to Brecon Jazz a few years ago and saw JH and his band live in a big big tent, to be fair it was superb
  13. my worry is that whilst we may well get rid of AM, it's not going to be in a week or so. We will have a post mortem, followed by a period of reflection, followed by asking around to see who would be good advisers, followed by working out what their terms of reference should be, followed by drawing up a short list, approaching other owners and chairmen, interviews, assessing fan and media feedback..... .......then realising it's late July and the only tin left on the shelf is a tin of Bob Bradley with a compo payout to Egypt
  14. Actually yes being at the bottom of the pile in a rich country is infinitely better than being left "in peace" in a shithole of a continent . By peace do you mean Rwandan genocide ? Mass starvation ? Being kidknapped by Kony ? If you asked any of the present generation of African Americans if they would like to return back to their blissful African paradise for free I doubt there would be any takers . They are in far better shape now and you know it . I am sure God will compensate them all for any misfortunes on earth when they reach the afterlife anyway . Wow, didn't mean to start a war. I'm not sure this is getting us anywhere constructive, so I'll bail.
  15. mmmm nah I think I still disagree Yes, some individuals will thrive wherever they are. But more will not because of the economic ghetto they find themselves in. You have far less chance of being an economic success if you are from a disadvantaged background. That's not an absolute, but equally, not everyone can be a self made millionaire. To suggest being dumped at the bottom of the pile in a rich country is better than being left in peace in a poor country is an odd idea. Surely potential material gain is not the be all and end all of life? Personally, if my parents were from x and were transported against their will to y, then regardless of opportunity I might dislike that. Similarly, if some distant relative was transported and many generations of my family were legally treated as second class and kept economically deprived, then, even if 50 years ago we were suddenly allowed to travel up the front of the bus then I would still feel I had been disadvantaged. Even if I was now living in California or Florida or wherever. As for 'repatriation', to what? to where? Even if you trace back and do the whole 'roots' thing, you'd be in no way able or equipped to go back and thrive or even survive in what would be an equally alien environment. I'm sounding like an apologist, I'm not. I just think there is a case. A good counter argument would be that they are free to sue my dead relatives, but I had f all to do with it. Which kind of goes back to the original point.
  16. I'm with Mike. It has nothing to do with them, why should they be punished for what happened before they were even born? If someone is that sensitive that blood lines mean that much, then they need to grow the hell up and realise that your family is just a product of chance with no control over who our relatives are. But then, I'm also of the mindset that people who think what happened to their ancestors somehow entitles them to special treatment when they never even met or had anything to do with them, and it's never had any effect on their life, should get the hell over it as well. The vast majority of people just use it as an excuse to be offended. I agree . Especially on the issue of reparations for slavery . Agree with the general principle, I refuse to be labelled or limited (or lauded for that matter) for anything my grandfather may or may not have done. Not least because as our perspective of history bends and shapes to suit current fashionable sensibilities so those non-related actions of others will be looked on differently and my freedoms and potential could be limited by the whims of the opinion makers. The recent Titanic frenzy was interesting, I saw a couple of news bulletins where people on the disaster anniversary cruise ( surely one of the more bizarre quirks of western consumerism?) were crying. People in the 50's and 60's openly crying for tv cameras for the lost relatives they could not possibly have known in that they clearly died 50 years before these strange emotional junkies were born. Less certain on extending that to slavery reparations. In that, there is a direct influence on the individual concerned. If I am kidnapped, transported and treated like shit and my descendants are displaced and disadvantaged, then those future generations can feel rightly screwed over and due something.
  17. Airbus The New Saints Inter Cable Tel Locomotiv Splott Welsh Football is just the best. Anyone that hasn't been to Caersws on a wet Tuesday evening hasn't really done football.
  18. don't be ridiculous, without ketchup a mashed potato sandwich is really bland.
  19. There is simply nothing he can bring to the party for the last two matches. However, there is a chance we could get the dead manager bounce if he goes. So get him gone.
  20. '78 / '79 season I've considered doing the experiment of writing in again and seeing what the response might be. I suspect the answer may reflect more on 2012 and the Premier League than solely on Villa.
  21. paper, font, setting out the whole printer's art is sublime I've got a copy of Rape of the Fair Country that's one of my fave books partly because of the strange semi gloss paper I've never seen in any other cheapo pulp paperback. Another fave is 'The Contemporary Print' by Susan Tallman, I've got a first edition hardback and as befits the title, the whole book compliments its subject matter, including the smell.
  22. The 70s Reggae compilation on BBC2? I just watched that too. It's great to see footage of the old Reggae artists, however the performances from Top of The Pops, I always find to be lacking something. Think it's because they made the artists re-record the backing tracks, rather than playing the original recordings. Still, great to see all that old stuff on TV. yeah, just can't get enough of it at the moment. I've got Toots and M's in the car at the moment too (that and some truly cheesy country and western) TOTP was a very oddly stylised and sanitised show BBC tickets is currently advertising for Later with Jools Holland for those that are interested
  23. Does anyone know when the season highlights dvd comes out? That'll be up for some editing awards if it's any good. I tend to use the front cover to work out who will be leaving during the summer.
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