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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. or, being in the cockpit of a big Boeing landing at Heathrow or, organising an away trip in the Champions' League which was a roaring success despite my being about 70% proof for the entire trip
  2. soooo many working and living in Valetta when they won the league and cup was pretty special a mad mad party and I ended up on the flat bed lorry with the team and the world's loudest p.a. all together now: Birkikara Birkikara SHIT! SHIT! truly a great song, they missed an opportunity not sticking that in eurovision
  3. chrisp65

    New Music 2012

    Just bought Dexys new CD 'one day I'm going to soar'. It's not going to be to everyone's taste but it really is sublime. Tried to pick up the new Mary Epworth CD out today and at 12 noon they'd sold out! I'm now having a CD posted to the house, having paid cash in advance. How old school is that!
  4. I'd have to side with the Rev here. I'm not seeing an international human rights issue in this.
  5. I'm on a similar quest. My usual in Sittingbourne produces some excellent food but their attitude stinks. So i finally decided that I'd go elsewhere. Unfortunately, two months later it turns out there isn't another decent curry house for miles and miles.
  6. Don't you have to pay VAT on a used car? I'm no expert, but I think the vat is greatly reduced. If a dealer buys a car for 3000 and sells it for 3,500 he has to pay vat on the difference, i.e. the ovt takes 20% of 500 so if a new car was 6000, 1200 of that is vat if a used car was 6000 (but had cost the garage 5,500 to buy) then 100 of that is vat - so much better value I could be spectacularly wrong
  7. try this for a full on driving experience why does it have to be new? a new 6k car is instantly chucking 1200 notes at HM govt and so worth 4,800 the very next day don't fancy a landy, want some chance of reliability, go on the official mercedes used site and see what they can do you from a main dealer for 6 / 7k and apr is negotiable - last time I bought a car a new Fiat was going to cost 12% from their dealer a used C Class estate (2 yrs old) with all the extras was cheaper, windscreen price AND 3.4% apr seriously close shave, could've had an expensive Punto, but ended up with a Merc for less money Having since changed jobs and done 100,000 miles I do wonder how many Punto's I'd have burnt through by now. Lastly, if you don't worry about image and love the tree huggers type Renault Twizy into your search engine. Saw one a couple of days ago at a promo event........different.
  8. who's best, Henry Hill or Harry Hill?
  9. I've got a 3cd set in the car. All the stereotypical stuff, ring of fire, islands in the stream, jolene. Good singalong stuff.
  10. No, I like GSH, have done since I heard "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" back in the 70s - although I probably don't play it more than once a year. And I don't like what came after it - much in the way I enjoyed Zep/Purple/Sabbath but not the increasingly crass metal industry that they spawned. and there goes my black hole of knowledge I know nothing of Zep / Purple / Sabbath One of those did 'smoke on the water', I know that much, but I wouldn't want any prize money resting on my answer. Deep Purple? I also couldn't name anyone famous from those bands, I reckon Gillan and Jimmy Paige but not sure which band. Ozzy Osbourne rings a bell as being in Purple or Sabbath. Violently opposed to all that old 'shit' when I was in school. I used to actively dislike people for having Camel or Rush written on their bag. Music stopped at around about the Yardbirds / Small Faces and didn't start again until Dr Feelgood. Silly really.
  11. i don't know how old you are, but isn't this just an age thing? You say that you would know celebs pre-1970's. (beatles, etc?) so at one stage in your life, you did know current celebs. its just that you are older now, and the current crop of celebs appeal to the current younger generation (12-25). and when they get old, they won't know any of the current celebs at that time, but they'll remember the celebs of their youth. Yes, of course. I now understand why my parents had absolutely no idea what I was on about when I talked about bands I loved in the late 60s. Of course, now I can 'work backwards' and enjoy much of the music (e.g. jazz) that they liked, just like my 20-something daughters are very much into Dylan, Neil Young, etc. Having said that, I probably am more cut off from current pop culture than some others of my age (Mrs. M for example). But I think that may because I AM so obsessive about the (older) stuff that I love - I just can't spare the time or attention on anything else. Whereas what you might call the 'casual listener' will happily take in whatever's around at the time, but only in a superficial, 'wallpaper-ish' way. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it! I've used a similar theory in work. We have interweb access to the building regs plus hard copies in the office. I appear to be the only person not to be able to quote the new changes to L2. I have explained to them that I know exactly where to look for fire regs, or stair sizing or whatever so I haven't learnt it in case something important gets replaced. When asked what important thing might be lost I responded: Buzzcocks, Pete Shelley, Ever Fallen In Love? I think they understood. MJM, you say no rap, would that include the likes of Scot Gil Heron? just curious
  12. BBC 4 punk at the BBC some dross, some gems
  13. am I seeing a watermarked lion in the body of the shirt on that latest advert? I don't look good in nylon, but that would be nice.
  14. chrisp65


    I was at the Hay Festival today and got given a free copy of the Telegraph. Anybody that wants a bit more Queen related stuff (pages 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.......16,17,18.......21,22) could do worse than get themselves a copy.
  15. please don't tell me it was the elbow of your best wankinhand!
  16. chrisp65


    I'm quite surprised the role of King / Queen hasn't been re tendered. Surely these days any long established institution should be market tested. I'd happily pitch in with an offer of doing all those duties for just 57p per UK tax payer.
  17. struggling to find Charles Dickens is it just me that thinks Fanny Burney is funny?
  18. 'tis a thing of beauty, really like that. Again, not wishing to be picky but I'd have liked a bit of Alexander Cordell on there finding some room in South Wales.
  19. chrisp65


    somebody on the radio just announced that 'anybody' managing to do 60 years in the same job should be celebrated made me laugh, fair play
  20. chrisp65


    not for me thanks I'm sure she's a perfectly lovely individual and I would meet and greet her with the same respect I'd offer anyone. But you can forget all the bowing and walking backwards and deference bollix. Hopefully she'll be the last one. I'd rather my 62p go on someone less billionairish.
  21. Keep the money somewhere boring for a few months. Buy a newspaper with shares info in it. Pick some shares. look back in a few months time and try to work out if, after deducting commission, you would have made any money. FWIW, last year I put some money on some shares and in 12 months I managed to make just shy of 15% well done me, am I a financial guru? No, I was lucky, another 6 / 7 weeks and i reckon I'd have had less money than I'd started with. Mugs game unless its money you can afford to write off.
  22. Well this evening I've been to a sort of open mic spoken word and guitar soloist evening. Not really sure how to describe it, entry was by invite only, cost was contribution by conscience on the way out. Only a small gathering of about 50 people in the Urdd in Cardiff. About 20 of the 50 people got up and did their thing. (it wasn't as up itself as that might read) Blown away by some blues slidey style steel guitar playing and by a really rude poem about justin bieber.
  23. Is this a question of context? Many people climbing Everest know the rules, you might die 100ft from someone elses souvenir photo shoot. If you die, you'll probably be left there. Boxers know that they need to hit the other guy as hard as possible in the head. This could kill or wound the other guy. Do they hold back? No, it's ok in context. Personally I couldn't do it, I couldn't walk on by. But then I wouldn't go up Everest anyway, I don't need to trample all over Everest or the Arctic or the Rainforest thanks, I'm just not that selfish.
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