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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Small Faces - Ogden's Nut Gone Flake a work of genius, not least the non story side I've got an ancient copy on really thick vinyl with a fold out circular sleeve, just unwrapping the thing is a joy.
  2. Agreed, I thought I caught a bit of mis placed emotion from him yesterday. I don't think he gets the British put down humour at all, he's very defensive. GL just said he won one race in a wet suit and again he didn't get it and GL had to say 'only joking mate'. I'm not the boy Linaker's bigest fan, but the Beeb know his strengths, he's mild matey blokey banter lite - but have lumped him one on one with a mildly aspergers syndrome aussie.
  3. Aah just acquired some of those freebie football tickets for a couple of those Womens Quarter Finals on Friday. I was just getting this niggle that we had olympics on the doorstep so it was something we should tick off for the kids to be able to say they did it. Tickets around here appear to have been distributed amongst volunteer organisations, charities, community groups etc..
  4. I presumed I'd either utterly misunderstood his comment or he was trolling.
  5. a little channel hopping just revealed I now have 24 different BBC Olympic channels I watched the men's team archery earlier, Italy took it from USA by scoring a ten with their last shot, I wouldn't have thought I'd have watched it but I just got caught up in it.
  6. ah, what could be better than knowing I've got 10 pages to catch up on, and a busy day today so plenty to do later to see if I've caught the mood or got ot wrong....... I thought it was rather grand, I enjoyed it, and frankly, I'm not really that bothered how it was interpreted in Guatemala. Thumbs up, except for the bizarre Hey Jude rendition. I think that might be the last we see of matey boy at big events. The creepy creatures from under the bed, I wouldn't have guessed that if I'd been allowed a thousand guesses as to the content. well done
  7. well he's gonna have to decide which he wants
  8. Probably a bit of both but it's why I posted what I did about your not giving it to save humans comment. It seems a perfectly acceptable position to take to be very skeptical about donating to good causes when you think your donation may be diverted away from that good cause (be that to corrupt regimes, 'fat cats' or people running charities, paying themselves a wedge and doing little charity work) and, thereafter, to decide that a particular cause is unlikely to bear fruit or be as worthy of your interest as another; it would appear to be a crassly misanthropic leap to go from being a donor (interested in giving to save humans) whose illusions are shattered by the Djibouti exposé of '85 to someone who would rather not give to save humans. I have your comments in the former category but I stand to be corrected if I've read 'em wrong. what we need here is an ethics and morals thread I'm quietly confident we'll see some real mis reading of quotes once we have a more pius than you thread For my part, I wouldn't give any money to a new Live Aid 3 type campaign. I have never given a single penny to Children in Need other than the minimum to not cause a fuss in the office amongst the kids that give a fiver once a year and think they've saved the **** world. (for clarity I wouldn't pigeon hole myself as right wing by any stretch, I'm a kind of modern communist relaxed in his own skin)
  9. I've heard that bloke from Hyde Park with the big through switch makes an appearance somewhere around when Macca shouts 'hello Londo....'
  10. re discovered an old bunch of Times and Ed Ball tapes in the garage ah, back in the day man, back in the day
  11. maybe it it gives them a sense of enormous well being what, like happy for the rest of the day or something?
  12. old people on town squares that think they are doing good by feeding the pigeons no, you're not helping, don't look around trying to get people to acknowledge how saintly you are, go home and clean up the crap from your 26 cats though to be fair they might just be lonely and mental
  13. Engine 54 by The Ethiopians too hot for anything else tonight, come on, we all know the words to track 4, Last Train to Skaville....
  14. lager top! yeah, Minsky's is the place.
  15. I heard them say on 5 live that they had given 40,000 tickets away but I thought they were referring to Hampden park at that point i'm in town on Weds for the GB game ... have you got the geography on some decent pubs ? :-) Tony, The two obvious venues are The Cross and Minski's. Just in case I've read it wrong and your not a transvestite, there's also the Old Arcade and The City Arms. Both a couple of minutes from the stadium. Both serve Brains Black and SA. Both will offer an excellent passers by viewing opportunity if you sit outside. But there are shed loads. I'm probs in Kent on Wednesday or I'd have offered to buy a pint.
  16. I was in Cardiff yesterday afternoon. For those that don’t know the geography of the City, the stadium is bang in the middle of town. This makes it a great venue on match days, you can’t help but get swept up in the whole thing. Wide shopping streets lead to the stadium and have a good selection of pubs, bars and eateries all with outdoor seating to capitalise on the equatorial weather patterns. The grip on not allowing any form of Olympic branding, no use of key words or phrases and trading standards wandering the streets looking to stamp on anybody doing anything was impressive. So impressive, that I had actually forgotten there was a game on. Other than directly outside the stadium gates where there was a mascot (some sort of fox or bear for some reason) posing for photos you wouldn’t have known the Olympics were in town on that day. That’s got to be an error? They should be encouraging shops to theme up their window displays surely? As for schools being given free tickets, I’d love to know what schools. I’ve got friends that are teachers all around Cardiff and the Vale, about 10 different schools in a 12 mile arc around Cardiff. None know anything about any free tickets. Perhaps that’s why there was a 15,000 no show. Somewhere there’s a head masters desk with 15,000 tickets shoved in it and a post it note with ‘to do’ written on it. I suppose the peripheral events are just that, peripheral. The majority will be in London, natch, and I’m sure there’ll be no mistaking the games are on. Certainly the number of 2012 branded BMW’s on the M25 should be a big clue. It was funny on Tuesday, got passed by the usual quota of BMW’s containing a single suited office type. I’ve got used to that over the last few months. What was different this week was as well as the suits in Beemers, there were groups of people in sportswear, crammed into Minibuses and Fiats. British cycling appear to be travelling in a fleet of Fiat Bravos. I think that reflects something of the Olympic ethos. Don’t mean to be negative, the BBC are doing a great job of promoting this and I'm going to get into it. It’s just my personal experience is slightly meh!
  17. no an individual can wear whatever they like other than big hats if you turn up with a bunch of mates and try to sit as a block and you've clearly got a slogan or something dastardly spelled out then you will be shot by the police then taken out and lost by G4S
  18. In a word, no. And that's from someone who hates BMWs I'd have to agree, it's a no. Admittedly I haven't clicked the clicky, but it does appear to be an american car.
  19. 25,000 at the Millenium in Cardiff today for the opening GB Women's football. For some reason they were expecting over 40,000 so I wonder if they had a lot of no shows or had expected walk up that didn't materialise.
  20. Many years ago I got stuck in the office lift having popped out to purchase several ice cream based products for my office colleagues. Carnage.
  21. yeah sorry about that, I had a golf thing I had to do carry on though, just pretend we're not there,
  22. Quite close to the original list really, and to be honest, there'll be something in just about any genre that I will listen to. I'm a musical slut really.
  23. This kind of goes full circle to Bicksters original query of do you know what you want the camera for? Are you looking to spend £600 on something used? Or are you now looking to minimise your spend? What is the reason for second hand? Your local independent camera shop will most likely have a window half full of used stuff. My nipper is still in primary school and took the photo above whilst wandering around with my camera, there's no way I'd have handed over the camera if it cost £600 - I also wouldnt leave it in the boot of the car.
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