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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. VW - was happy to be a customer for life but they got greedy and tried to have me over, I very politely warned them I was potentially buying a new Golf once every three years for the rest of my life, they called my bluff. Never bought one since. lovely little independent sandwich shop closest to my office once tried to do me out of change from a tenner. Again, warned them that it wasn't worth arguing with me as i was a customer every single day. Owner of the shop wasn't having it. So for 5 years I went the extra 20 metres to Greggs, and waved at him as I passed his shitty little fly filled kiosk.
  2. Tennant and Smith filming together tonight. South Wales roads have gone into meltdown around Neath apparently..... ....filming in Neath must mean it's some sort of post apocalypse zombie episode set in a formica clad chippy
  3. you're not on your own Tony but the correct etiquette is to nod sagely and say nothing whilst your brain screams '**** ME! REALLY? ...... REALLY?, well **** me I never knew that' Massive Clash fan in my office had to be taken down a peg when he was rude to somebody that liked the Ade Edmondson Bad Shepherds' cover of it and was taking it all a bit too seriously as a sort of Clash blasphemy.
  4. you may possibly live next to my dad! is it an old git with a couple of BSA's being prepped for show season? me: what you doing today dad? dad: ooh I think there's some shit in the carb and I've a show coming up next week, so I'm gonna try and blow it out me; Abyssinia
  5. Any examples of this forced multiculturalism? What exactly do you perceive to be multiculturalism anyway? Is a Chinese take away part of this compelled multiculturalism? Or maybe we should ban Chicken Tikka Masala? Perhaps we should outlaw the Donner kebab for fear of being swamped by Germans? What exactly are you scared of? Perhaps he means to stop these 'Anglo Saxons' buying up houses as second homes in Scotland, Wales and Cornwall. Perhaps that's it. We need to stop rich folk from London law firms jacking up house prices in Cornwall. We need to stop London bankers buying pubs in Carmarthenshire as hobbies and hiring staff that can't speak Welsh. Perhaps he means to stop Brits buying second homes in France or Portugal? Perhaps he means to stop me working out of Malta, I speak virtually none of the local language except a few basic swear words, I'm not Catholic, I've never shot at the wildlife and my car isn't battered. Am I forcing multiculturalism on the good people of Qormi? Somebody thinking they can decide what culture is ok and what culture is 'dangerous' or not ours or not to be allowed is an idiot. At what point did KFC become part of our culture? Should we ban people setting up KFC franchises? If not KFC how about the thousand immitators? What if I suspect one of the immitators is also proper foreign? Allah's Chicken Bucket. Should it be banned?
  6. chrisp65


    yeah, been a few times, it's fine if you've got kids of the right age stay away from the lego pick n mix shop unless you've got decent access to credit
  7. anybody that thinks a drug addiction is just a question of mind over matter and the individual should just sort themselves out.....should set themselves the task of not having a little tug on the little tiger for a month
  8. yeah another vote for the same here, not a great album, but God Only Knows is close to the pinnacle of pop music (long with Feel Flows)
  9. he hasn't looked his busy eager self recently and according to Shearer it might be because he knew stuff was going on in the background, an interesting take on events, he was shit because he knew he was getting sacked and not he was sacked cos he was shit it's good to have media buddies
  10. Nice little job in Australia or Qatar or some such next. Some nation that wants to build reputation, without actually having any knowledge of what they are doing. It would probably be ideal if he joined Azerbaijan as they are currently one of the few nations prepared to buy in shit players from elsewhere.
  11. http://uknea.unep-wcmc.org/Resources/tabid/82/Default.aspx This report appears kinda in depth and without political bias, it shows 6.8% of the UK is urban, I'd suggest 6.8% is not full. I'd go as far as to say it's over 93% not full. I've never previously been warned not to mix my UK drinking waters as they become toxic, I might have to look into that later. It would be a mistake to presume I support the bedroom tax. Quite the opposite, I support the nurturing of a community spirit whilst also helping build infrastructure and not the spiteful vindictive taxing of the poor to push them into ghettos. We would do all this because it would be a constructive way to improve quality of life, potentially if we can feed ourselves, fuel our homes and live in good quality suitable housing in sensible places we won't need more and more cash to buy in fuel and food. The problem with buying in fuel and food, it's expensive, doubly so when we need to spend on the military to then protect our fuel and food interests. It's kinda connected. It's about polititcians having aspirations to improve the nation not just stay in power by pandering to a short term majority with short term tax tweeks, expensively buying off group after group.
  12. UP DVLA on a numberplate would actually be sort of funny, but not football related
  13. The lack of water thing is interesting. Where do we draw the line on people co-operating? This whole 'england is full' bullshit kind of falls over if we all take that attitude. Wales is nowhere near running out of water, you could quadruple the population of Wales and the water would still be running. Perhaps Wales and Scotland have to consider the bigger picture and cut ties with England? Yes a bit of short term pain as they don't get their benefits subsidised, but I'm sure there would be a deal to be done once this water thing kicks in. As for not building on agricultural land because the non agricultural land can't grow crops. Well, forgive me, could we build the houses on the shitty land then? Well yes we could. We could also consider why we are using sooo much resource to grow cows not crops. When we are serious about space and about self sufficiency we'll see the true cost of beef kick in. When we are serious about space, we'll see a level of innovation around pre fabs and factory build homes that at present looks like sci fi, which is comical, because we were so close to nailing it in the 1950's. Too many oldies hogging 3 bedroom houses? Build them a nicer community based around pre fabs with on call wardens and care and a little post office / pharmacy / shop / cafe. Make it aspirational, not somewhere that stinks where you go to be slapped for two years before you die and stop being a drain on resources. We could get all those angry unemployed english kids to look after the place. Desalination plants? We could build them off shore, on top of the wave turbines and wind turbines we need to keep the lights on 15 years from now. It might not make great drinking water, but it could irrigate the crops and golf courses of england that currently do suck up drinking water. All that sea, all that coast, all that wind, how we can be running short of energy is a scandal. But as long as those in control have more money than us they can buy the last of the old fuel so no **** worries eh. Crazy idea, don't shed thousands of army jobs, get them building flood defences and prefabs and roads and railway routes and turbines. Perhaps the money we are spending on assasination drones could be used to build solar panels or insulation or wood chip burners. But do you know what happens when there are two possible plans? When one plan says we'll keep our shit and close our door, and the other plan says we could actually take a risk, pool resources and build a sustainable community? What happens is the lazy, the thick, the selfish, the duped and the scared make the wrong choices and the door closes. No money for a grand plan? Bollocks, they found it soon enough when their banks fell over and when their bombs became outdated.
  14. Well, with the population currently at approx 70M, but the UK only about 10% urbanised, we can have a few more yet. Britain is not 'full'. What's full is the existing city periphery poor persons belt. It's a dilema, the cleaners need to live close to the money, if only we could do without cleaners (and their disgusting needs for cheap food and health care), then the nice cities could be nicer.
  15. I think that on the subject of what some politicians might claim to agree with 'off the record', they probably all even each other out. I know that I've had conversations with a couple of tory candidates that have claimed to be truly embarassed by some of the aggressive heartless toffs in their party. I've also had conversations with a sitting Labour MP where he claimed he couldn't really care less and was in it as a straightforward career choice. That same Labour MP on a separate occassion let a small group of us know he considered himself a 'sleeper' for the far far far left. So I guess what he actually was, was someone that couldn't control his mouth when he'd had a lager. On the subject of immigration, I'd ask the anti immigration brigade to explain to me how the pension system works and what mine will look like in 25 years time if we stop immigration. Farage? Rich chancer enjoying life.
  16. You make politics in the UK sound like X Factor The idea is to vote for policies not personalities And when did UKIP suddenly become "centre right"? I must have missed the announcement and resultant policy shift Labour are "centre right" Labour is the very reason why the country is **** up in the first place. Can you not see the policy of immigrant rights come before english rights. They go to the extreme out of fear of being labelled racists. UKIP are the only people that realise we need to close our borders asap. England can't keep paying for immigrants free benefits and free hospital care, not to mention crime. couldn't agree more mate, don't let the others shout you down before all these **** Irish and Welsh and wotnots came over here England was a green and pleasant land of milk honey warm beer and fractions of inches. Then some foreign idiot thought these foreign workers shouldn't die in servitude to coal barons and land owners and only went and invented the **** Labour party. Down hill ever since.
  17. currently listening to 'Analogue on the Delta' by Alabama 3 it's alternative takes and mixes of some of their earlier stuff and really rather grand
  18. yeah, you're not going to get rich on sexy chat with that attitude
  19. I don't have a comedy ringtone, but thought the opening lines of this song were apt..
  20. I need to try and find out enough info to hunt down a CD and then hope the CD isn't buggered by somebody over producing it. Headphones on and eyes closed you can get all out of it.
  21. sad thing is, I bet he can't even play the piano saw this pic and just thought it was a Chas n Dave knees up
  22. I think it was Xann posted some of this a while ago - I'm hooked
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