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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L4pkQkbado [/media] for us, and lovers of cheese
  2. what you sayin' there Jon??
  3. aye, fair point blandy I think the proper interrogation of UKIP will come once they are so stretched as to need more than Farage in front of the inquiring media. I'd be fairly sure that 5 UKIP spokespeople would give five jazz variations of answers on any given question. It's a really awkward one, what I dislike about the other parties is the droning on message efficiency (for much of the time), that prove 'the party' is all about protecting the brand first and foremost. Whilst UKIP appear to be the polar opposite of this, they are the opposite in a negative way. More a random bag of psychotics than a collective of free thinkers. It'll all be better once I'm in charge.
  4. buy the car you like at the price you can afford be happy in yourself
  5. disagree totally Here is a 'new' party that is misleading people with a cheap party trick that could potentially skew the outcome of a democratic election and adversley affect the future direction of this country. It's a classic snake oil side show con. Are you against change? Sign here. Are you against that mad health and safety stuff you saw in the paper? Sign here. Don't want gypsies and a wind turbine in your garden? Sign here. Want tax reduced and spending increased? Sign here. Fancy being let off the occassional drink drive error that isn't meant to stop hard working people have a fag and a pint? Sign here. I'm not saying the regular parties are creditable, I'm simply saying he is worse by a bloody big margin. It's anti anything to raise a crowd charlatan bollocks. The proof of which is that they haven't even vetted the people representing them. It isn't good enough to say we are growing too fast to thin out the odd nutter. They have people that will be representing them, representing us that believe in forced abortion for disabled babies. They have white supremacists hiding in their jolly happy go lucky ranks. Farage himself this morning stated they would impose a flat rate tax at at least two levels. Now clearly one of us doesn't understand what a flat rate means. He's a chancer that has proven yet again, you can fool some of the people, all of the time.
  6. I can see my theft of a milk float is all a bit League One in this thread. It's a fascinating read, true or tosh, no matter. I just have to remember who not to sit next to at the VT Christmas Party.
  7. d'oh! UKIP is basically for torries that lack any sense of embarassment.......
  8. UKIP is basically for tories that lack any sense of embarassment
  9. I think the sentiment is still true. The revolution will not be televised. You will not have your revolution played for your convenience on the TV. It has to happen to you, in you, to include you.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VqGWfq0Btg&list=RD026L-g3Rkp63E GSH is really rather good, but unfortunately Bicks won't be re booking him.
  11. they probs don't mind being called British half as much as they mind being called english
  12. yeah, it's down right rotten to go through the public postings and ramblings of their candidates and pick out the racists and homophobes and eugenicists
  13. will we have to wait another 5 years for the next big revelation? 2018 and somebody confesses they like watching their relatives take a crap....
  14. I want her to ask him a question about ladyboys or robots or Stalin. I just can't wait to hear the accent the answer comes out in. Eric, do you have an opinion on Stalinist ladyboy robots?
  15. Eric Burdon (Animals) Eric, it's a 30 minute interview on BBC 6, pick one accent and stick to it. I don't care if you're a California kinda guy, a geordie or Elvis. But pick one, and stick to it. Almost unlistenable, y'all wayey, man.
  16. I remember 18 being a big deal. I'd been drinking in a couple of boozers since 15 and I'd been going to a few nightclubs since I was 16. So suddenly being 18 and legit kinda took the edge off it all. I didn't have that superior feeling of i) having fooled the staff, 3) being younger than everyone else and b: fooled the smilie code After that, I really haven't been overly bothered about birthdays, I'd go as far as to say there are times I genuinely have to have a little pause and think as to how old I am.
  17. was it Cornwall where their candidate Sue Bowen has been kicked out of the party for admitting that until recently she was BNP? she's still standing (because she'd spent money printing her leaflets), but isn't canvassing, apparently she joined UKIP for the same reason she joined the BNP, too many foreigners taking over the country and being a farmer, she's worried the govt is trying to turn us French! stay off the scrumpy lovely
  18. it's all about the mid priced aussie chardonnay this evening I have a fiendish plan and 13% by vol plonk is phase 1 of operation orgasmotron.......
  19. At some VW festival thing back in the day, I'd had a good day, a long good day. I'd thoroughly joined in the whole spirit of the thing and at the end of the day mistook the large outdoor garden / bbq candles for some mad giant help yourself complimentary we're all beautiful mega spliffs. At the same festival, I fell out of my mates convertible dub, whilst driving it.
  20. I once managed to hit my neighbour's car, by ramming mine into it, whilst actually driving my dad's car. As a kid I was walking my bike home because the brakes had broken, I was at the top of the big hill and one kid I didn't particularly like (he saw himself as a 12 year old tough guy), asked me for a go on the bike. I let him have a go. He was about three quarters of the way down the hill when the speed wobble of death got him. I once accidentally smashed my mates teeth out by lobbing a brick in a game of war. I shouted grenade and lobbed it, he looked up to ask what I'd said and caught it in his chops. Knocked him senseless and toothless. We took an arm or a leg each, laid him at his mum's front door rang them bell and ran like fuckery. I once stole a milk float and left it in somebody's garden, In a garden wall versus glass and fibre glass milkfloat clash, there are no winners.
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