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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I'm exactly the same way as you Mooney. Some of my friends who are also Villa fans call me a bad fan because I don't watch them on TV against the tougher teams when we're not doing so well. It's not about that, it's for me and the people around me, because I know that I can be miserable and incredibly irritable after watching Villa lose. Yeah I'm still annoyed when I hear the result, but watching the entire game and seeing all the stupid mistakes just sets me off and it's really not worth it to get that upset over a football match. I did, however, feel the need to watch the Sunderland game. I don't know why I thought I should watch it, I just thought we might have a chance I guess. Naturally I'm over the moon that I saw it. glad it's not just me Any number of times in the last two years I've deliberately done something else entirely on a match day rather than ruin a weekend for the four of us. I care so much, sometimes I don't watch.
  2. Probably, but my confidence in my own talent isn't the best so I don't really dare to try and get some contacts. I'd love to play with the drummer from the one band I was a part of, and he'd love to play with me too, but he's a very good drummer and mostly play with really good musicians and I'd just feel like an amateur player playing for Bayern Munich. But the thought is still there. I agree, the hard bit is trying to find people of a similar standard to work with. I would never have advertised or put myself forward to strangers as a singer/musician, but in the 80s I happened to have a few mates who were of a similar standard. The social thing came first, really. Probably why I won't do it again, as I currently don't have friends who play. What I will do though - as people are currently discussing in the VT musicians thread - is do some home recording. It's a golden age for it, with the affordable kit you can get now. the only thing I can say here, is that these guys have taken a few years putting together an album recorded at home and it is immense, as good as anything from a label once in a blue moon, when they all have the time, they play a pub gig and 37 people stand around watching and dancing those 37 people, including me, think they are the best band in the world
  3. NOT A SCIENTIFIC SURVEY - DAY 3 er, did the Bristol trip, didn't see a single one which if you really want one, we can spin as me not having seen a single woman driving one all day, which is true
  4. well it would be no use canvassing 100 people on VT for names beginning with P or French landmarks, by the time the 10th person had answered we'd have swerved into shitting on someone's nan.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNOWPNHlSpw about 2'40" in is a song called Detroit 442, it's one of the very first and finest pieces of music I bought! it's how I learnt to lift the needle and replay instantly without wrecking a record
  6. I didn't think we'd see Starkey tarting himself out again after his frankly bizarre Newsnight stint.
  7. don't they use the studio audience to build up a stock of subjects and answers? I'd fully expect to be handed a questionnaire if I was in the crowd to go see an episode of pointless being filmed equally, I'd expect a high proportion of that audience to have an interest in quizes, so 5 of them not knowing where the trifle tower is would be odd
  8. yep, simple as, end of same goes for clothes, partners, music and dance moves
  9. chrisp65


    a friend of my nan's chiropidist knows a bloke who's daughter's stalker reckons Norwich have got permission to draft in C Cuellar on an emergency loan home and dry
  10. yep, last day tomorrow, a little run out to Bristol, so it'll be a poncey up their own arses pretend hippy but actually aggressive middle class daddies boy demographic I don't honestly know what the orientation of the homosexual gay guy was, but he was parked up in the services, convertible down and clearly had plucked and shaped eyebrows
  11. hahaha... love this! Good work! Do another count tomorrow please NOT A SCIENTIFIC SURVEY - DAY 2 girls 2 : 3 boys twice as many miles today but saw the same number of Z4's, either that's random luck or I had a little light sleep between Slough and Newbury anyway, 2 ladies vs 3 blokes today, only right to report one of the blokes was clearly a homosexual gay - that's neither a good or a bad thing, just an observation to throw into the mix
  12. the past is a foreign country and all that not suggesting anything untoward, but it was just a different world Cleo Rocos was 15 (fifteen) when she started work on the kenny everett show, I don't imagine a similar appointment being made these days
  13. This might be skirting around getting one or two VT'ers a bit excited, but I'll warn you now, there is no sex in this story: Many years ago, on the Student Union, I helped organise the first party / piss up of the new college year. I was properly nervous that it should be a success, so I probably set off at a bit of a strong pace. Having speed drunk waaaaay too much way too quickly I realised I was going to be very sick. For some bizarre drink fuddled reason I decided I couldn't be seen to be ill in front of all the new dudes I was hanging out with (which was odd because previously me and my 'real' mates would deliberately induce chucking up to make space for more beer). Anyway, I didn't want to be seen to be ill. So I ran round thanking everyone for making it all brilliant, and enigmatically left my own party early. Ran down the stairs, jumped in a taxi and went home. Taxi driver put me on the £25 clean up warning, he could see where it was going. Got home literally with my mouth clamped shut. Key in door, bang through the door. Bolted up the stairs, two at a time, mouth full. Layout of the house was toilet door directly top of the stairs. Up the stairs, kick open the bathroom door and projectile vomit in the direction of the toilet. Full force, full pressure, full projectile vomit. 'ahhhhhhhhhhhh, sorry mum' my mum was sat on the loo
  14. I'm curious to see what evidence they have in some of these cases. I obviously don't know whether they did it or not, and anybody that did should be hunted down and dealt with. But how do you get enough evidence years after the event? Other than witnesses or a confession I can't see how a claim of abuse 10 / 30 / 50 years ago can possibly stick?
  15. no regrets at all of any significance lovin' the whole family guy thing, I get away with a fair bit of juvenile behaviour I go to gigs and games pretty much when i want usually regret tidying up the last doughnut, why do the fekkers put 5 in a pack? so, no regrets, but given a chance of seeing how an alternative lifestyle would pan out, I was briefly in a shockingly bad band that were very very good at self publicity and ticket sales (that got us into spectacular trouble), at the same time I was offered a job with a chandlers merchant in London alongside the Thames. Turned down the job and packed in the band. Would've been interesting to see what a cocky sod with a guitar, an eye for a gimmick and a job could've done in London. Probably would've been more Midnight Cowboy than anything else.
  16. new neon neon album out a couple of days ago
  17. Cardiff Wales Airport (only 12 miles from Cardiff in all fairness) had 3 planes on the same day last Saturday ****' mental it was, the local taxi driver couldn't have his lunch til nearly 3 in the afternoon
  18. just realised how topical this one is, from about 2'50"
  19. respect the GLC and everything they stand for
  20. Don't drive a Merc. don't dis the Merc'! stereo system to die for and you can get half of Ikea or 8 bags of compost (essentially the same thing) in the back but seriously, if I listened to what others think I'd currently be rocking around in a cockaudi with nobody letting me out at junctions, as it is, the black Merc estate looks like a hearse and everyone lets you out (especially if i've got my big hat on) NOT A SCIENTIFIC SURVEY: I was counting Z4's on the motorway today for you, total count on the M25 was 4, all driven by the ladies got into Shittingbourne, one more Z4, driven like a proper juvenile cock on his own imaginery race track - that was a male so 80% of todays Z4 drivers were female, the other 20% were cockheads
  21. Wigan and Newcastle playing away games against teams well above them, 3 points on Saturday and it's all gravy.
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