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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I'm guessing this is fantasy superhero character movie speak. I suspect Robin has teamed up with Alien to kick seven shades of shit out of that gay alien no Star Wars nerd likes. This would be too improbable to accept as Robin is based in 1960's Gotham according to episode 2 of series 5 of the first manga translation of the original stage play. (I've been in the sun all day and I have consumed red wine of a non specific region or vintage that was £3.99 a bottle)
  2. I was explaining to somebody why, even with our league position I was happier with Lambert than......than.....oh, er Mc, Mc, ummmm not McCuuuu. I had actually blanked and forgotten his name and the only thing that would come to the font of the brain was McClown.
  3. Crispy King on account of the way I answer the phone
  4. has this thread just come full circle to it's original porpoise?
  5. No, where have you seen this suggestion?
  6. well done, it's about numbers now, do we limit population growth, or do we build more schools and surgeries and employ more teachers and nurses jeesh, that's a tricky one, I guess the best thing to do is to put the breaks on and all sit at home watching the Darling Buds of May and remembering a better time
  7. this talk of being over crowded is a myth and I really don't understand why people fall for it the road around London is quite busy? ok there are several solutions here, we can stop immigration and limit the number of babies the poor have and put tolls on the roads, that'll fix it. Alternatively, we could build additional roads or push business out to other cities. Let's get radical, we could build new towns. But of course, building new towns would require legions of navvies, of banksmen, of brickies, of plumbers, plasterers, lorry drivers, architects, engineers, electricians. It would mean building new shops, train stations, hospitals and power stations. That's the last thing we need. Better we stop the Bulgarians taking our jobs at Starbucks.
  8. as much as I was suspicious that this would just be a celeb milking his celebrity to massage his own ego and all that......it does look like a decent gig I'll keep an eye out for UK dates - strikes me as a christmas party gig
  9. I am diggin' this!!! I could be at this alllllllllllllllll day posting music that makes me happy but here's a sample few..... I want to keep posting but you get the idea.... got some working!
  10. well this has got top quality football fest written all over it being sensible, we've probs got to hope for a Stoke win here as Stoke's goal diff means they're unlikely to genuinely figure in the last day madness
  11. ahh I do envy you. Tried a game of 5 a side a couple of months back, lasted about 10 minutes on adrenalin and then realised somebody had set fire to my lungs.
  12. I don't know who he is, but he needs to cheer up a bit.
  13. boom! as I believe the youngsters say boom! yeah look at me down with the yoot
  14. Spellchecking at eight? **** that makes me feel old. You had computers at primary school. We switched from 'dip in the ink' pens to the new-fangled biros at about that age. You thinking I'm kidding. I'm not. I remember our school having a big debate about whether to allow biros. The thinking amongst the trad older teachers was that biro's were ok but really weren't the future and proper jobs / cv's / exams etc would always be ink pens and if we didn't know how to handle a bottle of Qink we'd be at a disadvantage in life.
  15. chrisp65


    Norwich just cancelled their end of season Players' Dinner. It was booked for Monday and it's been decided they'll be better off getting a bit more training ground work in instead! PUBLISHED 18:30 4th May 2013 by Norwich City Football Club THE Club is sorry to confirm that the request of the management team and board of directors the Club is cancelling a number of events, including this Monday’s End of Season Dinner, as the players and everyone at the Club are devoting all their energies to the forthcoming games against West Bromwich Albion and Manchester City. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused. All refunds for events will be made next week. Read more at http://www.canaries.co.uk/news/article/end-of-season-2013-cancellation-808215.aspx#Mp1uELIDkVC9AJHO.99
  16. chrisp65


    Sunderland and Southampton both below us and have to play each other. I like that.
  17. Alfa's are nice cars. Just a shame they are so unreliable. Not so much anymore not the strongest advertising strapline though is it 'less bad than they used to be'
  18. I am drained. well done my lovelies, well done
  19. Gabby I love you man. There's always a cup of tea in my house if you're passing.
  20. Was it your cavalier attitude toward the protection of the poor disabled orphan girl against gravity induced injury that first attracted heartless bastard Russ Crowe to you? Jones: 'oi, retread, can you fly?' (pushes girl holding puppy) Crowe: 'oooh, I do like a strong woman' (palpable boner) Crowe: 'excuse me Sheila, fancy a date?' Jones: '**** you, ya kangaroowanker' it's how I picture it, I'm pretty confident it's spot on
  21. just imagine, once you get to know him it could turn out he's on VT and has shagged his uncle's shih tzu
  22. seen them live a couple of times, it's quite a night out!
  23. I've thought deeply on the subject, I've done deep dive research and I've poured over their slightly 'thin' manifesto. But mostly, it's the fact that they all begin every sentence with the words "I'm not racist, but...." it's a classic give away
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